Thursday, March 10, 2011

Me on the Big Screen at TED Talking About

Thanks to Pamela Valentine for capturing this moment!  That's me being interviewed by Kelly Stoezel, the content director at TED, about the TEDActive education project ELEV8ED.  So maybe it was only a two-minute segment, and maybe I spoke for 20 seconds at most, but it was broadcast to the main screen TED audience in Long Beach!  :)

My kids would surely have asked, "When do you ever sit on a bean bag chair?!"  And the TEDActive education group had a lot of fun at my expense, laughing at my "glamour-casual" pose.  But hey, we got some good exposure!

Please do check out ELEV8ED, a site to encourage student participation in the broader conversation about education by sharing videos with their ideas, their visions, and their inspirations.


  1. It was great to witness and capture the moment. It may be a casual pose, but the message is a significant contribution. Thanks for being the voice.

  2. Well-played, Steve. Calm, but collected. :-)

    I hope the best for Elev8ted and think that student voice has been sorely lacking in the education discussion. I, too, have wanted to facilitate their expression, but haven't exaclty known how to get the ball rolling.


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