Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Chromebook experience you love. The PCs you already have.

[This is an advertisement for a product I love. Really. I love it so much I installed the program on several computers and then called the president of the company to ask if I could market it.]

Power your old computers with the world's fastest, easiest, and simplest operating system.

The Learning Revolution is proud to partner with Neverware in promoting their CloudReady solution for powering old computers with the world's fastest, easiest and simplest operating system. Built on Google's browser-based operating system, Chromium, CloudReady transforms your PC or Mac to have the Chromebook experience and management with one easy installation!​ 

Signing up for the free trial program through the Learning Revolution's Technology Rescue marketing campaign will give you a 15% discount if you purchase CloudReady licenses.

Broad Hardware Compatibility
CloudReady is certified to run on 200 of the most common PC and Mac hardware models.  The lightweight, browser-based design means you can put older machines back into the hands of students.

Google Admin Console Enrollment
Manage CloudReady machines right alongside Chromebooks, using the settings you've already created. Many devices of many ages.  One platform.
Automatic Updates + Dedicated Support
Computers running CloudReady receive regular automatic updates to maintain security and performance.  Our expert New York-based support team is available to assist via chat, phone and email. 

"Our computer labs aren't wasting time anymore, students and teachers just walk in and get started."
Dan Davenport
Ovid-Elsie Schools, Michigan

To download the personal version of CloudReady and instructions, click here. Be sure to come back to, though, to get a discount on school or institutional licenses.

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