Friday, September 11, 2020

Announcing the Call for Proposals - Learning Revolution's "Emergency Home Learning (and More) Summit" #homelearningsummit #learningrevolution

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Today I’m announcing the call for proposals for a two-month online event, The Emergency Home Learning (& More) Summit. The Summit opens on September 25th and will run for two months.

Parents, teachers, students, librarians, administrators, and others are facing dramatic challenges right now. A significant aspect of which is that learning at home, whether by circumstance or choice, is now the reality for a large number of students and their families.

The Summit will be a “how-to” event populated with 30-minute presentations, interviews, and bonus materials, and centered around supporting learning, especially when it is home-based. The audience will be parents, teachers, students, librarians, administrators, and anyone interested in helping students to learn. We will advertise the summit to my email list of 150,000. There will also be Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube promotions.

The Summit will be free to watch “live,” with each talk or presentation available for five days, then placed, along with bonus materials, in a library that can be purchased with an inexpensive “all-access” pass. Presenters are able to use their presentation recording in any way they would like independent of the Summit, and will also receive an affiliate link for advertising the event if they would like to promote it and share in the all-access pass revenue. 

We will also host “free replay” days where the full library of recordings will be available to watch without purchase, and we will have a generous scholarship program so that anyone who would benefit from this content but cannot afford it will be able to access it.

We encourage all who would like to present to submit at

A potential list of topics is below my signature. Priority will be given to presentations that focus on “how-to” solutions to student learning needs, and with particular emphasis on the immediate demands on students, parents, teachers, and librarians in this difficult moment. A guiding question for potential presenters might be: “What do you know about learning that could dramatically help or change the lives of students, parents, teachers, or librarians at this moment?” 

Presentations will not, for the most part, be live--we will record them in Zoom and then release them the following day. Presenters can submit to present more than once. Presenters who would consider recording a series of short (under 5 minute) tips and tricks for parents, students, and teachers can contact me directly. Presenters with accepted proposals will receive more detailed information.

I have run online conferences in the education and library worlds for ten years, and have hosted over 100 specific events. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that I believe this will be the most important event I’ve undertaken so far. In order for this event to be sustainable, both organizationally and for the speakers, there has to be a stable financial component. I am open to having organizational sponsorship (contact me directly), but the last few years have shown me the importance of producing an event that pays for itself and supports presenters. I sincerely hope the structure and approach of this event will be seen favorably. 

If you do not want to participate by presenting, I encourage you to provide feedback on the event topics using the Google Form here

Thank you. And see you “online!”


Steve Hargadon

ADHD and Learning ∙ Alternative Education ∙ Balancing Home and School ∙ Brain-based Learning ∙ Classroom 2.0 ∙ College Admissions ∙ Defining Success ∙ Digital Citizenship ∙ Educational Technology ∙ Elementary Years ∙ ESL ∙ Family & Parenting ∙ Gap Years & Family Sabbaticals ∙ Global Collaborations ∙ Grades and the Game of School ∙ High School ∙ Higher Education ∙ Homeschooling ∙ Homework ∙ Hope and Healing ∙ Handling Homework ∙ Learning Coaching and Mentoring ∙ Libraries and Librarians ∙ Managing Stress ∙ Math Education ∙ Microschools ∙ Mindful Classrooms ∙ Pandemic Pods ∙ Play ∙ Positive Education ∙ Practical Student Tools (Email / Calendars / Organizers) ∙ Remote Teaching and Learning ∙ Self-Directed Learning ∙ Sleep and Rest ∙ Social and Emotional Learning ∙ Special Needs ∙ Student 2.0 ∙ Student Entrepreneurship ∙ Teacher 2.0 ∙ Teaching Online ∙ Temperament and Learning ∙ Test Taking ∙ Unschooling ∙ Virtual Schooling ∙ World Schooling

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