The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update
July 29th, 2014
Curiosity is a delicate little plant that, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom.
- Albert Einstein
The Learning Revolution Project highlights our own "conference 2.0" virtual and physical events and those of our over 200 partners in the learning professions. We also highlight good conversations about learning taking place between educators, learners, leaders, and others from the school, library, museum, work, adult, online, non-traditional and home learning worlds. The Internet is shifting the boundaries of these worlds, and we believe that as they increasingly overlap and integrate these conversations will be critical to framing and preparing for the learning revolution starting to take place.
- Updates
- Partner Spotlight
- Partner Announcements
- Calendar of Events
- Deadlines
- Highlighted Recordings
- NMC Navigator Top Ten
- Conversations
- Call for Volunteers. The Homeschool+ Conference kicks off next week, and we're looking for volunteers to help us support all of the great sessions taking place next Thursday and Friday, August 7th & 8th. We'll provide the training and lots of support to those of you who are able to volunteer some of your time next week. Volunteering to help moderate sessions is a great way to get to know the presenters and to get better connected with our online learning communities. Please sign up to volunteer here. Thank you in advance for all of your help!
- Alt Ed Film Fest Director Interview Schedule. Mark your calendars for the free, live director interviews associated with the Alt Ed Film Fest. Join directors German Doin of La EducaciĆ³n Prohibida on Tuesday, August 5th at 7pm ET, Cevin Soling of The War on Kids on Wednesday, August 6th at 8pm ET, Bhawin Suchak of Free to Learn on Tuesday, August 12th at 8pm ET, Peter Kowalke of Grown Without Schooling on Wednesday, August 13th at 8pm ET, Carol Black of Schooling the World on Thursday, August 14th at 8pm ET, and Ian Reid of Building the Machine on Tuesday, August 26th at 8pm ET. All interviews can be viewed at, and will be archived on YouTube at
Newsletter Sponsor
Click for more information
Learning Revolution Events
- Alternative Education Film Festival, August, 2014
- Homeschool+ Conference, August 4th - 8th, 2014
- Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
- Connected Librarian Day, October 3rd, 2014
- Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
- Global Education Conference, November 17th - 21st, 2014
Partner Spotlight
Innovative Academies is a learning network platform that provides a simple, scalable solution for schools to globalize and connect to students throughout the world. We offer a dual diploma program for students globally, allowing them to earn a high school diploma from private schools in the United States in addition to a diploma from their native country. More information at
Partner Announcements
- Mozilla: Could you invent the next big thing on the web? Learn — and teach others — how to move beyond simply consuming the web to understanding and creating it with Mozilla's Maker Party:
- Galvanize: Galvanize is excited to announce that gSchool is launching in our new SOMA campus! We're welcoming all prospective students, instructors, mentors, guest speakers and potential employers to join us for a gSchool SF Open House! Past students, current hiring partners, and the instruction team will be there to answer any questions and present on what gSchool is all about. Food and drinks will be provided! RSVP here.
One Week Calendar
All events are listed in US-Eastern Daylight Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email
- Tuesday, July 29th at 4pm Appy Hour: Inspiring Students to Design Great Cities with SimCity, SimCity is an always-online, fast-paced, intuitive, and forgiving city simulator that lets kids build (and destroy) single-player cities in multiplayer regions. Students can learn about what makes a great city, city management by keeping a budget, running a surplus, or issue bonds to keep afloat. Kids can play together in the same region, or as a single player who manages all the cities in it. In this Appy Hour, videogame journalist, critic, and teacher David Thomas will present on how SimCity can be used by teachers.
- Wednesday, July 30th at 9pm Teachers Teaching Teachers, Weekly conversations hosted by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community. For more information, click here.
- Thursday, July 31st at 4pm Strategies for a Whole-Community Approach to Digital Citizenship, How has your school built a positive culture around digital citizenship? How have you involved students, faculty, staff, leadership, and parents? In our community’s next webinar, learn about the three elements necessary to take a whole-community approach to digital citizenship at your school or district: educating students, engaging parents, and enriching leadership. See examples from Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy in Melbourne, Florida, which is a Digital Citizenship Certified School by Common Sense Media. Learn how the school a taught students digital citizenship, see examples of how the school has engaged parents, and hear examples of school leadership. Join Susan and Brad on July 31st and walk away with specific ideas and examples of how you can build a positive school culture around digital citizenship, and involve all stakeholders. Register here.
- Thursday, July 31st at 8pm Laura Candler: Active Engagement - Simple Strategies for Success, Another exciting webinar by Laura Candler to jump-start your new school year with simple strategies that you can use to make your classroom more engaging and help kids retain what they are learning. During this free webinar, Laura will share strategies for making every lesson more effective with active engagement. Strategies will include cooperative learning methods, team formation tips, how to use dry erase boards effectively, classroom management ideas, and more. You are also invited to share your own strategies via the online chat during the webinar. If you can't attend the live session, register to receive the link to the recording. Participants who attend the live session will be able to download an attendance certificate that they may be able to use for PD credit. Register here.
- Saturday, August 2nd at 12pm CR20 LIVE Weekly Show, Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other member of the community in regular "live" web meetings. Special thanks for this go to our sponsor, Blackboard Collaborate, for providing the service that allows us to do this! Details to join at
For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.
- Homeschool+ Conference, August 7th + 8th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals for the 2014 Homeschool+ Conference is now open. Conference strands include Learning Theory, Homeschooling, Unschooling, Free Schools, Democratic Schools, Alternative and Non-Traditional Education, Student Presentation, Technology, Politics and Policy, and Faith-Specific Topics. Be sure to share this opportunity with your peers and colleagues - we'd love to see your proposal come in soon! - Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals for the inaugural Gaming in Ed conference is now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until September 1st, and we will begin accepting proposals after July 1st. Conference strands include Game-Based Learning: How to Use Games in Educational Settings, Games & Assessment, Connecting Educators With Game Developers: Make Your Voices Heard, Students as Content Creators & Game Designers, Research on Game-Based Learning, and Professional Development. Share your experience with game-based learning with an audience of game developers and peer educators! - Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and October 1st for Library 2.014. This fully online, participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to showcase the excellent research and work that you do every day. How does your library manage digital collections? Is your library mobile friendly? Do you have a story to tell about maker spaces? Your participation as a presenter will steer the global conversation about the future of libraries. Please see the call for proposals and conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon! - Global Education Conference, November 17th - 22nd, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The call for proposals for the 2014 Global Education Conference are now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until November 15, and we will begin accepting proposals June 1st. Please see the conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon!
Highlighted Recordings
Barry Joseph from the Future of Museums Conference - on "Murder at the Museum"
Holly Witchey from the Future of Museums Conference - on "Intergenerosity/HELP them eat cake!"

Lath Carlson from the Future of Museums Conference - on "Museums 3.0 - Museum as Resource"

- One Classroom, Many Worlds. Classroom 2.0 member and Pearson Education employee, Leon Li, is exploring the introduction of virtual reality into educational settings. He's interested in knowing what you, the learning facilitators, see as being an optimal situation to introduce immersive learning technology. What do you think? How could some of your lessons be enhanced by an added dimension? Share your thoughts here.
- Classroom Management Through Syntax. We've looked at how we can better facilitate classroom discussion by changing statements into exploratory questions, but here Karen Cameron discusses how the opposite can help beginning teachers better manage their classrooms. Eliciting the type of behavior we want our students to engage in starts by turning questions into statements. Instead of asking for behaviors from students (Can you please be quiet while Trey asks his question?), try stating the behaviors you expect for the activity or lesson (We'll be listening to each group's presentations, then we'll take turns asking questions by raising our hands.) Karen explains how using statements of need help to set direction in the classroom and clarify your expectations of your students. Great tips, Karen!
Education Revolution Google+ Community
- Systems Literacy and Playful Learning. Jordan Shapiro of Mind/Shift recently wrote What Happens When School Design Looks Like Game Design, a piece that takes a closer look at the Quest to Learn school in New York City. Students at the school learn through exploratory activities that lead them towards a goal or new level, as in video game progressions. Stumbling through the learning process is looked at as an iteration, where one gains critical knowledge for the next attempt at advancing to the next level. This public school's mission and design are discussed in detail here. What lessons can you take into your own classrooms to change up your own methodology?
- Teaching and Digital Literacy. This week we look at a recent informED article by Sara Briggs called 20 Things Educators Need To Know About Digital Literacy Skills. Briggs reviews research and practices that can help teachers frame their search lessons, and ways to weave digital literacy throughout the curriculum. As technology and social media are increasingly used throughout the learning experience, our ability to teach and support digital literacy is becoming ever more critical. Read more about digital literacy best practices here.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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