Sunday, January 29, 2012

Live Interview Tuesday, January 31st - David Loertscher on Physical and Virtual Learning Commons and Building Personal Learning Environments

Join me Tuesday, January 31st, for a live and interactive webinar with David Loertscher, professor at the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University and proponent of the library as a new learning commons. In this follow-up to our previous interview, we're going to drill down on the current state of libraries in our visions of education, how the idea of the New Learning Commons could be influence those visions, and how we help students and adults create their own "Personal Learning Environments."

Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / 1am (next day) GMT (international times here)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). Log in at The Blackboard Collaborate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Blackboard Collaborate, please visit the support and configuration page. Recordings of the session will be posted within a day of the event at the event page.
Recordings: The full Blackboard Collaborate recording is at and a portable .mp3 recording is available at

David V. Loertscher has degrees from the University of Utah, the University of Washington and a Ph.D. from Indiana University. He has been a school library media specialist in Nevada and Idaho at both the elementary and secondary school levels. He has taught at Purdue University, The University of Arkansas, The University of Oklahoma, and is presently a professor at the School of Library and Information Science at San José State University. He served as head of the editorial department at Libraries Unlimited for ten years and is President of Hi Willow Research & Publishing (distributed by LMC Source at He has been a president of the American Association of School Librarians.


  1. There is one place that Jan. 31st is mentioned as a Thursday. I think you meant it to be listed as Tuesday.

    Thanks for coordinating such amazing learning events.


  2. Great conversation. Enjoyed it on my way to vuDAT today at MSU. Thanks!


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