Monday, June 24, 2024

This Week in AI with Reed Hepler and Steve Hargadon (June 21, 2024)

We've released our next "This Week in AI" recording, back on Fridays. Hope you enjoy!

AI summary provide by 

00:00:00 - 00:35:00

In the June 21, 2024 episode of "This Week in AI," hosts Steve Hargadon and Reed Hepler discuss various topics in AI, including the free availability of tools on, personal experiences with using ChatGPT for productivity, and the intersection of music, education, and AI. The speakers also explore the use of AI for companionship and therapy, enhancing critical thinking skills, and its impact on education and decision-making. They express excitement about AI advancements in healthcare, such as drug development and nurse burnout relief, while acknowledging potential concerns and challenges. The episode also touches on upcoming events, including a tech support aspect discussion prompt for the future of AI forum, a free teaching and learning with AI conference, and an artificial intelligence demystified workshop.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI" YouTube video from June 21, 2024, hosts Steve Hargadon and Reed Hepler discuss various topics in AI, including clarifying that the tools on are free and accessible to all, a conversation on LinkedIn about the nickname for generative AI, and the hosts' personal experiences with using ChatGPT for productivity. They also mention their blogs and encourage listeners to check them out. The conversation then shifts to the topic of healthcare and advancements in AI within that field, which they plan to cover in more detail in the upcoming news articles section of the show.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI - 21 June 2024" video, the speaker discusses the intersection of music, education, and AI. He touches upon the idea that while attending a well-known university may provide social connections, smaller schools may offer better learning tools. The speaker also mentions the concept of generative teaching and learning, emphasizing the importance of using the best tools effectively and efficiently. He compares different AI chatbots, expressing his preference for ChatGPT Pro. The speaker also shares his thoughts on prompt engineering, suggesting that having a clear goal and understanding how to steer the AI towards desired outputs is more important than the intermediate steps. He concludes by stating that having access to AI tools doesn't negate the importance of becoming a good thinker. Additionally, the speaker mentions upcoming topics for their teaching and learning with AI mini-conference, including generative teaching and the role of social connections in education.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI - 21 June 2024" video, a speaker discusses their experience using large language models to enhance their critical thinking and logical skills. They explain that while the tool provides a wealth of information, it doesn't replace the need for critical thinking and fact-checking. The speaker then touches upon the use of AI in finding jobs and creating AI avatars or friends, expressing concerns about the potential loss of human connection and interpersonal skills. They conclude by acknowledging the inevitability of emotional companion AI bots but expressing unease about their practical application.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI - 21 June 2024" video, the discussion revolves around the use of AI for companionship and therapy. The speaker expresses curiosity about the practical application of creating multiple digital friend groups, questioning if people will actually do it. They also mention the Dan hack, which allows some individuals to use chatbots as romantic partners. The speaker finds it odd that this concept is working on a one-to-one level but raises concerns about the potential emotional overload of managing multiple digital friend groups. They also recall an AI companionship service called Replica, which allowed explicit sexual conversations but faced significant backlash when it was shut down. The speaker reflects on the human tendency to be influenced by emotions and the potential for technology to provide us with experiences we never imagined, raising questions about how we will integrate these technologies into our lives.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI" video from June 21, 2024, the discussion revolves around the potential impact of AI on education and individual decision-making. The speaker expresses skepticism about the idea that every individual will be capable of making rational choices without assistance, raising questions about the role of schools and smaller communities in a modern world. The conversation then shifts to a bill introduced in California against AI taking educator jobs, with the speaker questioning its enforceability and significance. The speakers also touch upon the broader implications of AI on institutions and jobs, acknowledging the uncertainty of how to address these issues. They reflect on the survey results from librarians, who were not overly concerned about losing their jobs to AI, and share their thoughts on the potential of superintelligence and its potential uses and risks.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the various applications and implications of advanced AI technology. One category of AI development will focus on protecting humanity from potential harm, such as preventing a Skynet-like scenario. Another application will be used by governments for both internal and external purposes, including monitoring citizens and gaining a competitive edge in commerce and warfare. China, for instance, is reportedly investing heavily in military automation. The speakers also share personal experiences with AI, such as using ChatGPT to solve a mailing list issue. The speakers ponder the possibility of AI surpassing human capabilities and the potential consequences of concealing such advancements. Additionally, they discuss the ongoing debate over whether AI can truly be considered intelligent or if it's merely an advanced network of computers.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of "This Week in AI - 21 June 2024," the speaker discusses the unexpected win of an AI in a game, emphasizing the importance of considering unconventional moves. The conversation then shifts to healthcare advancements, starting with Mount Sinai Hospital's integration of AI into its Mainframe, which will infuse AI into every technological aspect of the hospital. Guidelines have been made public to ensure a thoughtful approach. AI is also being used in drug development, leading to the discovery of new drugs, and it's helping with nurse burnout by acting as a health coach. The speaker also mentions the release of Med LM, a health coach for individuals, and Chat GBt MD, which uses AI to provide medical advice. Despite concerns about potential misuse, the speaker expresses excitement about the possibilities of AI in healthcare, such as making connections that humans might struggle with due to the vast amount of medical research.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the "This Week in AI" video from June 21, 2024, the speakers discuss the potential impact of AI on the healthcare industry. They highlight how AI can act as an oversight system, helping to prevent wrong prescriptions, drug interactions, and misdiagnoses. The speakers express excitement about the possibilities this technology brings, but acknowledge that challenges remain. Elsewhere in the conversation, they touch on upcoming events, including a tech support aspect discussion prompt for the future of AI forum, a free teaching and learning with AI conference, and an artificial intelligence demystified workshop.

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