The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. If you are looking for an easy calendar import / RSS feed for these events, you'll now find a link on your calendar page or the calendar page of specific groups!
Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series, Spanish-language Webinars from the Aula 2.0 Series, and student-oriented sessions fromStudents 2.0! We also hope you will consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (
Thanks for your attention, and see you online!
Monday, August 9th
- 4:30pm PDT (US) / 7:30pm EDT (US) / 11:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times): TL CAFE SERIES
“Virtual Learning Commons and Knowledge Building Centers with Dr. David V. Loertscher,” with presenter Dr. David V. Loertscher, Professor at San Jose State University's School of Library and Information Science. Dr. Loertscher will provide insight into the heart of the Virtual Learning Commons and Knowledge Building Centers. This webinar will culminate in a "Big Think!"
LearnCentral Link: (two hour long session)
- 8pm PDT (US) / 11pm EDT (US) / 3am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):MINI GEEK FEST
“Mini-Geek Fest" Monthly Online Conversation-August, 2010,” with co-hosts Peggy George and Kim Thomas. Do you get excited and energized by talking with other educators about technology tools and resources? Do you often feel overwhelmed with all of the new tools and feel you don’t have time to keep up with everything? If you do, then the Mini-Geek Fest is here for you! No homework, no assignments, no cost—just an hour online, once a month to listen, share and discuss technology tools for your classroom, websites and more. Join co-hosts Kim Thomas and Peggy George in AzTEA Elluminate from the comfort of your own home. This session is not a presentation or a tutorial, but a conversation--think of it like a "show and tell" where ALL participants can contribute. We look forward to an exciting and interesting conversation! Feel free to share this invitation with your "tech-loving" colleagues. Registration is NOT required so feel free to join us by clicking on the Elluminate link. You don't have to be from Arizona to participate--everyone is welcome! Space is limited to the first 50 participants. A headset is required if you want to speak in the session. If you don't have a headset, you can participate by typing in the chat
LearnCentral Link:
- 10:45pm PDT (US) / 1:45am EDT (next day) (US) / 5:45pm GMT/UTC (next day) (intl
“Tech Talk Tuesdays: Twitter Revisited,” with host Anne Mirtschin. “Due to the popularity of last week's session, discussions on twitter will continue and its value for educators. As many questions were asked last week, the unanswered questions will be considered in this session. These include how to:-make lists,make a twibe, use in the classroom/younger students, alternatives to twitter in the
classroom, use for exploratory learning, involve parents, use it effectively in the classroom and who to follow and more. Join us if you have questions, know the answers and just want to keep on learning more!”LearnCentral Link:
- 8am PDT (US) /11am EDT (US) / 3pm GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): ELLUMINATE LIVE EVENT SERIES
“Benchmarking The Super Project Manager,” with presenter Lou Russell. What kind of skills, behaviors and motivators does a Super Project Manager have? Does it depend on the type of project or business that they work in? Is there really a model you can use to benchmark project management success that includes not only project management expertise, but also project influencing skills? Join Lou to look at the options available and learn the pros and cons of each.
LearnCentral Link: (advance registration required)
- 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): FUTURE OF EDUCATION SERIES Charles Fadel discusses, “Neuroscience of Learning”, with Steve Hargadon as part of the interview series.
LearnCentral Link:
- 4am PDT (US) / 7am EDT (US) / 11am GMT/UTC (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
“Classroom 2.0 LIVE – Behind the Scenes Look at Webconferencing," with host Coach Carole. Join Coach Carole and Kim Caise for a behind the scenes look at the 'Classroom 2.0 LIVE' web conferencing series held on Saturday mornings (USA time zones) in Elluminate. Kim will also talk about her experiences with virtual conferences.
LearnCentral Link:
- 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
“Tips, Tricks, and Timesaving Techniques,” with presenter Jill Sayers. “Start the school year off right! Learn different tips, tricks, and timesaving techniques that you can utilize in the art room (or classroom). Whether you are a new or experienced teacher, you should find something that you can use. Topics discussed will include things such as organization, classroom management, and
supply disbursement.”
LearnCentral Link:
- 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (intl times): ELLUMINATE LIVE EVENT SERIES
“Webinars With Wow Factor- Book Signing Party!” with presenter Becky Pike Pluth, M.Ed. “Join author, Becky Pike Pluth, in celebrating the release of her newly published book, Webinars
with Wow Factor: Tips, Tricks and Interactivities for Virtual Training. During this one hour webinar Becky will give you a taste of what her new book is all about!”
LearnCentral Link: (pre-registration required)
- 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times): MIDDLE SCHOOL PORTAL SERIES
“Online Book Club - Discuss Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out," with host Kimberly Lightle. “Let's see what our students actually have to say about how they use technology – Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media - The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. I just picked it up from my local library. It's also available online at - you can read it for free!”
LearnCentral Link:
- 7pm PDT (US) / 10pm EDT (US) / 2am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
Join Coach Carole for “Moderator Masterclasses: Series 3” discussing the basics of moderating Elluminate webinars.
LearnCentral Link:
- 10am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times): “Emerging Challenges In Learning: Proving The Business Value,” with presenter Jeffrey Berk. This session will provide an overview of major challenges leading organizations face in measuring the value of learning and development.Today it isn’t enough to just report on how many students completed a course. Senior management wants metrics linked to business objectives. Learning professionals need metrics that will help them quickly see trends and act on those trends for continuous improvement. This interactive seminar will provide best practices for learning measurement, and real-world strategies for overcoming the most common challenges.
LearnCentral Link:
- 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
“Edublogs Fine Focus (topic to be advised).” Join Jo Hart a our fortnightly "Fine Focus" sessions on a wide range of topics from: how to use tools/applications (the "techie stuff"), edu issues, e-learning tools/strategies and much more. In fact anything "e" that is of interest to educators. If you have anything you would like to share we would love you to deliver a session for us.
LearnCentral Link:
- 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): STUDENTS 2.0 SERIES
Interview with David Wood, author of Get Paid for Who You Are, on Following Passionate Interests. Steve Hargadon hosts as part of the Students 2.0 interview series.
LearnCentral Link:
- 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
“DocTIC Week 3,” with host Jose Rodriguez. This is a sharing session for participants of, Open Online Course, facilitated by Diego Leal. Session is in Spanish but there are plenty of bilingual educators to answer any questions in English you may have.
LearnCentral Link:
- 3am PDT (US) / 6am EDT (US) / 10am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
“eT@lking special: Global Connections: eLearning resources for collaboration,” with host Anne Mirtschin. Extend your knowledge on E-learning! Experience some of the tools that facilitate training and learning” Learn about some of the tools that Ram Rangarajan, from India, uses and how he uses them to train students, admin and faculties in the Middle East and India. These tools include Blackboard, Elluminate, QuestionMark, and Dyned.
LearnCentral Link:
- 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times): CLASSROOM 2.0 LIVE SERIES
“iEAR -Education App Review,”with co-hosts Kim Caise, Lorna Costantini and Peggy George. iEAR Ning creator, Scott Meech, will discuss ways educators can get involved sharing, evaluating and using iPhone/iTouch apps with students.
LearnCentral Link:
- 12pm PDT (US) / 3pm EDT (US) / 7pm GMT/UTC (intl times): “Creative Whiteboard Labs,” with presenter Tammy Moore. Join Tammy and share tips on making interactive whiteboards for use in Elluminate and jump in to our quilting bee style collaboration.
LearnCentral Link:
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