
Upcoming Travel / Events
  • Library 2.024 Miniconferences
  • Library 2.0 Webinar Series
Organizer - Events and Conferences (see
  • Alternative Education Film Festival (2014) - Creator
  • ChatGPT + AI 2023 Bootcamp for Libraries and Librarians (2023) - Instructor & Creator
  • ChatGPT + AI 2024 Bootcamp for Libraries and Librarians (2024) - Instructor & Creator
  • Connected Educator Month (2012, 2013) - Committee and Kickoff Chair
  • Connected Librarian Day (2013, 2014) - Creator
  • Educating for Digital Citizenship - CoSN/UNESCO Symposium - Leadership Team (2018)
  • Emergency Home Learning Summit (2020) - Creator and Chair
  • Emergency Online Remote Teaching and Learning (2020) - Creator and Chair
  • Future of K12 (2013) Organizer
  • Future of Museums Conference (2014) - Founder and Co-Chair
  • Future Ready Schools - the 2015 School Leadership Summit (2015) - Organizer
  • Gaming in Education Conference (2014) - Founder and Co-Chair
  • Global Collaboration Day (2017) - Co-Chair
  • Global Education Conference (2010 - 2019) - Co-Founder and Co-chair
  • Global Education Day (2014 - 2019) - Co-Founder and Co-Chair
  • Global Education Fair (2017, 2018 Online) - Creator and Co-Organizer
  • Global Leadership Summit (2016, 2017, 2018) - Co-Founder and Co-Chair
  • Global Student Conference (2017)
  • Hack Your Education Tour (Fall 2012)
  • Homeschool Conference (2013, 2014) - Founder and Co-Chair
  • ISTE Unplugged / "Hack Education"  Unconference (previously EduBloggerCon/SocialEdCon) (2006 - 2018) - Creator
  • (2017)
  • K12 Open Minds (2008, 2009)
  • Learning 2.0 Conference (2012) - Founder and Chair
  • Learning Revolution (2014) - Founder and Chair
  • Learning Revolution Online Conference (2020) - Founder and Chair
  • Library 2.0 Future of Libraries Conference (2011 - 2015) -  Founder and Co-Chair
  • Library 2.0 Spring Summit (2015) - Founder and Co-Chair
  • Library 2.0 Mini-conferences
    • 2.016
      • "Libraries of the Future" - Co-Chair
      • "Library as Classroom" - Co-Chair
      • "Privacy in the Digital Age" - Co-Chair
    • 2.017
      • "Expertise, Competencies and Careers" - Co-Chair
      • "Digital Literacy + Fake News" - Co-Chair
      • "Makerspaces" - Co-Chair 
    • 2.018
      • "Design Thinking: How Librarians Are Incorporating It Into Their Practice" - Co-Chair
      • "Blockchain Applied: Impact on the Information Profession"
      • "Social Crisis Management in a 21st Century World"
    • 2019
      • "Instructional Design" - Co-Chair
      • "Open Data" - Co-Chair
      • "Emerging Technology" - Co-Chair
    • 2020
      • "Wholehearted Librarians" - Co-Chair
      • "Small, Rural, and Independent Libraries" - Co-Chair
      • "Sustainability in Libraries" - Co-Chair
    • 2021
      • "Creando Enlaces" - Co-Chair
      • "Reinventing Libraries Post-Covid" - Co-Chair
      • "Libraries as Community Anchors" - Co-Chair
    • 2022
      • "Virtual Reality and Learning: Leading the Way" - Co-Chair
      • Urban Librarianship: Embracing Challenges and Opportunities through Innovation, Leadership, and Best Practices - Co-Chair
      • "Libraries and Privacy" - Co-Chair
    • 2023
      • 2023 Mental Health and Wellness: Library Workers Thriving in Uncertain Times
      • 2023 Banned Books and Censorship: Current Intellectual Freedom Issues in the Library
      • 2023 EDI 2.0: Individual Responsibility for Creating Belonging and Connection in the Library Profession
    • 2024
      • 2024 AI and Libraries: Applications, Implications, and Possibilities
      • 2024 AI and Libraries II: More Applications, Implications, and Possibilities
      • 2024 The Supportive Library: Helping Patrons Experiencing Homelessness
  • Library 2.0 Service, Safety, and Security Webinar Series with Dr. Steve Albrecht (2018 - Current)
  • Library 2.0 Wellness Series with Loida Febo-Garcia (2023 - Current)
  • Media Literacy Week Fair (2018)
  • Microschool Summit (2022)
  • Overcoming Self Sabotage (2021)
  • OZeLive (2014) -  Co-creator and Opening Keynote
  • Professional Productivity with ChatGPT & AI (2014) - Co-Creator with Reed Hepler
  • Reform Symposium RSCON (2013) - Co-Chair and Organizer
  • RevinventED Conference (2013) - Organizing Team
  • Reinventing the Classroom (2014) - Founder and Chair
  • Reinventing.Education (2015 Asheville) - Co-Founder
  • Reinventing.School (2020 - 2021) - Executive Producer
  • School Leadership Summit (2013, 2014, 2015) - Founder and Co-Chair
  • Social Learning Summit (2012) - Founder and Chair
  • SocialEdCon (previously EduBloggerCon) West (2006 - 2012) - Creator
  • Special Pandemic Mini-Conference: "Serving the Needs of Communities in Crisis" (2020) - Creator and Co-Chair
  • Starting to Homeschool Webinar Series (2015) - Organizer
  • STEMxCon (2013) Co-Founder and Co-Chair
  • Student Technology Conference (2015, 2016 Mentor and Co-Creator)
  • Survive and Thrive! Webinar / Workshop Series (2021 - Current)
  • Teacher Entrepreneurship Week (2015) - Creator
  • Teacher Librarian Day (2015) - Creator
  • Tiny House Summit (2017) - Creator
  • Win at School (2020, 2021, 2022)

I launched and ran Ning's education program for 18 months, and educators continue to constitute their largest percentage of users. As a devoted user of Elluminate, I then became the public face of their community efforts two years until the company was acquired by Blackboard. In both cases, I was an active user of programs before joining their teams, and well known for authentically representing users to company and company to users. I have consulted for PBS, Intel, Ning, Blackboard, Microsoft, KnowledgeWorks Foundation, CoSN, MERLOT, the U.S. State Department, Mightybell, and many others on educational technology and specifically on social networking. I am available for consulting on Web 2.0, social networking, and educational technology projects. I can be reached at or 916-283-7901.


I am available for physical or virtual presentations or keynotes.

Presentation Topics
  • Educational Technology
    • The Learning Revolution. The advent of the Internet is bringing changes to both formal and informal learning, and its impact will rival, if not exceed, that of the printing press. New opportunities for learning, creation, participation, and collaboration will dramatically shape how we think about schools and learning in the future. We will create together a new road-map of opportunities for individual learners and for institutions.
    • The Amish Test: Does the Technology Improve Our Lives (and Learning)? It is important that we evaluate educational technologies and the often-invisible pedagogies that have shaped them or are promoted by them. The main question: does a technology tool promote agency (choice and self-direction) or compliance?  
    • Technology and Pedagogy. At the ISTE annual conference, a large group of ed tech educators is asked how many work in a school or district that determines its technology purchases based on a philosophy of learning. One or two tentatively raise their hands. Why, at the heart of ed tech, is so little technology adoption driven by core beliefs about learning? And how do we change this?
  • Education Reform
    • Confessions of a Learning Revolutionary
    • The Conditions of Learning. In institutional settings, it's easy to lose sight of core values, as the often-pressing needs of the organization can easily overshadow them. It is important to ask what our personally most-transformative learning experiences have been, what were the conditions that led to those experiences, and how do we recreate them in our own learning communities? It is ever the human elements of education that we must remember and support.
    • Avoiding GERMS - The Dangers of Prescriptive Politics in Education. Pasi Sahlberg identified the ease with which educational ideas can spread ("Global Education Reform Movement" - or GERM) without necessarily being beneficial. Ideas (and germs) spread because they are good at spreading, not because they necessarily benefit those infected. History has shown over and over that when one group of people decides that they know what is best for another group (rather than involving them in the process of building their own solutions), grave injustices can take place. Who are the victims of the Global Education Reform Movement?
    • A Student Bill of Rights. What is a "student bill of rights," why would your educational community need one, and how would you go about creating it?
    • The A-C Fallacy - How Our Rush for Results Dooms Education. In any endeavor, starting at point "A," there is a desire to mandate the results of ultimate goal "C"--rather than to understand the conditions and work involved (B) that authentically produce good outcomes. In education, we often do the moral equivalent of demanding that crops be harvested where we haven't dug, planted, watered, and cared for them. The fundamentals of helping students become learners must be at the heart of our learning communities, and why it's important to avoid the temptations to systematize and commoditize learning.
    • Education and the Health of Nations. What forms of education build strength in their communities, and why are compliance and control systems of education so attractive when their results are so dismal?
    • The Divine Learner. Why the belief in the inherent worth and value of every learner is not only our moral responsibility, but is also the most practical and pragmatic path toward building healthy learning communities.
    • "I Wasn't One of the Smart Ones" - How We Fail Most Students. The thing that schools often teach best to most students is that they are not good learners. Even the "successful" students often recognize that they were good at the "game" of school, not at becoming deep learners. What we need to do, and how, to reclaim learning in our schools and in our culture.
    • PropagandED - Why the Conversation About Education Matters. A look at how the conversations about education and edtech reflect deeper historical and philosophical views of the individual and society, and how these insights can be used when evaluating learning technologies. Exploring the tension between beliefs supporting individual agency versus the use of schooling as a form of propaganda and control. Seen through this lens, edtech initiatives potentially amplify either agency or compliance. 
    • Extreme School Makeover. How communities gather together to reclaim the ability to build learning goals and methods.
  • The Future of Education
    • School 2.0:  Where We're Headed, Why, and What We Can Do About It
    • The Future of Education Is in the Past:  The Two Competing Narratives of Education and Why They Are Critical to Understand Today
  • Global Education
    • The Global Education Conference - Building a Worldwide Event
    • Discovering the Roots of Global Education. The importance of identifiying the root benefits of global and globally-connected education, and resisting the movements to simplify and standardize them.
  • Open Source Software
    • Open Source, Open Content, and Web 2.0:  Why They Matter
    • The State of Open Source in Education
  • Social Networking in Education
    • Social Networking in Education
    • Social Networking in Education:  Lessons from the Field for Professional Development
  • Teacher 2.0
    • Teacher 2.0: Free Tools to Build a Community of Practice
    • Teacher 2.0: New Opportunities for Personal and Professional Development
    • Teacher 2.0: The Parallel Lives of Teachers and Students. If our ultimate goal is the development of self-direction, deep learning, and critical capability in our students, why that goal (and methods) must be the same for their teachers.
  • Student 2.0
    • Student 2.0 - Building Your Personal Learning Environment. 
    • How to Win at the Game of School
    Speaking History
    • 2022 Countdown (2021)
    • ADVIS Annual Technology Retreat (Keynote)
    • AERO (2015)
    • Baylor Business Forum: The Global Classroom (2015)
    • Blackboard World (2010, 2013)
    • Blackboard Collaborate Connections 2011 - Australia
    • Campus Technology (2010)
    • College of Music (2008 Keynote)
    • CoSN (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 CoSNCamp / FailFest)
    • CoSN CTO Clinics (2007, 2008 San Diego/Texas/Atlanta, 2009 Pennsylvania)
    • CUE FALL (2010)
    • CUE (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
    • CUEBC (2009 Keynote)
    • DEN Summer Institute (2011 Keynote)
    • DET-ICT (2011 Keynote) - Australia
    • DET/CHE 2011 (Keynote)
    • Dynamic Landscapes (2013 Keynote)
    • EBIT Educators of Business and Information Technology (2012 Keynote)
    • EdJEWCon (2013 Keynote)
    • Educause (2009)
    • Education Week (2010 Keynote)
    • Educon (2008)
    • Elluminate Annual (2010)
    • Elluminate User Conference (2010 Keynote MN/Keynote Newfoundland/Keynote San Jose)
    • Encore ISTE (2014 Moderator)
    • FETC (2007, 2010)
    • Fresno County of Ed (2007 Keynote, 2008 Keynote, 2010 Keynote)
    • Fresno Pacific University Teacher Librarian Leadership Day (2014 Keynote)
    • Global Education Conference (Founder and Co-Chair, 2010, 2011)
    • HackWLMA (2016 Keynote)
    • IL-TCE (2008)
    • Intersection (2013)
    • ISACS (2008)
    • ISTE/NECC (2005, 2006, 2077, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Presenter)
    • ISTE Virtual Events (2014, 2015) - Host + Moderator
    • ITEC (2011 Keynote)
    • K12Online "Open Learning" Keynote with Audrey Watters (2013)
    • Learning 2.010 (2010) - China
    • Maker Faire Learning Pavilion (2012 Interview Series)
    • MASBO (2011 Keynote)
    • MEMO (2013 Keynote)
    • MERLOT (2009, 2010)
    • MoblED (2010 Keynote)
    • NCTI (2009 Opening Panel)
    • NEBHE (2009 Keynote)
    • NMC Future of Education (2013 Ideas that Matter Speaker)
    • NMC Online: On the Horizon 2014 - Social Networks (Moderator)
    • NMC Summer Conference (2015)
    • NMC Summer Conference Preview (2015 Panelist)
    • NMSA (2008)
    • NSBA T+L (2008, 2009)
    • NYSCATE (2009 Keynote)
    • Online Teaching Conference (2011 Keynote)
    • Open Education Conference (2011)
    • Open Education Summit (2012 Participant)
    • OSCon (2011)
    • Penn-Delco (2013 Keynote)
    • PETE&C (2011 Keynote)
    • PGL 2012 / Asia Society (2012 Moderator - Keynote Panel)
    • POST University (2012 Keynote)
    • Preview ISTE (2015 Host)
    • Reform Symposium (2011 Keynotes)
    • Sloan/Merlot International Symposium for Emerging Technologies for Online Learning (2012 Plenary Speaker)
    • State College (2008 Keynote)
    • Super Connected Conference (2016 Keynote)
    • SIGMS (2012 Event Keynote) - ISTE
    • TCEA (2011)
    • TICAL (2012 Keynote)
    • TIE (2011 Keynote)
    • TIE Colorado (2013 Leadership Keynote, 2013 Conference Keynote)
    • TLI (2010 Keynote)
    • Treasure Mountain Retreat (2013 Keynote)
    • UIMP School 2.0 (2010 Keynote) - Spain 
    • University School of Milwaukee (2008)
    • USDLA (2009, 2010, 2011)
    • VCCS (2013)
    • VITTA (2009 Keynote) - Australia
    • VSS / iNACOL (2009, 2011 virtual)
    • WA-DET (2009 Keynote) - Australia
    • Wayne County Community College District (2012)
    • West Virginia Dept. of Education Technology Integration Specialist (TIS) Cohort Kickoff Meeting (2012 Virtual Keynote)
    • West Virginia Dept. of Education (2012 Virtual Keynote)
    • WMLA (2011, 2016 keynote)
    • World Computer Congress (2010 Keynote) - Australia
    • Worldview (2014 Plenary Speaker) - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
    • Classroom 2.0
      • 2009 Maui / Salt Lake City
      • 2008 Salt Lake City / Honolulu / Philadelphia / Chicago
      • 2007 Philadelphia / San Francisco / Phoenix