Wednesday, November 19th, is day three of the fifth annual Global Education Conference. We had another great day of sessions and keynotes on Tuesday, and the recordings of any sessions that have taken place are accessible on the conference recordings page.
The list of Wednesday's sessions, in US-Eastern Standard Time, is below. To see the the full conference schedule in your own time zone, with the direct links to session rooms, go to the conference schedule page. Follow the conference through Twitter using the hashtag #globaled14. Session recordings are posted immediately following each session.
Thanks to our volunteer moderators for their terrific help. We always need more volunteers to help moderate sessions, join us here.
Wednesday, November 19th
(US-Eastern Time)
- Globally Connecting Classes through Interactive Learning Objects - Ezra Samantha M. Mancenido (Undergraduate, Bachelor of Elementary Education - Special Education)
- Connecting Education to the Cloud for Digital Citizenship - Chryssanthe Sotiriou, High School EFL Coordinator
- Democratization: Stuctural Change of Regimen and of the Living Experience at Schools - Olek Netzer, Ph.D.
- Speechcraft Online: Connecting the Speakers' Trainers Globally - Carole McCulloch
- KEYNOTE: Omashani Naidoo
- "El Camino de la Praxis en la Aldea Global del Siglo XXI" - Prof. Stella Maris Berdaxagar
- Connecting Students to Language and Culture through a Culture Cafe - Dr. Thomas Moncrief
- Flipped Classroom para la asignatura Informática - Mrs Silvana Salica
- ¿Informática sin computadoras? - Alba Silvana Salica
- Global Education Coalition-New York City: Organizational Collaboration to Support Local Educators Develop Globally Competent Youth - Alice Forsythe, Director of Partnerships
- Increase Global Collaboration and Recognize Achievements with Digital Badges - Michael Boll
- Integrating Science Teaching with 21st Century Skills - Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee
- MAD Day from Syria Makes A Difference - Samah AlJundi
- Maintaining Bridges to Swaziland Via Social Media - Susan Jacques Pierson, Ph.D.
- A global social enterprise empowering underprivileged women through photography to overcome structural constraints of women empowerment - Bonnie Chiu (Director and Co-Founder of Lensational Limited)
- Global Outreach Through Skype - Katie Wampler
- Making and Learning - A Global Connection - Don Buckley, Co-Founder
- Speak First: Shifting Modern Language Programs from Writing and Grammar Toward Genuine Global Connection - Jason Cummings Ph.D. Modern Language Department Head
- Teaching First Year Library Research Experience in China: Strategies, Assessments, Challenges and Opportunities - Raymond Pun, Reference and Research Services Librarian
- KEYNOTE: Thomas Röhlinger on "Global Education strategies for a world at an historic 'tipping-point'"
- Casting the net wider: How can we encourage new participants in global learning? - Heidi Gibson, founder, Learning is Global
- FlippingPD - Pre-Service Teachers Teaching Teachers Globally - Eva Brown, Instructor/Developer
- Fostering Societal Consciousness through Soft Skills Training - Dr. Revathi Viswanathan
- Ideas and Tips for Enhancing and Nurturing your Global Competency - Bonnie Koenig
- The Global Understanding Program: Preparing Students for the Global Society - Dr. Jami Leibowitz, Interim Director of Global Academic Initiatives and Director of Global Understanding
- Collaborative Learning Spaces: Classroom Designs for the 21st Century - Jennifer Williams, MS, CCC-SLP
- Go and Smell the Roses! - Kathy Beck, Instructional Technology Coordinator
- How American Higher Education is Missing Out on the Global Pie - Anatoly Lezhen - Entrepreneur+Enthusiast
- Talking Kites all over the world in the footsteps of j.Korcak - Ruty Hotzen
- Teaching Global Competency Through Skills-Based Learning - Amanda Stamp, Global Education Director
- KEYNOTE: Tonya Muro on "100 Years: 100 Countries - AFS' Intercultural Learning in Teachers Colleges as a Pathway to Peace"
- How do we fit global education within our curriculum at various grade levels? - Paul Loranger educational Consultant
- KEYNOTE: Paul Salopek & Liz Dawes Duraisingh on "Out of Eden Learn: Slowing down and exchanging stories in the digital age"
- TIG's Free Educational Games - Tania Rashid, Global Education Program Administrator
- Tips on Designing a Global-focused Class - Adam Carter
- KEYNOTE: Leslie Paynter on "Developing Empathy, Collaboration, and Reflection in Elementary Children: Voyager Academy Elementary~an Ashoka Changemaker School"
- KEYNOTE: John Mergendoller on "From Packets to Gold Standard Project Based Learning"
- A French and American Classroom Connection: Improving Linguistic Cultural Proficiency through E-Learning - Fabrice Fresse, VIF Cultural Exchange Teacher at Hopewell High School Lauren Oswald, English Teacher Assistant of TAPIF
- Bringing the World to our Classroom: Connecting and Communicating on a Whole New Level - Susie Oh - Director of Information Resource & Technology Integration Specialist
- Developing A Global PLN - Akevy Greenblatt
- La aplicación de la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples en la educación virtual - Lorena Jiménez
- "Eso que HACEMOS Ahí (en Presencia Del otro maléfico) del nuestro de estar-en-Siendo en disciplina" con "Humanidad Hacia otros", Ubuntu. - Pedro Néstor Ibáñez Lic. en Psicología
- ACCESS Program's Enhancement activities: honing students' collaboration, leadership, and communication skills. - El Baida Marouane, EFL and ACCESS Program Teacher
- Going Global: Facilitating and Designing Collaborative Classroom Projects at Home and Abroad - Lindsey Myers, Library Media Specialist
- Increasing Student Achievement Through Nonlinguistic Teaching Strategies - Patricia J. Davis, Ph.D.
- Library Beyond Borders: Fostering Global Learners by Connecting Libraries around the World - Cintia Bastos - k-12 Librarian
- KEYNOTE: Lisa Parisi, Donna Roman, Toni Olivieri Barton, Emily Roth, Maire O'Keeffe, Betsey Sargent and Robyn Thiessen on "Our Global Friendships"
- Going Global at Home - Kathleen McInerney, Ph.D.
- Hearin the Silence Behind Learning Goals and Success Criteria - Mrs. Najwa Chalabi
- One World: Many Stories - Patricia Davis, Ph.D.
- The Value of Values in Transformative Learning Framework. How student values/experiences impact learning and instructional design methods. - Richard C. Close CEO
- Using Facebook and Twitter as Online Classrooms: Connecting Educators and Learners Around the Globe - Pierre Moncal and Katrina Ingco - BEEd Special Education Undergraduate
- A Student-Led Virtual Technology Conference? A New Model for Collaboration! - Student Technology Leadership Team
- Examining methods for promoting college student engagement in course-based collaborative projects online - Leon James, Dr.
- The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Building Global Relationships that Endure - Middle School Math Teacher and Co-leader of Global Initiatives
- The Global We : Middle School Pedagogy for Global Engagement - Will McDononough: Social Studies & English teacher; History Department Co-Chair
- KEYNOTE: Mayus Chavez on "Common Core Global Standards"
- Linking Leaders with Communities - Moderation Best Practices - Ian Murray - Facilitator
- Personalized Learning: A Guide for Engaging Students with Technology - Marshal Conley Senior Consultant
- SPOTLIGHT: From Empathy to Action: Assessing your Social Justice Impact - Noble Kelly, President & Founder
- Exploring the Middle East through video conferencing - Terry Godwaldt, Director of Programming
- Pedagogía de la autoridad - John JairoGarcía García; Psicólogo, Docente.
- Using Adinkra Symbols from Ghana to Explore Universal Values and Student Identity - Sue Ron-Gonzalez, Literacy Specialist
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