We're excited to announce the third of three Library 2.016 online mini-conferences: "Libraries of the Future," October 6th, 2016, from 12:00 - 3:00pm US-Pacific Time (click for your own time zone).
As libraries shape their futures – and adapt to the future needs of their communities – what are the near- and long-term trends that point to our brightest opportunities. What can we learn from library innovators and innovators from other sectors and industries that will help us shape the future we want and that our communities aspire towards?
Explore with us some of the key trends that point toward specific futures for libraries, and engage in conversations with civic, social, and education innovators to learn more about what they think about the future, and how libraries can become an integral part of their future visions. Libraries and librarians are well-positioned to envision the future – at the intersection of information, education, technology, and community – and this dialogue will help bring our best thinking together with the exciting visions of our collaborators, allies, and partners. Sponsored with ALA’s Center for the Future of Libraries.
This is a free event, being held online. Please register HERE
to attend live or to receive the recording links.
Please also join the Library 2.0 network to be kept updated on this and future events. You can also use #library2016 on social media posts leading up to and during the event.
Please also join the Library 2.0 network to be kept updated on this and future events. You can also use #library2016 on social media posts leading up to and during the event.
We will have a limited number of slots for presenter sessions. The call for proposals is now open at http://www.library20.com/page/call-for-proposals. We encourage all who are interested in presenting to submit.
The sessions will be held in Blackboard Collaborate, and can be accessed live from any personal computer and most mobile devices. Additional information will be sent with the final conference information after registration.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (more to come!):
Nigel Jacob Co-Founder, Boston Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics @nsjacob Nigel Jacob is the Co-Chair of the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics for the City of Boston. With an extensive background in collaborative, citizen-facing technology projects, Nigel Jacob co-founded the Office of New Urban Mechanics – a civic innovation incubator within Boston’s City Hall. Nigel also serves as Mayor Menino’s advisor on emerging technologies. In both of these roles, Nigel works to develop new models of innovation for cities in the 21st century. Prior to joining the City of Boston in 2006, Nigel worked for and launched a series of technology start-ups in the Boston area. Nigel is also a fellow at the Center for the Advancement Public Action at Bennington College. In recognition for their ground-breaking work in Boston, Nigel and Chris Osgood were both named Public Officials of the year in 2011 by Governing Magazine. http://newurbanmechanics.org/boston/ Opening Keynote: Inspiring the Future - A Conversation with Innovators |
Jesús Gerena Managing Partner, Family Independence Initiative (FII) Jesús Gerena joined FII in 2010, bringing more than 15 years of experience as a community organizer. Jesús is a member and Co-Chair of the English for New Bostonians Oversight Committee, and serves as a board member for the New England Grassroots Environment Fund and the Boston Foundation for Architecture. He is also a 2015 Barr Foundation Fellow, in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to greater Boston. Prior to joining FII, he served as the Deputy Director of the Hyde Square Task Force, a program dedicated to empowering and engaging youth in turbulent neighborhoods. http://www.fii.org/ Opening Keynote: Inspiring the Future - A Conversation with Innovators |
Grif Peterson Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University Grif Peterson is learning lead for Peer 2 Peer University, where he oversees all learning design and is primarily responsible for the development and growth of the Learning Circle program. He has seven years' experience working in education, including as a research assistant with the Learning Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, academic affairs officer at the University of Central Asia, and an analyst in the higher education group at Morgan Stanley. He holds an M.Ed from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. https://www.p2pu.org/en/ Opening Keynote: Inspiring the Future - A Conversation with Innovators |
Miguel Figueroa Director, Center for the Future of Libraries American Library Association @figuerca Miguel Figueroa works at the Center for the Future of Libraries, a new initiative from the American Library Association that works to identify trends relevant to libraries and the communities they serve. He has previously held positions at the American Theological Library Association; the American Library Association's Office for Diversity and Office for Literacy and Outreach Services; New York University’s Ehrman Medical Library; and Neal-Schuman Publishers. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona’s Knowledge River Program, an initiative that examines library issues from Hispanic and Native American perspectives. http://www.ala.org/transforminglibraries/future Conference Wrap-up |
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