Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Worldwide Library 2.011 Conference - Call for Presentations

This is our official call for presentations for the Library 2.011 conference, November 2 - 3, 2011. The conference will be held online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and will be free to attend. We encourage all to participate, and ask that you share this information where appropriate. Presentation submission instructions are at

The Library 2.011 conference will be a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries.  The conference strands are at the bottom of this email. Session proposals will be posted on the conference website, and we encourage making comments to and connecting with others based on their session proposals, as well as "voting" for session using the "like" button on the submissions. Session proposals are due September 15, and session acceptances will be communicated by September 30.

You may submit more than one session, but priority will be given to providing as many presenters as possible the chance to present before accepting additional sessions from a particular presenter. Sessions should be planned to be at least 20 minutes or more in length, and all sessions must be completed (including Q&A) within one hour. All sessions will be held in Blackboard Collaborate (previously Elluminate/Wimba). Presenters will be responsible for being familiar enough with the program to present. There is very good recorded training we will send you, as well as providing a number of live training sessions where you can ask questions.  To practice you can also sign up for the free 3-person Collaborate room at  Please note that all sessions will be recorded and quickly made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (for more information, see By submitting to present you are agreeing to these terms.

Session proposals are to be non-commercial. Interest in commercial sponsorship or presentations should be directed to Steve Hargadon at

Additionally, there are other ways to also participate in the conference!  
  • If you want to be a conference volunteer, be sure to join the volunteer group at  Volunteers will help us to advertise/promote the conference as broadly as possible, and will also be needed to help moderate actual conference sessions.  You can either be familiar with Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate, and the event platform), or we will have training sessions to help you become familiar if this is something you would like to do.
  • If you'd like to apply to be on our international advisory board, please sign up at The advisory board members are asked to promote both participation and attendance at the conference, to help us find partner organizations in their regions, to help train and support presenters in their geographical region and local languages, and if possible to help moderate sessions during the actual conference.  
  • Your organization can also apply to be a conference partner!  We actively encourage non-commercial organizations that are primarily or substantively focused on libraries, librarians, librarianship, or library programs to become conference partners at Organizations will be listed with a link, logo, and a short description and will be provided with a "spotlight" speaker session in the conference. There are no financial obligations for being a partner organization. Our goal for the conference is to have it be a milestone event, bringing together organizations and individuals from all over the world--so in return for recognizing organizations as partners, we ask that they actively promote the conference to their membership, and encourage participation as well as presentations submissions. Please let your organizations know about this opportunity.
We are very excited about this conference, and look forward to your participation!

Thank you,

Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Professor and Director
School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at San José State University
More Information:

Steve Hargadon
Web 2.0 Labs
Phone:  916-283-7901
More Information:


STRAND 1: "Libraries" - The Roles of Libraries in Today’s World
Example Topics: 
  • Libraries as community centers
  • Libraries as learning commons
  • Serving distributed and distance users
  • The library as a space versus the library as a service
  • Library privatization issues
STRAND 2:  "Librarians & Information Professionals" - Evolving Professional Roles in Today’s World
Example Topics:  
  • Librarians as Leaders
  • Library and Information Professional Careers in a Networked and Changing World
  • Embedded librarians
  • Applying library and information science skills in a variety of venues
  • Advocacy and building influence (professionally and institutionally)
STRAND 3: "Information Organization"
Example Topics:
  • Social organization of information
  • Subject gateways, online catalogs, and portals
  • Metadata:  creation, storage, management, dissemination, harvesting and aggregating
  • RDA
  • Library automation / management software / integrated library systems 
STRAND 4: "Access & Delivery"
Example Topics: 
  • Digital media and the e-book revolution
  • Social networking use (social networking media for outreach and service promotion, location-based mobile social networks, etc.)
  • Emerging technology use (augmented reality, QR codes, mobile apps and delivery, etc.)
  • The changing roles of publishers
  • Working with vendors in the digital age
  • Conflicts between privacy and freedom of speech in a hyperlinked world
  • Measuring and assessing:  determining the effectiveness of access and service delivery
  • Outsourcing
STRAND 5: "Learning" - Digital Age Learning Cultures
Example Topics: 
  • New learning models and the role of the librarian and information professional
  • The growth of individualized and self-paced learning
  • Multiliteracies :  digital literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, information literacy
STRAND 6: "Content & Creation" - Changes in Accessing and Organizing Information
Example Topics: 
  • From Information Consumption to Co-creation and Production
  • Digital copyright and licensing
  • Open educational resources
  • Open Source Software
  • Multimedia creation and gaming spaces

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