Tuesday, July 11, 2023

"Meta Modeling" for Parents + Last Chance for Summer Virtual Parenting Bootcamp

Our "Parenting for Academic Success (and Parental Sanity)" virtual summer BootCamp kicks off Wednesday night, and more on that and how to sign up are below the following embedded video on "Meta Modeling." This is an interview with Chris Loper, one of our bootcamp instructors, by Yulia Rafailova of mindfuleducation.com. "Meta Modeling is about modeling the mindsets and thinking strategies that help you to get through your struggles - i.e. your inner monologue. This strategy plays a significant role in how parents lead by setting a good example, rather than relying solely on giving instructions or orders." Enjoy! (YouTube link here.)

A Six-Week Summer "Bootcamp"

  • Are you anxious that your child isn't living up to their potential, but you're not sure how to support them?
  • Do you worry that your child fell behind during COVID, but you don't know how to help them catch up?
  • Would you like to stop having arguments with your child about schoolwork, chores, and screen time?
  • Are you tired of nagging and hovering, but worried that if you stop, your child will fail?

You are not alone, and there is a better way! You can support your child's growth, without micromanaging, and while simultaneously helping them become independent and resilient. When you adopt this approach, you will not only help your child to succeed, you will also reduce your own stress and anxiety around parenting.

Which is why we are excited to announce that Learning Revolution will be hosting the third annual ONLINE version of this much-sought-after course: 

In this 6-week virtual bootcamp, you'll get:

  • 2 expert teachers
  • 5 video lectures (about 90 minutes each)
  • 6 live Q&A sessions (about 50 minutes each)
  • And tons of bonus resources!

We tackle tough, important topics like:

  • How to create a less combative parent-child relationship
  • Why brain health is so important and how to improve it
  • Managing technology in the household
  • Cultivating a growth mindset
  • The neuroscience of effective studying and how to model it
  • The psychology of behavioral change and productivity
  • How to support and grow executive function
  • Why rescuing your children from failure does more harm than good
  • Crafting a home environment that is conducive to health and productivity
  • Finding the middle ground between hands-off parenting and micromanaging

This course is a weekly six-part series: five recorded sessions with live Q&A plus one bonus live Q&A session the final week. The course is co-taught by Greg Smith and Chris Loper. Chris will share the key ideas from psychology and neuroscience that are most relevant for parents, while Greg will discuss how to apply this knowledge at home. Meanwhile, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, and you’ll be given pre-session journaling questions, supplemental readings, and additional resources to support the course material.

“This parent seminar is like no other. Understanding the learning process and the development of executive functions is a component of parenting that is often overlooked. Greg and Chris are exceptionally skilled at what they do and amazing communicators. In this seminar, they provide a baseline of information that will help any parent become more empathetic and knowledgeable as they help guide these wonderful young persons in developing their own independence and confidence. This seminar applies to so much more than just academics – it applies to life skills.” 

–Jenifer Dobson

Your Instructors

Greg Smith: Greg has been an educator for 35 years, and he is the owner of Northwest Educational Services. He has over 40,000 hours of one-on-one experience supporting students and parents in their respective learning processes. Greg is married with two teenage daughters and understands the challenges of parenting from both a professional and personal perspective.
Chris Loper: Chris has been an academic coach since 2014. He writes an education blog for parents and students at NWTutoring.com, and he is the owner of South Cove Tutoring in Issaquah, WA. Chris is also the creator of BecomingBetter.org, where he writes about self-improvement and works one-on-one with adults on habit formation. He is also the author of Wood Floats and Other Brilliant Observations, a humorous memoir. 

The Sessions

#1 Psychology and Neuroscience Essentials 

  • The history of the human brain as it relates to academic success
  • Brain health: the effects of sleep, nutrition, exercise, and technology
  • Positive psychology: encouraging mental health and success
  • Leading by example: the importance of modeling healthy habits

#2 Growth Mindset Parenting

  • The dynamic human brain: how the brain changes and grows
  • Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset
  • Growth-minded language
  • Leading by example: the growth-minded lifestyle
  • Cultivating healthy self-esteem and self-efficacy

#3 Studying and Learning

  • Test anxiety: where does it come from and what can we do about it
  • What is “studying?”: learning techniques and memory formation
  • Problem-solving: technique, strategy, and the value of real breaks
  • Technology: distractions, multitasking, and tech-addiction
  • The pursuit of mastery and love of learning: curiosity and depth vs. grade management

#4 Behavioral Change and Productivity

  • Realism: how change actually happens
  • Using willpower wisely: habits, strategies, and reminders
  • Self-perception: how outer change drives inner change
  • Procrastination: why we do it and how to do it less
  • Perfectionism: moving away from debilitating all-or-nothing thinking

#5 Cultivating Executive Function

  • Park the helicopter: how micromanaging hinders development
  • Skinned knees: what kids learn when they’re allowed to fail
  • Coaching vs. teaching: encouraging resourcefulness and independence
  • Talking with your child about school: navigating the emotional difficulties of academic conversations
  • Active agent vs. passive victim: blame, parental language, and cultivating responsibility

# 6 Q&A Bonus Week

  • 50-minute bonus session for any follow-up questions on the final lesson or the course as a whole.

Dates and Times

July 12 - August 16. Each weekly recording is approximately 90 minutes long, which you can watch at your own pace. The sessions are supplemented by live, 50-minute Q&A time over Zoom at 7:00pm US-Pacific Time on Wednesday evenings. The recorded sessions will be sent to you one week prior to the live Q&A sessions. 

Cost & Registration

$199 per family (a set of parents and/or guardians). Space is limited, so please let us know right away if you would like to reserve a spot. To reserve your spot, please register here (all major credit cards accepted):

If you need to pay by check, please email admin@learningrevolution.com and we'll hold the reservation and send an invoice. Please send questions to admin@learningrevolution.com.

Other Testimonials

“I took the parenting course in summer 2019 and learned so much about how the developing brain, growth mindset, and the importance of modeling (as opposed to managing), and much more. I still have my notes and refer back to them periodically. I highly recommend the course for anyone interested in supporting their children as they grow into lifelong learners.” 

–Caitlin Moulding

“Chris and Greg’s parent seminars are not to be missed! In a short time, I became more savvy about myself and my kids as learners. Their coaching tips aim to reduce parent-child conflict by leveraging current research on the brain and descriptive stories of their students. I highly recommend their seminars for parents of all kids!” 

–Vicki Pettiross

"We attended Northwest Educational Services’ parent seminar series in 2019 - the content was highly relevant and well presented, and the welcoming setting provided us the opportunity to engage directly with expert educators and other parents.  As parents of middle and elementary school students, we were able to relate to the information shared, and apply the seminar’s concepts directly into our own family interactions and dynamics.  We look forward to attending again this year.” 

–Jill Nolton

"I found this series when my youngest student was in his final prep for college applications. How I wish that I had taken it years earlier so I could have supported both my students through their schooling! The information Greg and Chris share is helpful to all parents but especially those of students who struggle academically or battle with the stress of perfectionism. Incorporating these lessons into my own life has been very worthwhile but the value is exponentially higher to learn and adopt the tools and strategies while your students are still at home, preparing for college and life. Thankfully my son was able to find his motivation and potential with Greg's guidance. He became a hardworking high school student, attends a highly selective college, and is earning academic accolades. The potential is in every child, you just need the right guide and guided parents to help them find it and draw it out." 

–Kirsten Morrison

"We are the fortunate parents of twin daughters, both with unique-to-them strengths and challenges in the learning environment. No one-size-fits-all approach for us. We were looking for some coaching to sort out the best ways to give each daughter the specific support they needed to be successful in their school environments. The Parenting for Academic Success classes we took through NWES provided us with that and more.

"Coaches Greg and Chris spoke to all learning types, teaching parents how to encourage their kids to identify and articulate what they needed, and how to ask for it, so that they could become independent drivers of their own academic success. Once we began to implement some of the tools we learned, both of our students began to, more and more readily, reach out for help from resources beyond us (other students, academic coaches, school tutors and teachers) and do so in a timely manner, before test anxiety or project panic set in.

"We also learned new tools to support both daughters in becoming more consistent in their study habits. Instead of ‘cramming’ the night before an exam, the girls began to develop habits which vastly reduced last-minute, stress-driven studying.

"Our daughters have now transitioned to great-fit universities where they are happy, engaged, independent, and consistently experiencing academic success.

"Greg and Chris brought their combined years of expertise coaching students at all grade levels, and advising parents who desire to support student success, and shared concrete, well informed, research based, ground tested, information and strategies that aided us in our efforts to support our unique learners. We cannot recommend them highly enough."

-Kelly and Steve Nolan Shafer


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