It’s now Thursday, September 17th, in the South Pacific--and that means Global Collaboration Day has arrived!
Over the next couple of days, students, classrooms, teachers, administrators, parents and organizations will be either attending and/or hosting events online that are designed to showcase and promote global collaboration. We (Lucy Gray + Steve Hargadon, co-chairs of the Global Education Conference) are the calendar coordinators but not the direct conveners: that is, over 100 groups have designed and planned their own events which we have then organized into a directory and in special calendars to allow these events to be seen in any time zone in the world.
This is a huge worldwide experiment to demonstrate the power of globally-connected learning.
Examples of projects and events include: a teacher in Australia who will lead others in learning to dance Greek-style via Skype and Edmodo; African students and teachers answering questions through Whatsapp; and classrooms participating in a global virtual amazing race. There are professional development sessions for individual pre-service teachers, in-service educators, and other adults; as well as projects for entire classrooms to join in. We encourage you to browse the event directory or the calendar and choose a compelling event to attend!
Here are some tips to keep in mind as the next couple of days unfold:
- Read directions and our website carefully to prepare.
- If you have a question about a particular event or project, contact the host of that event directly. Their contact information is posted in each event listing.
- Join our Remind texting and email group for event reminders.
- If you need live help, we’ll do our best to be available. We will be in and out of this Blackboard Collaborate room as our own schedules allow.
- Be patient! Things may not always go as well as intended! Learning to be flexible and adapting to situations online is a big part of becoming a global collaborator.
- How to Join an Event
- How to Host an Event
- Event Calendars
- Event Directory
- List of Participating Schools and Organizations
- Forum
- Social Media
- Video Tutorials
And we'd especially like to thank our partners and sponsors, listed below. Kudos to them!
See you online,
Lucy and Steve
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