Join me Thursday, August 9th, for a live and interactive webinar with Rudy Crew, the new chief education officer for the State of Oregon (and former superintendent of the Miami-Dade County schools and chancellor of the New York City school), about his book Only Connect: The Way to Save Our Schools.
"Deeply concerned about the failure of America's educational system, Crew... has a vision of what must be done. In spite of the billions we spend on education, six years after No Child Left Behind (NCLB), one-third of our eighth-graders can't do basic math, and only 60% of our 10-year-olds can read, he argues. Furthermore, NCLB's focus on testing has pre-empted attention from other important dimensions of education—building character, citizenship and workplace literacy. Crew proposes a new strategy. First, school systems need to be run like businesses, with explicit goals, implementation plans and budgets. The school must become the nucleus of the community, the center of a web connecting business, the arts, health services and any other social institutions that can be drawn into the school's orbit. Connected Schools, as Crew calls them, bring outside resources in and give students workplace literacy, i.e., a better sense of what is going on in the larger world" (from Publishers Weekly / Reed Business Information).
Date: Thursday, August 9th, 2012
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern (international times here)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate).
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