Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Learning Revolution Shows This Week: "Teaching by Heart," "Connected Classroom," "Exceptional Learners," "Thrive in EDU," and "REINVENTING.SCHOOL" #learningrevolution

We have five Learning Revolution shows this week. Times are US-Eastern Daylight Time--to see the schedule in your own time zone, and to get the links to attend live in Zoom, please use the SCHEDULE page on the Learning Revolution site.

  • 4:00 PM - Teaching by Heart with Angela Maiers: Episode 2: Special Guest Derrick Conley. Join Angela Maiers and Steve Hargadon as we talk with Derrick Conley's, who is in his 25th year in education, his 10th as a principal, and his 1st year as Executive Principal for Birch Elementary and Parkway Elementary. This will complete his third year at Pine Tree ISD. He also has experience in teaching secondary English and coaching football and baseball. He as helped transform the culture of two Title 1 elementary campuses to academic success through a focus on relationships and growth; and a love of kids. In his experience, a special culture of achievement with TEA distinction recognition, UIL academic competition championships, and extensive development of character education and learning opportunities are all attainable through a sincere belief in the power of relationships and the constant search for positive overall growth.
  • 10:00 AM - The Connected Classroom with Rusty May - "Teachers Are More Important Than Ever Before" with special guests Kristi Borge and Dawn Larson. Host Rusty May, School Counselor & Creator of SchoolToolsTv.com (Portugal). Join us for a fun and lively discussion about why teachers are more important than ever before and ways we can help prepare ourselves and our students for whatever comes next. We welcome your participation and perspective as well as the mics are always open in the Connected Classroom.

  • 2:00 PM - Exceptional Circumstances for Exceptional Learners, Episode 4: (Webinar Link) - "School Restart & the Importance of Involving Parents". Host Rebecca Muller, Special Educator and Advocate, Collingswood High School. This week we're encouraging the group to watch a special webinar, one in a series presented by Catalyst @ Penn GSE featuring winners of the Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize for Education. Together, Catalyst and the McGraw Prize are advancing innovation in education through a growing array of programming. Please use the following link: https://www.gse.upenn.edu/event/webinar-school-restart-importance-involving-parents. As schools consider what it means to re-open, they will be faced with a multitude of challenges. How do they assess students and determine how much learning they have gained or lost? How do schools assign students to grades and classes? How do they create a plan to address the gaps that may have widened, and use the coming year to narrow them? How do they plan ahead for possible interruptions and re-starts to the 2020-21 school year due to COVID-19 outbreaks? These questions are daunting, but attempting to answer them without considering the role and input of parents is a recipe for failure. As a nonprofit that supports parents to ensure their children are on track for academic success, EdNavigator will talk about what they are hearing on the ground from parents, and how we can best meet their needs.

  • 4:00 PM - Thrive in EDU - Special Guest Mandy Froehlich. Host Rachelle Dene Poth talks with Mandy Froehlich, consultant, keynote speaker, author of The Fire Within, Divergent EDU, and Reignite the Flames. We will talk about preparing for the return to school. Some of our conversation will focus on mental health and wellness, SEL and supporting our students and their families, teacher disengagement, strategies for embracing the unknown. Join us for an important conversation and the opportunity to ask questions about these topics! Let's talk about the future of education and how to thrive!
  • 4:00 PM - REINVENTING.SCHOOL Episode #11 - "Basics of Education, Worldwide" with host Howard Blumenthal (USA) 
    Join Howard with his usual mix of expert and student voices as he discusses the global scope of students in school, enrollment, expectations, achievement. What is the size of the global education industry - facilities, employees, and related industries? Is schooling an investment, and what is the return? What is the progress to date, and what happens next?
See you "online!"


Steve Hargadon
LearningRevolution.com | Library 2.0 | Classroom 2.0 | GlobalEducationConference.org

To see all Learning Revolution presentation sessions submitted so far, and to correspond with presenters, click hereRecordings of past sessions are listed on the Recordings page. The conference hashtag is #learningrevolution.

PRESENT: Submit to present a regular session on an education topic here. See the long list of potential strands here. If you present for a living and need to figure out an appropriate role in the Learning Revolution Conference, email admin@learningrevolution.com.
ORGANIZE: Organize your own mini-conference inside of the Learning Revolution conference here. You create a group for your topic, come up with a strand tag for your topic/group, encourage your audience (and/or others) to join learningrevolution.com and to submit topic-specific presentation proposals./td>
SPONSOR: Help by sponsoring or supporting this event-- you can become a conference partner or sponsor, you can sponsor a special speaker or a show, or you can hold a commercial conference session. Email steve@learningrevolution.com.

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