Part of the LearningRevolution.com 'Survive and Thrive!' Series
With Bernajean Porter
Feeling off-center and weary with so many changes, disappointments, stresses, and increased demands bomb-barding everyday life?
Enjoy a practical and uplifting look at simple, yet effective winning, science-based strategies to increase personal resourcefulness and “change hardiness” skills while “dancing on quicksand”. The fast-paced nature of changes today forces each of us to dig deep inside, rediscovering and reinforcing inner strengths. Chaos can also activate chemical synapses in the brain, urging us to learn, grow and expand our possibilities - all while meeting new challenges.
Chaos brings a chasm of unexpectedness and shifting conditions! It has the ability to thrust an individual’s world into a feeling of disorder, helplessness or confusion for even the most optimistic of us . . . . or not! Re-discover your innate ability to adapt, improvise and flourish into any new situation successfully!
Topics Session ONE
- Rapid Recovery - Letting Go - Moving Forward
- Grounding Yourself into Resourcefulness
- Re-Storying a BEST Life - Perspectives is a choice!
- Words Matter - Using Language Patterns of Resilience with Self and Others
- One-Minute Energy Restoration PLUS Other Sage Practices
Topics Session TWO
- Tapping OUT Anxiety
- Self-Talk Strategies to Reset Personal Energy
- Gratitude Changes Brain Chemistry - A Science-based Practice
- Chaos Brings a Gift of Opportunity - What is YOURS?
DATE: March 5 & 12 at 10:00 AM UA-Eastern Time (click HERE to see in your own time zone)
LENGTH: 2 hours each of 2 days.
COST: $199/person - includes any-time access to the recording and any presenter handouts and a participation certificate if needed. To arrange group discounts (see below), to submit a purchase order, or for any registration difficulties or questions, email steve@learningrevolution.com.
REGISTRATION: Click HERE or the payment image above to register. If you have any trouble registering for a webinar, if you need to be invoiced, or if you have any questions, please email admin@learningrevolution.com.
SPECIAL GROUP RATES (email admin@learningrevolution.com to arrange):
- Multiple individual log-ins and access from the same organization paid together: $175 each for 3+ registrations, $150 each for 5+ registrations.
- The ability to show the event (live or recorded) to a group located in the same physical location or in the same virtual meeting from one log-in: $NA.
- Large-scale institutional access for viewing with individual login capability: $249.
BERNAJEAN PORTER (@BernajeanPorter)
Professional speaker; author; digital educator; classroom teacher; onsite and online teacher; futurist leader; strategic conniver; neuro-linquistist coach; dialogue, consensus and debate trainer; and large-group processes facilitator
While working at Colorado’s Department of Education, she held the position of “Change Facilitator” with the challenge to support schools in changing their cultures and practices to make more happen for learners. Her 35+ years of experience working globally has inspired vision into-practice experiences; enticed educators to accelerate new stories of possibility and built communities to do whatever-it-takes in preparing the next generation for their own greatness. Bernajean also founded ISTE’s Digital StoryTelling Special Interest Group [SIG] with over 3000 members worldwide to inspire educators to become modern day “StoryKeepers', engaging learners in the power of storytelling across curriculums and cultures. Her philosophy of work uses cutting edge organizational processes like 'future searches' and “change readiness” skills in building local capacity for making more possible for ALL students. Bernajean’s enthusiasm and vivacious approach creates energetic, “can-do” attitudes with an invigorating, fun-packed climate for all learners.
Bernajean is author of Nutz and Boltz for Large Group Facilitation; I-imagine: Waking Up a Generation for their OWN Greatness; DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories; Grappling with Accountability: Organizing Technology for Student Results; Evaluating Digital Products and presently working on her new ebook: Turning Up the H.E.A.T. ~ Learning, Thinking and Communication in a Digital Age.
When it comes to doing the hard or impossible things now necessary in schools to ensure students having out-of-this-world possibilities, Bernajean’s personal motto of “Da Um Jeitinho”- there is ALWAYS a way – let’s make IT happen together - sets the tone for her dedicated long term, joyful work with educators in inspiring them to unleash our youth’s potential in a changing world. email: bernajean@DigiTales.us
With Kara Guiff
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM US-Eastern Time (30 minutes)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Steve Hargadon
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM US-Eastern Time (1 hour & QA)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Steve Hargadon
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 7:00 PM US-Eastern Time (1 hour & QA)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Bernajean Porter
March 5 & 1210:00 AM US-Eastern Time (2 hours each of 2 days.)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Gina Riley
Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 9:00 AM US-Eastern Time (2.5 hours)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Greg Smith & Chris Loper
Summer 2022 (five consecutive evenings) US-Eastern Time (1 hour x 5 evenings)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Library 2.0
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at US-Eastern Time (3 hours)
Click HERE for more information and to register.
With Bernajean Porter
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Gina Riley
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
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Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Gina Riley
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Angela Maiers
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Gina Riley
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Greg Smith & Chris Loper
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Dr. Mara Linaberger
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With Mira Campbell
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Chris Loper
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
With Steve Hargadon
Click HERE for more information and to purchase the recording.
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