Thursday, January 11, 2018

Library 2.018 - "Design Thinking" Registration and Call for Proposals Open, Keynote Updates

We're excited to announce our first Library 2.018 mini-conference: Design Thinking: How Librarians Are Incorporating It Into Their Practice, which will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, March 8th, from 12:00 - 3:00 pm US-Pacific Daylight Time (click for your own time zone).

This event is being organized in partnership with Steven J. Bell, who will serve as moderator for the opening panel and as the closing keynote speaker.
When IDEO, a globally recognized design firm, partnered with the Chicago Public Library to create the Design Thinking Toolkit for Libraries it greatly demystified the design thinking process and gave the library community a resource to more easily implement a design challenge in their own organization. Design thinking is a process designers use to thoughtfully identify problems and then, using a team-based approach, develop prototypes useful for implementing an elegant solution. In response to the growing interest in design thinking, this event will provide attendees with both insights into the process and examples of how librarians are integrating it into their practice. If you’ve been hearing about design thinking and want to learn more about how you can develop and lead a design challenge at your library, this is your opportunity.
We invite all library professionals, employers, LIS students, and educators to provide input and participate this event.

This is a free event, being held online.
to attend live or to receive the recording links afterwards. Please also join this Library 2.0 network to be kept updated on this and future events.

Participants are encouraged to use #library2018 and #librarydesignthinking on their social media posts leading up to and during the event.

The School of Information at San José State University is the founding conference sponsor. Please register as a member of the Library 2.0 network to be kept informed of future events. Recordings from previous years are available under the Archives tab at Library 2.0 and at the Library 2.0 YouTube channel.

We will have a limited number of slots for presenter sessions. The call for proposals is open HERE. We encourage all who are interested in presenting to submit.

Steven J. Bell
Associate University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services at Temple University

Steven J. Bell is the Associate University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services at Temple University. He writes and speaks about academic librarianship, learning technologies, library leadership, textbook affordability, higher education, design thinking and user experience. Steven is a past-president of ACRL. He currently writes at Designing Better Libraries, a blog about design thinking and library user experiences. He authors weekly columns for Library Journal Academic Newswire, "From the Bell Tower" and "Leading From the Library". He is co-author of the book “Academic Librarianship by Design” and editor of the book “Crucible Moments: Inspiring Library Leadership”. Steven is an adjunct instructor for San Jose State University's iSchool where he teaches the Design Thinking seminar. For additional information about Steven J. Bell or links to his projects, point your browser to​

Sidsel Bech-Pertersen
Head of projects and co-creation, Aarhus Public Libraries, Dokk1

As a library transformer through 10 years my job was to support the process of transforming the Main Library in Aarhus into our new library: Dokk1. Dokk1 opened up to the public in 2015 and is the largest public library in Scandinavia. As head of projects and co-creation I now support our projects and the way we do user involvement across Aarhus Public Libraries. Since 2013 I have been working on a joined project with Chicago Public Library and IDEO – the end result has just been published as a toolkit: Design Thinking for Libraries. The toolkit gives you tools to design library services and make sure that your library constantly adapt to the needs of the local community by using human-centered design.

Rachel Ivy Clarke
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

Formerly the cataloging librarian at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Rachel Ivy Clarke is currently an assistant professor at Syracuse University's School of Information Studies. Her research focuses on the application of design methodologies and epistemologies to librarianship to facilitate the systematic, purposeful design of library services. She holds a BA in creative writing from California State University Long Beach, an MLIS from San Jose State University, and a PhD from the University of Washington Information School.

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