"Starting to Homeschool" is a series of six Webinars for those interested in starting the journey to homeschooling, or just learning more about homeschooling. Each Webinar will be a half-hour presentation by Patrick Farenga, followed by a half hour of questions and answers with attendees.
The first Webinar was held on February 27th, 2015, and the recording can be viewed on the http://www.startingtohomeschool.com site under the "Recordings" link. Each additional Webinar in the series of the six is free to watch live or for the 24 hours following its broadcast by going to http://www.startingtohomeschool.com. After that, the Webinar series must be purchased to watch the completed Webinars.
This is a reminder that our second Webinar, "The Elementary School Years," will be broadcast live from 3 - 4pm US-Eastern Time on Friday, March 27th. Those who are able to join the Webinar live will be able to ask questions in the chat during the Q&A period. Pat's description of this Webinar is:
The first Webinar was held on February 27th, 2015, and the recording can be viewed on the http://www.startingtohomeschool.com site under the "Recordings" link. Each additional Webinar in the series of the six is free to watch live or for the 24 hours following its broadcast by going to http://www.startingtohomeschool.com. After that, the Webinar series must be purchased to watch the completed Webinars.
This is a reminder that our second Webinar, "The Elementary School Years," will be broadcast live from 3 - 4pm US-Eastern Time on Friday, March 27th. Those who are able to join the Webinar live will be able to ask questions in the chat during the Q&A period. Pat's description of this Webinar is:
Please let others know about this Webinar series by directing them to http://www.startingtohomeschool.com.How do I start homeschooling? What are my state’s requirements for homeschooling and how do I meet and report them?Learn how to find reliable information about the homeschooling laws in your state and how to read and use them. Topics also include what you need to consider for homeschooling if your children has special needs, is currently in school, or has other issues. Also, the attitude of the parent embarking upon homeschooling for the first time will be examined.
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