Monday, November 21, 2011

This Week: Kindle Fire Education Review, GlobalEdCon Recordings, Community News, and the Hack Education Roundup and Podcast!

Welcome to week six of this new weekly blog post / email, including the round-up of the week's news and the always-fun podcast with Audrey Watters in which we really drill down on the Amazon Kindle Fire (see my blog post below as well).

  • The 5-day, 300+ session 2011 Global Education Conference wrapped up on Friday, and the recordings are available now here in both HTML and spreadsheet form! As well, the recent Library 2.011 conference recordings are here.
  • SXSWEdu (South by Southwest Education) announced their first list of 50 accepted concurrent sessions and panels proposals for the 2012 conference, March 6 - 8, in Austin, Texas. My panel proposal "School 2.0" was accepted, the topic being the role that teachers should and will play in the future of the education reform dialog (with panelists Stephanie Sandler, Thomas Ho, and Donna Murdoch). I'm still waiting to on two other panels I proposed (one on "hacking" your education, the other on the dangers of "red herring" tech solutions to education). Based on the list of sessions already accepted, this promises to be a very interesting conference where many of the cutting ed-tech discussions will be taking place--discussions that aren't always at the traditional ed tech conferences. Hmmm...
  • I'm giving the keynote address next week at the DET/CHE 2011 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, an event for leaders in educational technology in California higher education. 
  • I know it's early, but be sure to start thinking about the ISTE 2012 conference in San Diego. This will be the fifth year of EduBloggerCon, which is being renamed SocialEdCon and will now incorporate our other great events at ISTE:  the Bloggers' Cafe and ISTEUnplugged. More details coming soon, but be sure to put Saturday, June 23rd, into your calendar for when you are making your travel plans! And this year, let's make sure that this event draws in the Library 2.0 crowd--something I really want to see happen more often.
  • Also on early radar--Lucy Gray and I are talking about a Global Education Summit physical meeting, also to precede ISTE... we plan to chew up your summer days in the most pleasant of ways, but at least our events are free! 
  • The Future of Education interview series returns tomorrow (Tuesday, November 22nd) from our virtual conference break for an interview with Scott Nine, the Executive Director of IDEA, the Institute for Democratic Education in America. More information here
  • The recording of this past Saturday's Classsroom 2.0 LIVE! show with featured teacher Beth Still has been posted. Classroom 2.0 will not meet until December 3rd in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday in the US. The topic for Saturday, December 3rd will be ”Can We Skip Lunch and Keep Writing?” by author Julie Ramsay. Julie will share the ways she uses technology, tools and resources with to motivate students and re-energize writing instruction.
  • I'll be meeting next week with Gina Bianchini, co-founder of Ning and creator of the new MightyBell that's hosting the new Teacher 2.0 self-paced, free online workshop. We're going to brainstorm how her social teaching and learning program could best help educators.
  • In December, We Collaborate becomes the official user network for Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate and Wimba) users. Come to trade tips and tricks with other Collaborate users. December 31 will officially be closed down.
  • Community Numbers: If numbers equate to finding interesting people, which they often do, these number may be of interest. Library 2.0 has reached over 12,500 members from 153 countries, growing almost 7,000 members since the Library 2.011 conference was announced earlier in the year. Classroom 2.0 is at almost 62,000 members from an incredible 181 countries. Teacher 2.0 is growing more slowly with almost 2,800 members (a cutting edge-group!), while the ever-small Student 2.0 is seeing a rash of student sign-ups from Ohio and France for cultural exchanges. The Future of Education will reach 7,000 members this week or next.

Blogger Audrey Watters (Hack Education) sits down with me (virtually) each week to discuss the ed tech news of the week and drill down on stories that have caught her eye (and attracted her writing talent). Audrey is a writer for the NPR education technology blog MindShift, for the data section of O’Reilly Radar, and for the Edutopia blog.

Here's the direct link to our latest podcast: The podcast feed link is


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