Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday - Day Three of the Virtual Learning 2.0 Conference, Including a "Pitchfire!"

Tuesday we had 20 hours of great virtual sessions and keynotes in our Learning 2.0 Conference. The session recording links are HERE and the links for the full Blackboard Collaborate recordings of the keynotes a part of the keynote session descriptions HERE. MP3 (audio only) recordings of the keynotes are available at

Join us Wednesday for whatever sessions you have time for--they are all free and first-time attendees are especially welcomed. A quick outline of the day is below; a full hour-by-hour schedule for your time zone can be found HERE. Once you are seeing the calendar, you can click on any session title to copy the link into the Blackboard Collaborate room for that session. Full keynote descriptions can be found HERE.

Wednesday night is another experimental, virtual event: an educational "Pitchfire" with Khalid Smith! Khalid lead's the Startup Weekend Education events, and he'll be master of ceremonies for two hours of excitement and fun as educators (and others), prepared in advance or not (!), will get time at the microphone to make a passionate appeal for a product or service they'd like to propose or would like to see offered to educators. We'll do group voting, brainstorming, and maybe even some team-building. There's no advanced signup to pitch an idea--just come ready to have some fun!

Wednesday, August 22 - Times in US-Eastern Daylight Time (international time links)

9:00am--KEYNOTE: Heidi Hayes Jacobs from curriculum21
10:00am--Global Kitchen Project: Promoting Healthy Eating Among Children & Engaging Educators in Developing Project Based Learning Activities - Melda Yildiz
10:00am--Magical Moments in Mobile Learning - Shelly Sanchez Terrell, Teacher Trainer
11:00am--KEYNOTE: Lee Rainie from the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project 
12:00pm--Reading, Writing and Collaborating Through Discussion Boards - Professor of Business Law; Director, Center for the Scholarly Advancement of Learning and Teaching
12:00pm--Scaffolding Bloom's Taxonomy with VoiceThread - Vicki Phillips, General Education Coordinator and English Faculty
1:00pm--KEYNOTE: Esther Wojcicki from Palo Alto High School and Creative Commons
2:00pm--Getting Started with Digital Book Groups - Todd Rosenthal, Librarian
2:00pm--Wikified Schools - Using Wikis to Improve Communication & Collaboration - Stephanie Sandifer, Technology Coach
3:00pm--KEYNOTE: Julie Evans from Project Tomorrow
4:00pm--Photo Essays as a medium and voice for reflection - Raheel Tajuddin Lakhani
5:00pm--Digital Authentic Assessment - Kati Searcy, Ed.S., NBCT
6:00pm--Authentic Global Collaboration Through Writing - Robert Sbaglia
6:00pm--The Data System Elephant in the Room: Improving Data Analysis Accuracy - Jenny Grant Rankin, Chief Education and Research Officer
9:00pm--Are students being kept as prisoners of their teacher's past? - Keynote Student Panel - Lisa Nielsen
9:00pm--Building your PWP (Personal Web Presence) - Alice Keeler - Technology Integration Specialist
11:00pm--Grades are not motivating - Alice Keeler - Educator

See you online!

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