Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Live Today - Laurette Lynn on Unplugged Education

Join me today, Tuesday, February 7th, for a live and interactive FutureofEducation.com interview with Laurette Lynn, the "Unplugged Mom." A self-proclaimed pioneer of Unplugged Education, Laurette believes and actively promotes learning not only without school, but "without any systematized, institutionalized or prescribed methodology that isn’t specifically determined by our own organic, instinctual and natural drive to learn, grow and discover our world." To her worldwide audience, she blogs and podcasts about the value of “unplugging from the conventional and artificial process of both learning and living in order to reconnect with discovery, understanding and knowledge in the natural environment."

Date: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / 1am (next day) GMT (international times here)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). Log in at http://futureofed.info. The Blackboard Collaborate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Blackboard Collaborate, please visit the support and configuration page.
Recordings: The full Blackboard Collaborate recording is available https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2012-02-07.1503.M.9E9FE58134BE68C3B413F24B3586CF.vcr&sid=2008350 and a portable audio recording is available at http://audio.edtechlive.com/foe/unpluggedmom.mp3.

Laurette Lynn is convinced that the modern forced schooling system has almost completely robbed society of some of the qualities of basic humanity including critical thought, creative intelligence, and overall wellness of being. Through her work, she supports and advocate for the practice of natural organic learning through home-based independent learning,  rather than manufactured and institutionalized, forced schooling. She coined the term “unplugged education” because she believes that essentially true learning is what happens naturally when we ‘unplug’ from the compulsory standards that mainstream culture has "placed nefariously upon us."  More information about Laurette, including links to her blog and podcast, can be found at http://www.unpluggedmom.com/laurette-lynn.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Thanks Steve! It was a pleasure! I thought it worth mentioning that when I concluded the interview my nine year old son entered my office to let me know what the current results of today's primaries were so far. He reiterated the percentages and added his own commentary and opinions on the results in different states. I hope this exemplifies some of what I tried to explain - learning is simply integrated into life and it's easy when you as a parent, pay attention and communicate.


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