The official description of the event is:
The AISA Global Issues Service Summit Africa 2011, hosted by the American International School of Mozambique, is the second of its kind to combine the frameworks of the Global Issues Network (GIN) and the Service Summit Africa. It is a unique conference that provides an enriching and interactive experience for students and service leaders from all over the world to discuss the problems and strategies associated with sustainable solutions to local and global needs. Students will present workshops on the sustainable service projects that they have developed in their respective communities.Sharon says: "We are expecting students representing 41 different countries at the event. Our keynotes include Graca Machel (the wife of Nelson Mandela) and Sra. Guebeza, the first lady of Mozambique. We have a number of other notable young men and women who are doing amazing work in the area of global issues and service learning." Sharon is organizing the media events, providing the tech support, and overseeing the student press corps--they will be covered by the BBC and the local TVM television station during the conference.
Because they have had a number of requests from other international schools around the world who would like to attend the conference virtually, we've set up Elluminate rooms for streaming and we hope you'll consider joining them for some of their sessions over the next two days. Mozambique is GMT+2 time, and we've both made some conversions below as well as provided a universal time link for each event (click on the links).
Friday, April 8
7:00am US-Pacific / 10:00am US-Eastern / 2:00pm GMT / 4:00pm Maputo
Keynote: Graca Machel - wife of Nelson Mandela (one hour)
Elluminate Link:
Saturday, April 9
11:15pm US-Pacific (Friday night) / 2:15am US-Eastern / 6:15am GMT / 8:15am Maputo
- Expert Panel “Biodiversity Loss” Elluminate Link:
- Expert Panel “International Labour and Migration”
Elluminate Link:
- Expert Panel “Diseases and Challenges”
Elluminate Link: - Expert Panel “Education for All”
Elluminate Link:
Keynote: First Lady of Mozambique, Sra. Guebuza and Closing Ceremonies (two hours)
Elluminate Link:
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