We have a collection of resources from Dr. Albrecht in our "Library Service, Safety, & Security" section of Library 2.0. Today we've added a blog post from him on the North Vancouver Library stabbing attacks, "Edged Weapons Awareness."
Since a knife or other cutting/slashing object is a proximity weapon, your best defense when confronted by a person holding one is distance, and a lot of it. (People only throw knives in the movies.) You need to treat a patron armed with an edged weapon just as you would if they had a firearm: use Run – Hide – Fight. Get as far away from this person as possible, as quickly as you can, and take as many co-workers and patrons with you. Use all available proxemics barriers to put between you and the armed person to block his or her path to you as you escape: desks, chairs, counters, carts, half-shelves.
If you can get to a Safe Room, with as many colleagues and patrons as you can move there, do so. Lock or barricade the door and call 9-1-1 as soon as you can. Like with an active shooter, describe what this "armed attacker" is doing, to the police dispatcher. Wait from this position of safety until the police arrive. (more...)
Here are all of the available Library Service, Safety, and Security BLOG POSTS, PODCASTS, and WEBINARS on Library 2.0. You do need to be logged in to see them (free to join).
- The North Vancouver Library Stabbing Attacks: Edged Weapons Awareness
- Managing the “Champion Employee” at the Library: The Need for Management Courage
- Some Leadership Truths for Library Leaders
- Helping Library Patrons with Autism: Start with Understanding
- THE PERILS OF THE PARKING LOT: Part 2 - Advice and Solutions
- What a Fire Chief Wants You to Know About Preventing Library Fires
- Schedule Regular Inspection Days
- The Need for a Library Vendor/Visitor Policy: Not Everyone Should Be Able to Roam Around Your Library
- Creating the Perfect Library Security Officer
- The Armed Attacker: A Rare But Catastrophic Event at the Library
- Triple-E Patrons: Entitled, Eccentric, Exasperating
- Re-Evaluating the Police Response to Your Library: First Steps
- Theft Behaviors in the Library
- Asking Security Survey Questions to Your Library Staff (Includes Survey)
- How to Take a Library Training Webinar and Actually Learn From It
- The Shamu Method: Can We "Coach Up" Problematic Patrons With "Fish"?
- Security Experts on How To Reopen Safely (Library Journal)
- One of the Hardest Patron Conversations For a Library Supervisor to Have? Preparing For the “Hygiene Talk”
You can click the direct links below, you can listen directly on the site, or you should also be able to access the podcast in SoundCloud here or in your own podcast app using the RSS feed here.
- The Power of Surveys
- Working With Elected Officials
- A Guided Meditation for Stress Management and Relaxation (11 minutes)
- Stop Apologizing for Library Security
- Let's Talk About Talking
- Guns in Your Library
- Safe and Simple Patron De-Escalations
- Getting a Temporary Restraining Order for a Problem Patron
- Preventing Harassment Interview by Adriane Herrick Juarez
- Domestic Violence in the Library Workspace
- Special Libraries
- Event Emergency Plans
- Library Emergencies
- Harassment
While Dr. Albrecht's twice-monthly podcast and blog posts are available for free, as are our regular mini-conferences and all the conference recordings, there is a cost to attending our series of webinars and/or watching the recordings with him. Details are on the linked pages.
To purchase an individual license for a specific webinar or recording, click through to the webinar and use the registration link. You can pay by PayPal or credit card, and will receive immediate access to the webinar if it's already recorded. For upcoming webinars, you will receive a confirmation email within a day giving you attendance instructions. If you have any trouble registering for a webinar, if you need to be invoiced, or if you have any questions, please email admin@learningrevolution.com.
For an individual annual all-access pass to all of Dr. Albrecht's live webinars and recordings for one year, please click here. Inquiries for all-access organizational contracts should be directed to admin@learningrevolution.com.
- Protecting Your Library From a Fire: Critical Planning for the Unthinkable (upcoming)
- Helping Library Patrons with Autism: Start with Understanding
- Serving Library Patrons with a Trauma History: An Awareness-Building Seminar
- Service Leadership for Librarians: Six Strategies for Success
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Library: Expectations and Awareness
- Better Communications with Our Patrons and Employees: What is Your 'I-Speak Your Language' Type?
- Performance Evaluations: A Skill-Building Refresher for Library Leaders
- The Safe Library: Lessons (I’ve Learned) in Keeping Staff and Patrons Better Protected
- Tools for Tense Situations: Reducing Conflicts With Patrons As Libraries Return to the New Normal
- Your Library and the Police: Time for a New Relationship
- Library Emergencies - Doing the Right Things When Things Go Wrong
- Library Safety & Security 2020 (Expanded)
- Interacting with the Homeless
- Sexual Harassment of Library Staff
- Security for Rural Librarians
- How to Handle Challenging Patrons
- Stress Management for Library Staff
- Coaching Skills for Library Managers and Supervisors: Getting Better Performance and Behavior From Your Employees One Meeting at a Time
- Responding to an Active Shooter in the Library: Protecting Patrons and Staff From a Rare But Catastrophic Event
As a trainer, speaker, author, and consultant, Dr. Steve Albrecht is internationally known for his expertise in high-risk HR issues. He specializes in workplace and school violence awareness and crisis response programs for private-sector firms, municipal and state government, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities. His clients include the two biggest municipal insurers in California.
In 1994, Dr. Albrecht co-wrote Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence in the Workplace, one of the first business books on workplace violence. Besides his work as a conference presenter and keynote speaker, he appears in the media and on the Internet, as a source on workplace violence, security, and crime. His 21 business and police books include Library Security; Tough Training Topics; Added Value Negotiating; Service, Service, Service!; and Fear and Violence on the Job.
He holds a doctoral degree in Business Administration (D.B.A.), an M.A. in Security Management, a B.A. in English, and a B.S. in Psychology. He is board-certified in HR, security management, employee coaching, and threat assessment.
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