Monday, August 20, 2012

Day Two of the Virtual Learning 2.0 Conference - Keynotes and Sessions Begin!

We had a fun and fascinating day today with the first ever SocialEdCon unconference held virtually. Over 225 people showed up, and while lack of familiarity with the unconference format and with Blackboard Collaborate (as well as some tangible hesitation to use a microphone or webcam) mean that we now have some specific ways to think about making this kind of event better--I actually think the format has HUGE potential. Thanks to all who participated in this grand experiment!

Tuesday, August 21st, is day two of Learning 2.0, and boy do we have some great sessions for you. Listed below are the scheduled events in US-Eastern Daylight Time, but to see them in your own time zone and to be able to click right into the Blackboard Collaborate rooms, you'll want to go to the hour-by-hour calendars and find the one for your time zone: And links to the bios for the keynote speakers are here:

All sessions are free, and we encourage you to publicize and invite others!

9:00am--Games In Education - Students As Game Designers - Dorian Love
9:00am--Makerspaces, Game Design, and Badging: A Community-Wide Conversation - Kristin Fontichiaro, Clinical Assistant Professor
10:00am--Changing Trends in Teaching and Learning Methods - Dr.Revathi Viswanathan
10:00am--Doing Online Relearning through Information Skills (DORIS): Using Social Media in Higher Education - Juan D. Machin-Mastromatteo, M.Sc.
11:00am--KEYNOTE: David Warlick
12:00pm--Creating a miniMOOC for k-12 - Verena Roberts -Learner
12:00pm--DeforestACTION: Global Education for Environmental Stewardship - Sara Hassan - Program Officer
1:00pm--CoderDojo - Erica Payne, Library Media Specialist
1:00pm--From Singapore to Somalia: How Digitally Connected Youth are Reforming Model United Nations - Lisa Martin, Director
2:00pm--KEYNOTE: Marc Prensky
3:00pm--How to Gamify Your Classroom - Kate Fanelli, teacher
3:00pm--Transform Learning by Making Learning Personal - Kathleen McClaskey, Co-founder of Personalize Learning
4:00pm--KEYNOTE: Michelle Pacansky-Brock
5:00pm--Content Creation Standards for use in Tablets & Smartphones - Peter F. Young, Director
5:00pm--SlideSpeech: Web and Mobile Presentations with Text-to-Speech Voice Over - John Graves, PhD Student
6:00pm--KEYNOTE: Lucy Gray
7:00pm--Crowdsourcing Knowledge Through Social Media - Torrey Trust, Ph.D. Student in Education
7:00pm--Tracing Spaces of Knower's Autonomy for Knowledge Construction in IB Curriculum - Raheel Tajuddin Lakhani
8:00pm--KEYNOTE: Rob Fried on The Passionate Teacher, The Passionate Learner, and The Game of School
9:00pm--Group projects with Google Docs - Alice Keeler - Google Certified Teacher
9:00pm--SPONSOR SESSION: Aspen Curriculum and Learning - Bob Darby Pat D'Alfonso
9:00pm--The Missing Link-Parents. How to Relieve Parental Fear of Social Media and Turn Them Into Allies For School Transformation - Holly Clark Lower School Dean
10:00pm--If You Blog it, They Will Come - Jason Graham

1 comment:

  1. I tried to join the conference, but it took forever to download the application. I would love to have joined it, but didn't worked for me.


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