The Learning Revolution
Weekly Update
June 17th, 2014
Learning how to learn is life's most important skill.
- Tony Buzan
The Learning Revolution Project highlights our own "conference 2.0" virtual and physical events and those of our over 200 partners in the learning professions. We also highlight good conversations about learning taking place between educators, learners, leaders, and others from the school, library, museum, work, adult, online, non-traditional and home learning worlds. The Internet is shifting the boundaries of these worlds, and we believe that as they increasingly overlap and integrate these conversations will be critical to framing and preparing for the learning revolution starting to take place.
- Updates
- Partner Spotlight
- Partner Announcements
- Calendar of Events
- Deadlines
- Highlighted Recordings
- NMC Navigator Top Ten
- Conversations
- Final Notes
- 2014 Reform Symposium (RSCON5): Call for Proposals. Do you have an instructional method, project, or idea that you are passionate about and will “wow” other educators? If so, we invite you to present for the 2014 Reform Symposium E-Conference. The conference will be held online over the course of 3 days: July 11-13th. It will be free to attend, and everyone is encouraged to submit a presentation proposal, including first-time presenters. It will be free for educators worldwide to attend and in the past we had thousands of teachers attend from over 100 different countries. Please see the call for proposals for submission deadlines and details.
- 2014 Homeschool+ Conference: Call for Proposals. We're excited to announce the second annual Homeschool+ Conference, August 7th & 8th, 2014, and to open the call for proposals. While the Homeschool+ Conference is geared toward those participating in or wanting to learn more about homeschooling, unschooling, free schools, democratic schools, and other forms of alternative education, my hope is that this conference will also be valuable for traditional educators looking to expand their scope and understanding of teaching and learning practices. Please use these promotional materials to help us spread the word about this great, free event!
- ISTE Unplugged Kicks Off on June 27th in Atlanta. ISTE attendees - don't miss out! Audrey Watters of will be joining us for our all-day Friday, June 27th, unconference--which used to be called EduBloggerCon and is now called, you guessed it, "Hack Education." It's free, it's at the Georgia World Congress Center, and it's a great way to spend a day with interesting people holding interesting conversations. The topics for the day are determined by the attendees, and many who come say it's the best thing they do at ISTE. After the unconference is our now-annual evening social/party, which will feature Kevin Honeycutt and the iPhone band. Saturday is our half-day Global Education gathering, and then there's the Bloggers' Cafe Sunday - Tuesday. Check it all out at
- The AERO Conference. If you're not attending ISTE, and you want a great experience exploring where the learning conversations are going, you should consider the AERO conference June 26 - 29 at Long Island University. This is their 25th anniversary event, and as I've mentioned before, this was my favorite conference last year. More information here.
Learning Revolution Events
- ISTE Unplugged, June 27th - July 1st, 2014
- Reform Symposium (RSCON5), July 11th - July 13th, 2014
- Future of Museums, July 24th, 2014
- Alternative Education Film Festival, August, 2014
- Homeschool+ Conference, August 7th + 8th, 2014
- Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
- Connected Librarian Day, October 3rd, 2014
- Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
- Global Education Conference, November 17th - November 21st, 2014
Partner Spotlight
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you easily change your copyright terms from the default of “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved.” Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright and enable you to modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs. More information at
Partner Announcements
- Center for Curriculum Redesign: Character Education for a Challenging Century: A Global Conference in Geneva, Switzerland and on-line, Oct 22 - 24.
- SeaTrust Institute: Call for Proposals: Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education. Due July 31st, 2014. See book details and description here.
- SeaTrust Institute: Guide for Youth Contributions to Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education. Submissions due July 31st, 2014. See details and submission instructions here.
One Week Calendar
All events are listed in US-Eastern Daylight Time. To become an event partner and have your events listed here, please email
- Tuesday, June 17th - Thursday, June 19th in Portland, OR NMC Summer Conference - Portland, The NMC Summer Conference is a one-of-a-kind event, attracting highly skilled professionals interested in the integration of emerging technologies into teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. See details and registration information here.
- Wednesday, July 18th - 20th in Sydney, AU Flat Connections Conference, The Flat Connections Conference is a unique international event that includes students and educators to envision the future of education and of learning communities as they use leading technology tools such as wikis, blogs, social networking and digital storytelling. The conference is diverse in participation while allowing smaller groups to work with leading world-class presenters in a "flattened" environment where virtual participants from remote corners of the world also join in the conversation and action. More information at
- Wednesday, June 18th at 10am in State College, PA Common Sense Media: A Healthy Digital Media Diet for Children Ages 0-8, Join Common Sense Media to learn about the new early childhood media toolkit for caregivers and families. This free toolkit offers best practices for encouraging social emotional learning, physical development, and pre-reading for the early learner. It includes tips on how to thoughtfully select age appropriate, high quality media for children. Presenter will also advice about how to reinforce the positive impact of media as well as sample activities highlighting effective co-engagement practices. See details and registration information here.
- Wednesday, June 18th at 1pm Host Your Own Webinar: ICTosphere Surrounding ELT world: Reviewing Tools in Use, This session aims at examining the role of internet technologies and mobile apps in order to enhance English language teaching (ELT). The classroom experience of ICT in ELT will be reviewed and showcased. Asli Lidice Gokturk Saglam, Turkey is a language teacher, teacher trainer, ICT enthusiast and educational researcher. She has been an English teacher in EAP settings for 15 years and she loves teaching a lot (like Gollum loves the ring). She is a doctorate candidate. Her research interests include; teacher education, ICT and testing and assessment. She shares her reflections about teaching in her blog at and on Twitter (@aslilidice). Join the session here.
- Wednesday, June 18th at 12:10pm CDT in Austin, TX Common Sense Media: Digital Citizenship Resources for the iPad Classroom, As student devices are being integrated into schools, helping students be good digital citizens is more important than ever. Join Common Sense Media to learn about resources for teaching digital citizenship in the iPad classroom. Participants will learn about two curriculum resources that teach students to be safe, responsible, and respectful in a digital world. Registration and details for attending iPadpalooza here.
- Wednesday, June 18th at 9pm Teachers Teaching Teachers, Weekly conversations hosted by EdTechTalk, a collaborative open webcasting community. For more information, click here.
- Thursday, June 19th at 7pm Livebinders 2014 Top Ten Winners Announced, "How are you using LiveBinders as ePortfolios?" That's the theme for our 2014 Top 10 LiveBinders contest. You can nominate binders that you created and are using at your school or learning environment as well as binders that were created by others. These binders can be ones you started using just this year or ones that you've been using for several years. Educators, students, administrators, and trainers are invited to enter their binders. Join here.
- Friday, June 20th Steve Sinnott Foundation: Education for All Day, Raising awareness and understanding of the need for quality education around the world and encouraging young people to participate. Click here for details and updates about Education for All Day 2014.
- Sunday, June 22nd at 7pm The Art of Educational Podcasting, Join live at
For a full calendar of all upcoming events and conferences, click here.
- 2014 Reform Symposium (#RSCON5), July 11th - 13th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals is now open! Do you have an instructional method, project, or idea that you are passionate about and will “wow” other educators? Proposals can be submitted from now until July 1st, 2014. Please see the conference strands and call for proposals for submission details and instructions. - Future of Museums, July 24th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and July 21st for the Future of Museums conference. This free, online event will give those of you who work in the museum and archives fields an opportunity to share your passion for the future of museum services, spaces, and innovations. Conference strands include Bring Your Own Device, Location-Based Services, Crowdsourcing, and Makerspaces. Please see the call for proposals and consider submitting your proposal soon! - Gaming in Ed, September 15th - 19th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The Call for Proposals for the inaugural Gaming in Ed conference is now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until September 1st, and we will begin accepting proposals after July 1st. Conference strands include Game-Based Learning: How to Use Games in Educational Settings, Games & Assessment, Connecting Educators With Game Developers: Make Your Voices Heard, Students as Content Creators & Game Designers, Research on Game-Based Learning, and Professional Development. Share your experience with game-based learning with an audience of game developers and peer educators! - Library 2.014, October 8th + 9th, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: Presentation proposals will be accepted between now and October 1st for Library 2.014. This fully online, participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to showcase the excellent research and work that you do every day. How does your library manage digital collections? Is your library mobile friendly? Do you have a story to tell about maker spaces? Your participation as a presenter will steer the global conversation about the future of libraries. Please see the call for proposals and conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon! - Global Education Conference, November 17th - 22nd, 2014
Upcoming deadlines: The call for proposals for the 2014 Global Education Conference are now open. Proposals can be submitted from now until November 15, and we will begin accepting proposals June 1st. Please see the conference strands and consider submitting your proposal soon!
Highlighted Recordings
Michelle Pacansky-Brock from the Learning 2.0 - on "Can't You Just Lecture to Me?"
Jaime Casap from the Global Education Conference - on "The Transformation of Education"

Cable Green from the Future of Education Interview Series - on "The Obviousness of Open Policy"

NMC Navigator Top Ten
Top Learning Tech Stories of the Week from the NMC/Horizon Project Navigator.
- Is flexible study the future for universities?
- Bit Rot: The Limits of Conservation
- Why Aren’t More Schools Using Free, Open Tools?
- 2U's CEO talks hitting 10,000 students and the state of online learning
- Geography Plays a Role for Distance Learners
- Kickstarting Innovation in Brazilian Education, Part II: The Educators
- Digital First Reshapes the Campus Experience
- University of the Future
- Signature engineering building offers opportunity for structural monitoring
- 2 vital components for true college, career readiness
- Great Icebreakers for the New School Year. Karen Cameron shares this great list of activities to help students (and you!) ease into the new school year, and into having a new peer group. These icebreakers will help you and your students get to know each other, and set the tone for their learning in your classroom. Check out the list here. Thanks, Karen!
- Web-Based Research Sources for Students. Librarians and teachers are always looking for more resources to help their students navigate the research process, which can be super daunting for many students! This list gives us a snapshot of five great sites for academic research, and is a great list to start from while preparing for next year's lesson plans and research guides.
Education Revolution Google+ Community
- Tablets in Primary Education - A Brief Review. Patrick Pierra shares this article by Kelly Smith, reviewing the pros and cons of tablet use in primary school classrooms. As many of you begin to plan various technology implementation strategies for next year, Kelly's list may give you some insight or lead to important questions about the usefulness of tablets in your classroom.
- Why Do Gender Stereotypes Persist in Gaming?. Christothea Herodotou shares this article by Kim Gittleson of BBC, New York, on the perpetuation of sexism in the ever-growing world of gaming. From developer attitudes to the preferences of individual gamers, Kim explores the many factors at play in the persistence of male-dominated characters. Check out the article here.
- Video: What Makes a Good Teacher?. Students and teachers share their views on what makes a good teacher in this four minute video from the Seattle-based Alliance for Education. Check it out here.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
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