The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series!
I also hope you'll consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (
Monday, March 22nd
- 6:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 1:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Next Vista: The Dream Team Does A Video For You!" Next Vista Dream Team teacher Jeff Schmidt wants his students to make a video for you! Join us for what surely will be a life-changing experience. Or at least an opportunity to get a video made!
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- THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: 9:45pm Pacific Time (US) / 4:45am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Tech Talk Tuesday - Meeting your Network - Stories from Educon 2.2" Jenny Luca, recipient of the John Ward Award from the School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV), shares with us her recent experiences and findings from attending the recent conference, Educon, USA. Educon is an innovative education conference re School2.0 and as much about conversations as technology around the future of education.
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- 6:30am Pacific Time (US) / 1:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"E- Books And Libraries: Read Something New. Read An E- Book" Join us for a morning of sharing and discussion on e-books, their benefits, features, and future in libraries from the perspective of LYRASIS and five e-book publishers including IGI Global, Sage, Gale, Books 24x7 and Springer. LearnCentral Link:
- 1:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 8:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Digital Tools and Math" hosted by MSP2. Are you wondering how Glogster, Google Docs, or Scratch can be of service in your math classes? Have you seen a great way to build students' math vocabulary via podcasting? Are you looking for digital tools that can give your students more hands-on experience with algebra concepts? Get together with other math teachers to share ideas and resources to strengthen student learning in math through the use of digital tools. This will truly be a discussion and sharing session among peers. Eric Biederbeck and Tom Jenkins will moderate what, we hope, is a lively conversation!
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- 3:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 10:00pm GMT/UTC (int times):
"Document Sharing: Can You Digg It? Web Applications for Research" with Rochelle Rodrigo. Although the popular image of the lone writer in the garret still persists, we know that good research is done in collaboration with others. Document sharing technologies can help researchers through all stages of the research process, from initial ideas to project presentations.
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- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 1:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Classical Conversations" with Tammy Moore. An overview of Classical Conversations' K-5 thru 12th grade classical studies within a Biblical Worldview. It teaches parents the classical model: the tools for learning any subject and connects families with others who homeschool using the classical method.
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- THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: 1:00am Pacific Time (US) / 8:00am GMT/UTC (intl times):
"eT@lking - Developing Personal Networks." Sue Waters shares how to develop a learning network that will ensure you are able to learn, share, discuss and stay at the edge of cutting technology.
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- 6:00am Pacific Time (US) / 1:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Using Elluminate In International School Partnerships." Val Brooks showcases using Elluminate Live within an international context, sharing examples of how Elluminate has been used collaboratively and giving you the opportunity to experience some of the collaborative tools available.
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- 11:00am Pacific Time (US) / 6:00pm GMT/UTC (int times):
"Jane Bozarth's The Nuts And Bolts Of Social Media." This session will cover basics of creating and sustaining community via social media tools. Rather than theory, participants will walk away with an understanding of how to implement and utilize these applications. Briefly, we will look at several popular social media tools, such as blogs, wikis, Facebook and Twitter, then basics of using these tools for 1) Creating Community & Community Management; 2) Fostering Communities of Practice; 3) Knowledge Transfer and Management.
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- 4:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 11:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Twitter for Beginners" Join Lorna Costantini and Kim Caise to learn how to use the microblogging tool, Twitter. If you have never used Twitter or signed up for an account but forgot you had the account then this webinar is for you! If you are an experienced Twitterer, please feel free to refer colleagues who have never used Twitter or a microblogging tool before.
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- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Learning Civics through Gaming: Our Courts." As the vision of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, OUR COURTS is a free website offering several online games, with accompanying teacher materials, designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy.
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- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"William Kist on The Socially Networked Classroom." Join Steve Hargadon for a live and interactive interview with Bill Kist, author of The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the New Media Age. Web sites like Facebook and Twitter have transformed the way young people interact and communicate. With appropriate guidelines, students’ social networking skills can be harnessed to develop new literacies and deepen teaching and learning in the 21st century.
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- 6:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 1:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Math 2.0: Art of Problem Solving." Richard Ruskzyk, the founder, will present The Art of Problem Solving community of avid math students.
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Thursday, March 25th
- 10:00am Pacific Time (US) / 5:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Positioning Yourself For Job Opportunities In Social Networking And Collaborative Learning." It took organizations ten years to realize that value of e-Learning. It will only take 2-3 years for organizations to start looking for analysts, content producers, leaders, coaches, and anthropologists in the new fields. This will be a huge opportunity for e-Learning professionals to position themselves, acquire new skills and advance their careers and incomes. The session will presents early indicators on where the new careers are in demand and what skill sets, backgrounds, and specialization they require.
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- 10:00am Pacific Time (US) / 5:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Riches In Niches: How To Make It Big In A Small Market: Part One" with Susan Friedmann. Learn the secrets to master your niche and maximize the reward. This session will provide you and your team with instant and actionable tools and methods to maximize your profits from a successful, unified niche marketing strategy for your business – no matter what the size.
LearnCentral Link:
- 11:00am Pacific Time (US) / 6:00pm GMT/UTC (int times):
"Elluminati Connecting Classrooms." Explore how Elluminati members are experiencing tremendous success using Elluminate to connect classrooms across the hall and around the world. Coupling Elluminate with interactive whiteboards such as Promethean and SmartBoards allows students in the physical classroom to observe while their classmates near and far learn together.
LearnCentral Link:
- 12:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 7:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"How to be your Gifted Child’s Best Advocate – Supporting Your Child at Home and at School." Parenting a gifted child can be challenging. Margaret Keane and Anna Giblin of examine ways in which parents can help their exceptionally able children at home and at school.
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- THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: 4:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 11:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Edublogs Tools and Strategies - Teaching with Moodle." Join us and guest presenter Tomaz Lasic (teacher, coach & mentor). Currently at Moodle HQ where he is an interface between educators and Moodle developers, Tomaz has many Moodle stories to tell - today he will give us an overview and then throw the session open to questions (not-tech) about using Moodle "on the ground"
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- 4:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:30am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"VSTE Webinar: Innovators as Advocates: John Hendron and G21." Using technology to support innovative instructional practice is a great way to demonstrate the power of educational technology. Join us in our first series of webinars as VSTE begins talking about advocacy and innovation—a partnership for positive change. VSTE board members Heather Blanton (Wise County) and John Hendron (Goochland County) join forces to discuss how to jump-start grassroots advocacy through innovative classroom practices. Discussed will be the Goochland County model for inspiring change in pedagogy with a focus on twenty-first century skills: the G21 framework.
LearnCentral Link:
- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"PBS & Classroom 2.0--The Buddha: Teaching Mindfulness." Filmmaker David Grubin will show clips from his new film, The Buddha, and talk about making the film and what he hopes audiences, particularly teachers and students, will take away from it.
- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"David Hill on Demos with Positive Impact (MERLOT Series)." A collection of quick classroom demos that enhance the learning of mathematics content through animations, experiments etc. Each demo comes with stated objective, prerequisites, instructor notes and platform info, plus the level of the demo and credits. This setup appears conducive to quick inclusion into a class.
LearnCentral Link:
- 7:00am Pacific Time (US) / 2:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Opening up Professional Development: Online Training for EFL/ESL Educators" with Benjamin Stewart. Merging professional development and e-learning provides educators not only opportunities to interact with each other but also with other educators outside the institution. This talk with present a current online workshop dedicated to EFL/ESL educators interested in discussing and practicing ways in integrating technology that promotes English as a foreign and second language learning. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences with similar courses they have had either as a teacher, facilitator, and/or learner.
LearnCentral Link:
- 9:00am Pacific Time (US) / 3:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Choosing and Using Video Games in the Classroom: Coaching During Play " Now that you're ready to bring the games to the classroom, how do you maximize their effectiveness as a learning tool? How can we support students during labs, yet still give them time to explore? Effective coaching and management can affect results. This is the fourth installment of the Learning Games Network's "Choosing and Using Learning Games in the Classroom" series.
LearnCentral Link:
- 9:00am Pacific Time (US) / 3:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times): Kim Caise, Peggy George, and Lorna Costantini host the weekly Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show. This week: "Earthcast 2010" with special guests Matt Montagne, Sheila Adams and Jose Rodriguez.
- 10:00am Pacific Time (US) / 5:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Designing eGames: Play Testing." Play testing may sound easy, but it is frequently one of the most difficult (and beneficial!) parts of game development. Play testing involves changing the game and rewriting rules on the fly as players react, ask questions, and provide feedback. It is important to be flexible and really listen to players’ responses to make the game more fun and effective. Then revise, edit, and revise the design plan again. This is the next session in the Learning Games' Network's Designing eGames series.
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- 7:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 2:00am GMT/UTC (intl times):
LeRoy Hill hosts the regular CEN (Caribbean Educators Network) meeting.
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Hi, I am interested in a few of the presentations. Can I try "trial version"? I installed Elluminate Live but does it work for "passed" presentations or only on-going sessions?
ReplyDeleteYou don't need to buy anything to participate in or to listen afterwards to any of these events. You just need to have a current version of Java installed on your computer. Go to and check that your machine has what it needs, then go to the individual event and look for the recording link (near the bottom). Have fun!