Thursday, July 24, 2008

Social Networking in Education Has a Milestone Day

Two big milestones...

Thanks to all of you who are using Classroom 2.0 and who have helped to show the value of collaborative social communities in professional development and education. As of earlier today we now have over 10,000 members... amazing!

Thanks for all of your great questions, discussions, and collaborations--and especially for your welcoming attitudes and the way in which you invite and help other educators to learn about Web 2.0 and colllaborative technologies.

And... Ning in Education just hit 2,000 members. What a day...!

Thanks to everyone there for your progressive exploring and use of Ning and social networking in education. It's great to be associated with you. Don't forget to add your educational Ning networks to the wiki at If you need help doing so, feel free to email me.

Big thanks go to the folks at Ning (Marc, Gina, Athena, Bob, Kyle, and everyone else) who've helped to create a product that--while not intended for the education market--has been so helpful in showing that social networking can have a great and positive impact on education. Your support, your enthusiasm, and the ad-free program have been great!

Kind of spooky (and fun) that both networks hit such significant milestones with a few hours of each other.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    congratulations steve! like someone else said many moons ago on july 24th...this is the place!

    congrats on the big milestones for Classroom 2.0 and Ning in Education!

    cheers and best wishes for continued success.



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