Remember, voting closes before this -- at 11:59pm US Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday December 16th. That's 8:59pm US PST. (Other international times here.) Don't delay! Vote now!
The Awards Ceremony will be held in Elluminate this year (my favorite real-time web meeting platform, and--of course--my employer). Sue Waters from Edublogs and I will be co-hosting the show. The link to enter the show is
If you are new to Elluminate — please make sure that your computer is configured for Elluminate before the event by visiting Elluminate Support. We'll open up the Elluminate room 30 minutes before we start, and we encourage you to come in a few minutes early to set your microphone up and make sure you're connected. Those who would prefer, or have any difficulty connecting, can use the telephone bridge by dialing 913-312-1029 (US toll-free at 877-880-7307) and then using the PIN 495124.
If you are a potential award winner we just want to make sure you know that should you win we'll give you a minute or two to say a few words. We expect the show will last around 90 minutes, but we make no guarantees! Following the show we'll open the mics and webcams and have a "virtual" post-show / year-end party. We hope you'll join us for what you can.
I want to express my personal appreciation to all who are involved in education and contribute through blogging, social networking, social media, and other educational technologies. The Edublog Awards are admittedly an imperfect methodology for recognizing all of those contributions, but hopefully they are a way of celebrating some of the contributions that appreciates all that we accomplish together. If you feel someone was overlooked or under-recognized, we'll have a chance for you to shout out "well done" to them during the show! And from me, Thank You!
I also wanted to explain why I have not encouraged voting for my Classroom 2.0 social network in the social networking category. Since it has won the Edublog Award for the past two years and is several times the size of the next largest network nominated, I don't think it needs additional recognition. As well, my being co-host this year has inclined me to want the spotlight on some of the other wonderful networks that have grown in this space. If we had removed Classroom 2.0 from the nominations it would have created confusion, but I've withdrawn it from consideration for an award. A special thanks to all of you who use Classroom 2.0 to learn and explore the potential of social networking in education!
See you online!
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