Thursday, June 29, 2006

Major Dell Recycling (and Reuse!) Announcement

Brian Hamlin at reports:

"Dell Inc. has announced its intention to offer cost free and convenient consumer collections for every Dell product. The policy will be applied world-wide, available to North American customers by roughly September of this year."

This is a huge announcement, as Brian emphasizes: "In one stroke, the new Dell take-back policy changes the entire economic landscape of collections, reuse and recycling."

He quotes Michael Dell as saying, "“Our first order of priority is reuse, then reuse in its component
form, and then finally recycling and the reuse of those raw materials
.” This is significant because one of the huge concerns about manufacturer-led recycling programs is that recycling, which is a great buzzword that people have warm fuzzies about, isn't nearly as good for the environment and the consumer as reuse. It will be interesting (to say the least) for those of us in the reuse business to see what this will mean for computer resale, but however that plays out, this certainly will be good for the environment and the consumer.


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