Bienvenue! Welcome! 歡迎! Willkommen! Benvenuto!
환영! Seja bem-vindo(a)! Bienvenido!
We are pleased to announce the fourth (wahoo!) annual Global Education Conference, a free week-long online event bringing together students, educators, and innovators from around the world, will be held Monday, November 18 through Friday, November 22, 2013 (Saturday, November 23rd in some time zones).The entire virtual conference will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate platform (formerly known as Elluminate/Wimba) with the support of iEARN worldwide as the conference founding sponsor.
The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. Last year’s conference featured 400 general sessions and 20 keynote addresses from all over the world with over 13,000 participant logins.
To attend this year's conference and to be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please join this network.
The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects related to connecting educators and classrooms with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness, fostering global competency, and inspiring action towards solving real–world problems. Through this event, attendees will challenge themselves and others to become more active citizens of the world. Participants are encouraged to learn, question, create, and engage in meaningful, authentic opportunities within a global context!
Keep in mind that this conference is not focused on technology exclusively; proposals must focus on global collaboration and tie to the mission of the conference.
The Call for Proposals for the 2013 is now open. Presenters can submit proposals for general sessions focused on five possible tracks: Teachers, Students, Curriculum, Policy and Leadership.
Proposals should focus on ideas, projects, and initiatives that promote global understanding and collaboration. Those who enter submissions that do not relate to the mission of the conference will be asked to revise. The final deadline for submissions is November 8, 2013, and presenters will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis starting immediately. (Keynote presentations are by invitation only; suggestions can be sent to Lucy Gray at lucy@lucygrayconsulting.com.)
The call for presentation proposals is now live and can be found HERE.
International Advisory Board:
Anyone can apply to be a member of the international advisory board. Advisory board members are recognized on the website and are asked to:
- Participate actively in our online community
- Promote both participation and attendance at the conference
- Help us find additional partner organizations in their region(s)
- Help support and potentially train presenters in their geographical region and local languages
- If possible, help moderate sessions during the actual conference
To sign up for the advisory board, please make sure you have joined the conference network, and then see the advisory board information at http://www.globaleducationconference.com/group/advisoryboard2013.
Conference Partner Organizations:
Whether you are a small school library or a multi-national non-profit organization, we want to encourage you to become a conference partner. Your work in this area must be non-commercial and primarily or substantively focused on globally connecting students or teachers, or other global competency and awareness education initiatives. Once approved, your organization will be listed with a link, logo, and a short description; and you will be provided with a "spotlight" speaker session in the conference.
Our goal for the conference is to have it continue to be a milestone event, bringing together organizations and individuals from all over the world. We recognize that much (if not most!) of the outreach for this conference will come from libraries, schools, or organizations who advertise the conference to their memberships, and we want to recognize and reward those who do this!
There are no financial obligations for being a partner organization--all we ask is that you actively promote the conference to your membership and network, and encourage participation as well as presentations and submissions. To apply to be a conference partner organization, please make sure you have joined the conference network, and then join the partner group specifically at http://www.globaleducationconference.com/group/partners2013.
Conference Sponsors:
There are opportunities for commercial sponsorship of the 2013 Global Education Conference, and both recognition and authentic appreciation for financial support will be given to those who choose to sponsor. Non-profits who see value in our work and want to support this endeavor are also encouraged to consider sponsorship. Sponsorship levels and benefits can be discussed with Steve Hargadon directly at steve@hargadon.com or 916-283-7901.
More Information:
We are looking forward to the fourth year of this this terrific event, and to your participation! For further updates, please join our network at http://globaleducationconference.com and follow us on Twitter (@GlobalEdCon) and using the hashtag #GlobalEd13.
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
Founder and Co-Chair
Lucy Gray
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