This is a GREAT week for library and learning conversations! (Forward this post to friends and colleagues--you don’t have to be a librarian to attend!)
Today, October 19th, is our third annual teacher-librarian pre-conference event, “Teacher Librarian Day,” which kicks off at 4:00pm US-Eastern Daylight Time. Join host Joyce Valenza and Ross Todd, Shannon Miller, Craig Seasholes, Michelle Luhtala, Naomi Bates, Karen Bonano, Barbara Stripling, Angela Hartman, Sue Doherty, Keisha Miller, Calypso Gilstrap, Maureen Sullivan, Chalida Anusasananan, & Tara Ramos for 4 hours of presentations and discussions on Teacher Librarians and School Culture. Attend any or all of the sessions (registration is free). Lots more detail at
Then our FIFTH annual (and free) Future of Libraries conference, Library 2.015, is all day Tuesday, October 20th, with keynotes by conference co-chair Dr. Sandra Hirsh from the School of Information at San José State University, Toby Greenwalt from the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and Dr. Norman Jacknis, president of the board at Metropolitan New York Library Council. While all the details of the 50+ conference sessions, keynotes, and distinguished speaker presentations are on the Library 2.015 conference site, a quick listing is below to get you thinking about which sessions you might be able to attend live. While attending any of the live sessions allows you to participate in live chat with the presenter and other attendees, don’t forget that all of the sessions are also recorded and available for free (and forever) on the conference site.
Sampling of Comments from Last Year’s Events:
“Great conference!”
“Fantastic! So amazing to connect with the energy of librarians all around the world through Library 2.0!”
“Lots of collaboration and idea sharing from some of the world's coolest folks. It's a real pleasure to be able to participate in this community!”
“Great learning opportunity!”
“Librarians once again at the forefront -- generously sharing best practice and inspiring us on!”
“Absolutely loving this networking and global idea-share.”
“Excellent sessions!”
“I think it's great that an event like this is being offered for free for librarians. There aren't a lot of free events for us!”
The current complete schedule is below. Go to for the conference hour-by-hour schedule in your own time zone and for the actual links to attend each session. The keynote speakers presentation descriptions and bios are at Plan on logging into your first session early in case Blackboard Collaborate (the conference platform) requires you to download their starter app, which sometimes isn't the fastest process.
Please do help us promote the conference as widely as possible. Forward this email if you can. Sample tweets and blog posts are also below. Thank you in advance for your support--you help keep these types of events free! The hastag for Teacher Librarian Day is #tlday15 and for the full conference is #lib2015.
Can you volunteer to help? We’re still looking for volunteer moderators for Tuesday! Be a part of this great event!
See you online!
Steve Hargadon
Library 2.015 Conference Founder and Co-Chair
The Learning Revolution
SAMPLE POSTS + TWEETS - Please Help Promote!
- Sample post (pre-conference): "Teacher Librarian Day is Monday, October 19th, four great hours of free online sessions on ‘Teacher Librarians and School Culture.' This pre-conference bonus to the annual Library 2.0 conference features Joyce Valenza, Michelle Luhtala, Shannon Miller, Ross Todd, Naomi Bates, Karen Bonano, and Craig Seasholes leading a panel on 'Social Justice @Library.' All welcome, more information at"
- Sample post (conference): "The fifth annual Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference will be held on October 20th, 2015 from 7am - 8pm US Pacific / 10am - 11pm US Eastern (International Times available on the site). Everyone is invited to participate in the conference, designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. Register for free as a member of the Library 2.0 network to attend and to be kept informed of future events!"
- Sample tweet (pre-conference): "Join us Oct 19 for Teacher Librarian Day all free and online - awesome lineup #tlday15"
- Sample tweet (conference): "Join us Oct 20 for the 5th annual Library 2.0 conference 50 presentations + keynotes all free and online #lib2015"
For full details and any last-minute updates, be sure to follow the live schedule at:
Monday, October 19
- Teacher Librarian Day Opening Keynote - Ross Todd
- Building Reading Culture with Book Trailers - Naomi Bates
- Social Justice @Library - Craig Seasholes, Barbara Stripling, Angela Hartman, Sue Doherty, Keisha Miller, Calypso Gilstrap, Maureen Sullivan, Chalida Anusasananan, and Tara Ramos
- What It Means to Build a Reading Culture - Joyce Valenza, Michelle Luhtala, & Shannon Miller
- TLs Driving School Culture as Thought Leaders - Karen Bonano
- What's Next in the TL World?
- TLNewsnight
LIBRARY 2.015 SCHEDULE (US-Eastern Daylight Time Version)
For full details and any last-minute updates, be sure to follow the live schedule at:
Tuesday, October 20
- Early Arriver Greeting and Social
- KEYNOTE: Dr. Sandra Hirsh on 'Information Services Today: Essential Tools, Skills, and Competencies for Transformative Information Landscapes'
- Disaster Recovery . . . in the OPAC - Rebecca Leonhard, Director of Libraries
- Educating Students To Succeed in a 21st Century Society by Teaching ICT Literacy Skills - Gina Robinson - Educational Technology Specialist
- Embedded Business Librarianship at Your Public Library - Barbara Alvarez, Business Liaison Librarian
- Lightweight Markup Languages and the New Digital Writing Tools - Christinger Tomer
- Self-Service is Good Service: Baltimore County Public Library's transition to a self service model - Richard Sigwald,Librarian II
- Looking at Cultural Differences in Motivating Students to Seek Information: U.S., Uganda, and India - Dr. Sherry R. Crow, Associate Professor of School Library Science
- Making electronic collections more visible and accessible for library patrons - Joseph Dudley, Campus Librarian
- Professional searchers today: Leadership roles in design & information experience - Virginia M. Tucker, MLS, PhD
- RDA offers semantic meanings and powerful new linking associations - David Stern, Library Director
- Responsive Dynamics of the Learning Commons: Discovery and Project Learning - David V. Loertscher, Professor
- A Catalyst for Connections: A Collaborative Strategic Planning Process - Robin Kear, Liaison Librarian
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Full Stacks, Introverts, & Zero-Sum Librarians: Notes from Office Hours - Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor
- Importance of Providing Tailored Services to Online Students - Victoria Raish, Knowledge Commons Graduate Assistant
- Online educational spaces by and for librarians: best practices and models - Loida Garcia-Febo, President
- Where Does It Fit In?: The Use of Print Reference in Upper Division Library Instruction - Tina Chan, Assistant Coordinator of Reference
- Building Stronger Communities: Connecting Your Library and the Nonprofit World - Aryn Dagirmanjian, Grants Collection Librarian/Funding Information Network Supervisor
- Consumer Health Reference Interview: Best Practices - Lili Luo, Associate Professor
- Creating and using a national multi-lingual authority file - Ahava Cohen librarian/ LIS instructor
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Library as Platforms: Lessons from News Media - David Weinberger
- First Year Library Instruction in China: Active Learning, Collaboration and Assessment - Raymond Pun, Reference and Research Services Librarian
- KEYNOTE: Norm Jacknis on 'How The Future Requires Us To Re-envision Libraries'
- Building a Digital Library from Scratch - Robin Fay
- Creating Accessible User Experiences with Accessibility Evaluation Tools - Melissa Fortson Green, Academic Technologies Instruction Librarian
- Digitization:The Future of LIS and Archives? - Scott Jones, MLIS. CEO/Head Librarian
- Impact the UX of your Website with Contextual Inquiry - Rachel Vacek, Head of Web Services
- Using Primary Sources Available on Awesome Stories in Lesson Plans - Melissa Purcell, Media Specialist
- And, Or and Not, Ifs, Ands, or Buts: Framing new literacy learning through process integration. - Sean Cordes Associate Professor Instruction Services Coordinator
- Building a Physical Library in the Digital Age - Jennifer Joe, Assistant Professor, Owensboro Campus Library
- Does What We Do Matter?: Intensive Ask-a-Librarian Statistics Tracking and Doubling-Down on Professional Librarian Expertise - Laureen P. Cantwell, Reference & Distance Services Librarian
- Helping Students with Disabilities Conduct Research - Judith Zorfass
- Librarians Utilizing Virtual Reality - Dr. Valerie Hill & Suzette Lewis
- ALA presents Inside New Library Design - Phil Morehart
- Become Your Library's Technology Futurist - Tina D. Jagerson, JD, MLIS
- Indonesian LIS Professionals’ Understanding of Library 2.0 - Ms Bekti Mulatiningsih
- Strategies for Internationalizing LIS Courses - Melanie Sellar, Founder and Co-Executive Director
- 3D printing and beyond, how and why library can take leadership in the Makers Movement on campus - Amy Jiang, Library Technology Coordinator
- Can't you make that record look better? Cataloguing and the "display pitfall" - Donna Frederick, Metadata Librarian
- Ready or Not, Here They Come: Tech Trends for Academic and Research Libraries - Samantha Adams Becker
- Taking the Leap: Maker Spaces in the LRC (Avanzando a Grandes Pasos: Los Espacios Maker en los CRA) - Jennifer Garcia
- “Discovery Learning in the Library Learning Commons” - Prof. David V. Loertscher
- 21st-century School Librarians Take Reciprocal Mentoring Online with #txlchat - Judi Moreillon, Associate Professor
- A Catalyst for Igniting Change: Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada - Carol Koechlin
- Creating Information Literacy Toolkits for HBCU Libraries--Undergraduate Research - kYmberly Keeton, Academic Art Librarian/Assistant Professor of Library Science
- Implementing a learning objects repository - pitfalls and possibilities - Mandy Callow, Manager (Repositories)
- Reference 2.015: Transitioning to a New Model of Service - J B Hill, Ottenheimer Library Director
- Friends with Benefits: Information Seeking and Information Evaluation of Social Media Information - John Louie Zabala, Instructor, Readers Services Librarian
- Improving the Analysis of Large Digital Collections: A Topic-Based Visualization Model for Better Information Access and Retrieval - Michelle Chen, Assistant Professor
- Instructing the Masses with an Army of One: Extending Information Literacy Online with a Limited Budget and Staff - Seth Allen, Online Instruction Librarian
- Mobile Access to Library Services - B.Vijayalakshmi, Librarian
- KEYNOTE: Toby Greenwalt on 'Flywheel Libraries: Making Library Service Visible in the Information Ecosystem'
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