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OVERVIEW: The following questions come up in libraries around the country: “Why didn’t you tell your boss you were being sexually or racially harassed by a patron? Do your co-workers know about this? Why did you wait so long to report this? Can we ban a patron for this type of repeated behavior?”You will need to be logged into Library 2.0--if you are not yet a member, you can join for free here.
The short answers are: “I was afraid or embarrassed”; “Yes, and they have their own stories to tell about being harassed”; “I didn’t want to cause problems; I just wanted it to stop”; and “Yes!”
Library staff members have the right to work in a workplace environment where the directors, managers, and supervisors: pay attention to harassment situations; listen to employee concerns; intervene and investigate as necessary; and use various HR or Code of Conduct-related tools, based on the severity of the incidents, to stop the problem.
Library leaders must create the kind of culture where employees aren’t afraid of or are unsure of how to report patron harassment; to help to manage staff fears on this issue; and be ready to take the right steps on behalf of their staffs. Staff members must have the courage to know how and when to tell their bosses (or HR, or their city/county/agency attorneys, among others) if they are being harassed by other patrons. In other words, we can’t fix what we don’t know about.
This 60-minute webinar-based training program is suitable for all library directors, managers, supervisors, and (full and part-time) employees.
- Pre-Quiz
- The Big Picture: Boundaries, Behaviors, Support, and Consequences
- The New Workplace: Expanding the Concept of “Protected Classes”
- Hostile Work Environment Examples
- Multiple Channels of Reporting
- Harassment and Bullying by Patrons: Enough is Enough
- When Does Flirting Go Too Far?
- Stalking or Staring Behaviors by Patrons
- Reviewing Your Agency Policy
- Defining Sexual and Racial Harassment
- Quid Pro Quo Harassment
- Defining Workplace Bullying
- The Perils of Gossip
- Organizational Red Flags
- The Supervisor’s Intervention Process
- The Employee’s Reporting Process: Having the Courage to Tell the Truth
- Avoiding Litigation
- Safe E-Mail and Social Media Usage
TO REGISTER: Click on the "Join WEBINAR" button to the top right on THIS PAGE. You will first need to be a member of Library 2.0 (free) and be logged in. Please click "Sign Up" on the top right and we'll approve you quickly.
In 1994, Dr. Albrecht co-wrote Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence in the Workplace, one of the first business books on workplace violence. Besides his work as a conference presenter and keynote speaker, he appears in the media and on the Internet, as a source on workplace violence, security, and crime. His 21 business and police books include Library Security; Tough Training Topics; Added Value Negotiating; Service, Service, Service!; and Fear and Violence on the Job.
He holds a doctoral degree in Business Administration (D.B.A.), an M.A. in Security Management, a B.A. in English, and a B.S. in Psychology. He is board-certified in HR, security management, employee coaching, and threat assessment.
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