Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Learning Revolution Shows Today and Tomorrow: "Focus on SEL or Else," "Transition Planning," "Book Writing and Sharing Our Stories," and "Testing and Assessment" #learningrevolution

We have four Learning Revolution shows this week ("Teaching by Heart" is on hiatus). Times are US-Eastern Daylight Time--to see the schedule in your own time zone, and to get the links to attend live in Zoom, please use the SCHEDULE page on the Learning Revolution site.

WEDNESDAY'S SHOWS (September 16th):
  • 10:00 AM - The Connected Classroom with Rusty May - We Must Focus on SEL or Else, with Dr. Rhonda Hamerslough-Koester. "Special Guest: Rhonda Hamerslough-Koester, Ed.S, Ed.D., CPDT-KA Founder/CEO Pawsitively SEL. I’m pleased to welcome Dr. Rhonda Hamerslough-Koester into the Connected Classroom to continue our conversation about the urgent need for SEL right now and practical, time-sensitive, daily tools to help support it for students and teachers alike. SEL is by far the most important thing we need to focus on as we begin the school year. The priorities are obvious; connection before content and creating safe, connected environments that will facilitate the healing process, in-person and online. If you are a concerned educator, parent, or student, please join in as the mics are always open in the Connected Classroom and we want to hear from you."

  • 4:00 PM - "Thrive in EDU" with Rachelle Dene Poth - Book Writing and Sharing Our Stories with Jeff Kubiak, Melody McAllister and Dr. Joy. "For this week, I invite everyone to join me for a discussion about book writing and sharing our stories. My guests are authors of books related to education with stories that will resonate with everyone.  Please join me with my guests, Melody McAllister, author of I'm Sorry Story, Dr. Lynell Powell, author of "Back to Zero" and Jeffrey Kubiak, author of "One Drop of Kindness" and he has a new book coming out soon!  EduMatch Publishing books, check out all of the titles! We will discuss writing and the power of stories and having our students write too. Join us for a great conversation, bring your questions and let's learn together."

  • 7:00 PM - Exceptional Circumstances for Exceptional Learners - Transition Planning with Dr. Annette Anderson Fields. "Dr. Annette Anderson Fields is a native of Saint Louis, Missouri, who has served in the field of special education for multiple decades.  Her tenure has involved serving students in the Saint Louis Public Schools with diverse challenges and exceptionalities including those considered as twice exceptional.  Dr. Fields launched Living & Learning Unlimited for the purpose of motivating people to seek continued personal growth and to empower others through the sharing of wisdom, knowledge, and insight. Her created role is that of educational consultant/motivational speaker.  This has extended to providing motivation through written inspiration and resource creation.  A transition-related resource was authored and titled Transition Ahead:  Lesson Plans for Life Beyond High School.   It is her desire to remain a life-long learner who not only engages in continued personal growth, but one who inspires others while sharing knowledge and insight."
THURSDAY'S SHOW (September 17th):
  • 4:00 PM - REINVENTING.SCHOOL - EPISODE 21: Testing and Assessment with host Howard Blumenthal and special guests Jeff Snyder and Alfie Kohn.
See you "online!"


Steve Hargadon

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