Built on Ning (of course!) by yours truly, I stayed up late one night after the kids were in bed to figure out how to match the exact colors in the Ning network to the actual NECC 2008 official site. (Hint: I used GIMP--also of course--to identify the exact color values of an imported version of the conference logo, then played with the NIng appearance settings. See how to modify a Ning header here.)
On the network site, you can:
- Document and share your NECC experience by posting videos and photos
- Interact with conference speakers
- Create your own profile and find like-minded colleagues
- Discuss and review conference sessions
- Start or contribute to a forum discussion
- Create a group for your school or organization
For other Ning conference sites you might check out CUE's Community at http://community.cue.org or Jeff Utecht's Learning 2.008 Shanghai Conference site.

ALSO: Don't forget to check out the EduBloggerCon 08 & Classroom 2.0 Meetup, being held on Saturday, June 28, hosted by NECC.
And still to come: more details on NECC "Unplugged," the three-day unconference being held in the lounge areas--a conference within a conference.

Okay -- I normally wouldn't leave a comment as lame as this one... but all I can say about this network site is AWESOME! Just AWESOME!