Monday, June 10, 2024

Dr. Albrecht Interview - Jenn Carson on "The Value of In-library Yoga Programs for All Types of Patrons"

We've just posted the lastest in the new book interview series by Dr. Steve Albrecht in our "The Safe Library" section of Library 2.0"Jenn Carson on the Value of In-library Yoga Programs for All Types of Patrons".
"Jenn Carson is the Director of the public library in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canda. She is the author of Beyond Books: Adult Library Programs for a New Era (Roman & Littlefield, 2022) and Yoga and Meditation at the Library: A Practical Guide for Librarians (Roman & Littlefield, 2019). Dr. Steve Albrecht interviewed her on the value of in-library yoga programs for all types of patrons."
You can find links to watch or listen to the whole interview here

Dr. Albrecht's twice-monthly Library 2.0 podcasts, interviews, and blog posts are available for free, as are: access to 54,000+ other library professionals, our regular mini-conferences, and all the conference recordings. We also offer a series of Dr. Albrecht and other paid webinars and recordings which are available for individual or group viewing here.




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