April 13th - April 27th, 2015
Two Week Calendar | Learning Revolution Events | Learning Revolution Blog | Partner Spotlight
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Two Week Calendar
- Monday, April 13th at 8pm TL Virtual Cafe - #TLChat LIVE!, Second Monday of each month is the Teacher Librarian Twitter Chat. Follow #TLChat on Twitter to participate.
- Tuesday, April 14th at 11am 2015 NMC Summer Conference Preview, Join the NMC and our panel of 2015 NMC Summer Conference presenters on Tuesday, April 14th at 8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET (check for local time). For the 2015 NMC Summer Conference Preview of the NMC On the Horizon series on April 14th, we're highlighting the 2015 NMC Summer Conference with a range of keynote, featured session, Idea Lab, and preconference workshop panelists. The NMC Summer Conference is a one-of-a-kind event, attracting highly skilled professionals interested in the integration of emerging technologies into teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. NMC Summer Conference presenters are thought leaders within the education industry at colleges and universities, schools, museums, libraries, organizations, and companies. They are the people pushing the envelope to infuse innovation and creativity into learning experiences worldwide. This one-hour session will be held in the Business Hangouts On Air platform and broadcasted live on YouTube. Participation is free for all attendees.
- Thursday, April 16th at 7pm #GraphiteChat on Twitter: Weaving Tech into Teaching with Project-Based Learning, This live, one-hour discussion will be hosted by the Graphite handle @graphite and facilitated by Tanner Higgin, senior manager of education content for Common Sense Education (@fearv). We'll focus on the awesome and inspiring ways teachers like you use technology and project-based learning to foster meaningful learning experiences. Please join us live, include #GraphiteChat in your tweet, and share great project-based learning (#PBL) resources, activities, tips, tricks, and lessons learned. Those who follow along will get a chance to win Graphite apparel!
- Saturday, April 18th at 9am in NYC EdCamp IB, EdCamp IB is a free unconference dedicated to teaching and learning in the four programs of the International Baccalaureate. Whether you teach our littlest learners in the PYP or the oldest DP students, EdCamp IB is an opportunity to share the best of IB education with other IB teachers. While EdCamp IB will be focusing on education in the IB programs, this event is open to all educators who would like to learn with us. More information here.
- Saturday, April 18th at 12pm CR20 LIVE: Susan Oxnevad on ThingLink, Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other member of the community in regular "live" web meetings. Details to join the webinar at http://live.classroom20.com. You can follow us on Twitter at #liveclass20.
- Sunday, April 19th at 7pm TechEducator Podcast: YouTube Creative Studio, Learn how to harness the power of the FREE YouTube creative studio. In todays episode, we will walk you through the process of uploading a video and turning it into a dynamic lesson plan using the YouTube Creative Suite of Tools found FREE on your Google Powered Device. More information here.
- Monday, April 20th at 8pm TL News Night LIVE!, This is a LIVE show presented in news show format featuring a Wrap up of “This Month in School Libraries” and deeper discussion of topical school library issues with special guest experts. Did we mention it was LIVE?
- Friday, April 24th at 3pm Starting to Homeschool: What Will We Do Now That We're Learning at Home?, We will explore types of curricula, classroom options for nontraditional learners, learning by doing, and unschooling as ongoing teaching and learning activities. We will also discuss favorite online resources, books, and activities for learning, with a focus on materials that empower learners to work things out on their own. A strong push for unfettered play and free time for children will also be presented. Add yourself to our email list to get the Webinar URL!
- Sunday, April 26th at 7pm TechEducator Podcast: 10 Ways to be a Rock Star Teacher in your Classroom, Are you interested in creating dynamic hands on lesson plans that leave your students wanting to come back to class the next day? In todays show, we will share and demonstrate tips and tricks to creating the perfect project based, blended learning lessons for students of all ages and grade levels. More information here.
All events are listed in US-Eastern Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email amy@learningrevolution.com. For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.
Library 2.015 Spring Summit

Learning Revolution Events
Library 2.015 Spring Summit - The Emerging Future: Technology and Learning, April 30th, 2015
The technology landscape changes rapidly, and these changes have economic, social, and ethical significance for individuals, organizations, and the entire world. The Emerging Future: Technology and Learning brings focus to the planning skills that are needed, the issues that are involved, and the current trends as we explore the potential impact of technological innovations. These interactive sessions on future technology trends will present key issues faced by information professionals and educators. A goal of the Spring Summit is to provide a forum to discuss ways to prepare for your personal and organization’s future. Register for free today at http://library2015spring.eventbrite.com/?aff=newsletter.
- Event Registration
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- Follow #Library20 and #EmergingFuture on Twitter
2015 ISTE Unplugged Events, June 26th - July 1st
Thanks to our generous friends at ISTE.org, our NINTH annual set of extra-curricular events at the ISTE conference this year will launch on the Friday before ISTE (June 26th) with an all-day open Maker Day--expect lots of table, activities, and fun for all ages, geared toward education. Saturday's all-day unconference features special guest Audrey Watters again this year, and huge shout-out to this year's unconference and evening party sponsor, StudyBlue and Shutterfly. Sunday is our fourth annual Global Education Summit, a three-hour event + connecting party you don't want to miss. The Bloggers' Cafe will be open Friday - Wednesday, and we're really hoping to add an education slam poetry event still. Stay tuned for all events at http://www.ISTEunplugged.com, which also has Facebook event links for each activity.
Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference: Tools, Skills & Competencies, October 20th
The fifth annual global conversation about the future of libraries is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th, 2015. The conference will be held entirely online and is free to attend. Everyone is invited to participate in this open forum designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. The Call for Proposals will open May 1st, immediately following the Library 2.015 Spring Summit. See this year's conference strands and plan to get your proposal in early. We are looking forward to the fifth year of this this momentous event, and to your participation!
- Conference Strands
- Call for Proposals open May 1st, 2015
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Learning Revolution Blog Posts
Check out or subscribe to our new curated blog of posts from around the web that are focused on the disruptions taking place in teaching and learning: blog.learningrevolution.com. If we've missed a story, send it to blog@learningrevolution.com.- Private jets and cushy dorms: colleges indulge the 1% as inequality deepens | US news | The Guardian
- Education Outrage: Why it makes no sense to teach history. "The Appomattox Myth"
- Putting students in charge to close the achievement gap - The Hechinger Report
- Learning more outside of the classroom than in - The Hechinger Report
- Report debunks ‘earlier is better’ academic instruction for young children - The Washington Post
- Steve Nelson: Opt Out to Save Democracy! | Diane Ravitch's blog
- Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator "Screentime - It's Quality, Not Quantity"
- Lego Mindstorms: A History of Educational Robots
- Educating Children or Training Circus Animals?
- That's Not Why We Make Things
- The Power of Questions: 4 Traits of Learning Communities with Deeply Engaged Learners
Partner Spotlight

The iSchool Initiative vision is to revolutionize the American education system through technology and promote a new, creative culture of lifelong learning. To motivate teachers and administrators while also acclimating them to the Digital Learning Revolution (DLR), iSchool Initiative (iSi) first introduced the students-teaching-teachers approach to Professional Development (PD). This technique supplies answers as to why more technology should be incorporated in the classroom while simultaneously instructing teachers how to optimally use mobile devices. More information at http://www.ischoolinitiative.org/.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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