Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More on Microschools... Good Morning America Story

[This is a sponsored content through Steve Hargadon's Learning Revolution programs. You will receive $50 off by using the coupon code "STEVE" if you decide to work with Mara and the Microschool program.]

For those folks who want to know more about what microschools are, Mara Linaberger has shared this video to help you wrap your head around what a microschool is, and why you might want to build one now.

There was also a story on Good Morning America yesterday about microschools: https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/family/story/microschooling-parents-creative-school-fall-71745030. Mara says it has caused a definite stir around the topic of school building, and that the Microschool Builders Facebook group has seen over 100 new members join in just the last 24 hours. 

Mara says: "While free Facebook groups are a good place to start, they take time and energy to dig through and to find the tips and tricks you need to figure out if building a school is for you. What if you could not only figure out if you're meant to build a microschool, but map it out in just three hours?  That's what the Microschool Builders INTENSIVE Gathering is all about. There are still spots available. Grab yours now, and save $50 by using our special group code: STEVE. Microschools are on the rise - why not find out if you're meant to be part of this innovation now?"

To learn more (and get your $50 discount with coupon code "STEVE"), please go to https://microschoolbuilders.com/the-gathering.

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