Sunday, June 06, 2010

This Week's Live and Interactive Events in Elluminate

Below are this week's public, free, and interactive webinars through, the social learning network for education that I work on for Elluminate.

The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. A number of folks have emailed me looking for an easy calendar import / RSS feed for these events, and while the developers at LearnCentral are working on a good long-term solution, you'll find my Google Calendar "hack" at Hope it helps!

Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series, and Spanish-language Webinars from the Aula 2.0 Series! I hope you will also consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (

Thanks for your attention, and see you online!

Monday, June 7th
  • 2am PDT (US) / 5am EDT (US) (next day) / 9am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
    “Elluminate Master Classes.”
    “Join Carole McCulloch for 'Ten Minute Tasters' on using Elluminate.”
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (intl times)TL CAFE
    Skype an Author Network.” Join the Gwyneth Jones of the TL Virtual Cafe to learn about Skype an Author: "The mission of the Skype an Author Network is to provide K-12 teachers and librarians with a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits." Ramona N. Kerby and Sarah Chauncey will talk about their groundbreaking project and site, Skype an Author!
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 10:45pm PDT (US) / 1:45am EDT (US) (next day) / 5:45am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times)AUSTRALIA SERIES
    Global Collaboration: Flattening Classrooms.” Anne Mirtschin will host a discussion about global collaboration and how Web 2.0 tools can be used to implement this into our curriculum to 'flatten' your classroom? Join the amazing and innovative Julie Lindsay, of Beijing, as she shares Flat Classroom pedagogy, including simple steps to get started and opportunities to connect globally. Dont miss this session with one of the award winning pioneers of true global collaboration and flattening classroom walls!
    LearnCentral Link:
Tuesday, June 8th
  • 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    Lead Your Learning Organization To Improve Results, Cut Costs And Prepare For The Road Ahead.In today's challenging economy, companies and training departments are faced with three major challenges: trying to do more with less, preparing for change and planning for recovery. Simply cutting budgets isn't the answer. Learning leaders have a key role in helping their organizations learn to survive, perform and prosper. This webinar explores Learning Paths, a proven methodology, that enables learning leaders to take an active and more strategic role in ramping up capabilities, addressing competitive challenges and preparing the future workforce.
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 6pm PDT (US) / 9pm EDT (US) / 1am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
    Algunas de las Cosas que Podemos Hacer en Web 2-0.Presentadora es Jeannette Gleiser Dobrzynski. Diseñadora Industrial con énfasis en diseño gráfico y diseño de empaques, especialización en diseño web, coordinadora de Expresión Universidad de Los Andes y Coordinadora Diseño por computador en PUJ, profesora y head dept de tecnologia CHLA en Bogotá, Colombia Freelancer dedicada al diseño electrónico sitios web, boletines y news letters electrónicos.
    LearnCentral Link:
Wednesday, June 9th
  • 3am PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    Ecapability: what is it? how do you get it?” “Join Coach Carole for a session with Clint Smith. If you only have hammer, every problem looks like a nail. As educators, we often think that that the solution to getting more e-learning happening must be to train more teachers to do more. But is that all there is to it? Clint conducted a national survey and analysis of over 60 Australian training providers and businesses to identify the success factors for "embedding" e-learning – ie making it work, and then making it stick. There were some real surprises. Clint will describe what it really takes for organisations to be e-capable, and suggest some tactics for fast-tracking e-learning capability at your place.
    LearnCentral Link

  • 7am PDT (US) / 11am EDT (US) / 3pm GMT/UTC (intl times): ELLUMINATE LIVE SERIES
    Elluminate Live! V10 - Sneak Peek,” with presenter Valerie Schreiner. Be among the first to see the new and improved Elluminate Live! Version 10! We’ve listened to your feedback and have enhanced our industry-leading online learning and collaboration tool to provide even greater support for all users regardless of physical, sensory or cognitive ability. We have also added new features to improve the overall learning experience. With greater performance and usability, Elluminate Live V10 gives you the power to make learning and collaboration happen better, faster, and more efficiently. Register now to be part of an exclusive community invited to see the product before it is officially released.
    LearnCentral Link
    : (pre-registration required)

  • 9:30am PDT (US) / 12:30pm EDT (US) / 4:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    How to Design Action-packed Elearning,” with host Cathy Moore. Are you under pressure to cram too much content into your elearning? In this webinar, you'll learn a quick way to identify extraneous information and replace it with high-energy activities. Cathy Moore will help you apply a fun, visual approach to instructional design that quickly makes clear which content and activities will be most useful.
    LearnCentral Link

  • 6:30pm PDT (US) / 9:30pm EDT (US) / 1:30am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
    “Math 2.0 Weekly: Freedom to Learn.”
    Join Maria Droujkova for a discussion about the Freedom to Learn blog at Psychology Today. The blog talks about unschooling mathematics in families and Sudbury schools
    LearnCentral Link:

The 2010 Global Education Conference
A Collaborative Worldwide Conference on Global Education, November 15 - 19
Multiple Time Zones, Multiple Languages, Multiple Tracks
For more information, to volunteer, or to keep informed:

Thursday, June 10th
  • 2:30am PDT (US) / 5:30am EDT (US) / 9:30am GMT/UTC (intl times): STUDENT 2.0 SERIES
    “Twitter - not just small talk. Using Twitter for learning purposes.”
    Join Jenny Luca to discuss the use of Twitter. Twitter can be the basis of a very useful learning network. Discover how you can find people on Twitter who have similar interests to your own, and how to effectively share what you know with the network you form. 
    LearnCentral Link

  • 11am PDT (US) / 2pm EDT (US) / 6pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    Elluminate Live! V10 - Sneak Peek,” with presenter Valerie Schreiner. Be among the first to see the new and improved Elluminate Live! Version 10! We’ve listened to your feedback and have enhanced our industry-leading online learning and collaboration tool to provide even greater support for all users regardless of physical, sensory or cognitive ability. We have also added new features to improve the overall learning experience. With greater performance and usability, Elluminate Live V10 gives you the power to make learning and collaboration happen better, faster, and more efficiently. Register now to be part of an exclusive community invited to see the product before it is officially released.
    LearnCentral Link
    : (pre-registration required)

  • 11am PDT (US) / 2pm EDT (US) / 6pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    Formalizing Informal Learning: Case Studies,” with presenter Lance Dublin. The buzz about Learning 2.0 and Social Learning has turned into a clamor. Organizations know they need to jump onto this bandwagon, but they worry about how. Formal learning is well established and is well understood. Informal learning seems obvious but too ill-defined. Now is the time to move into the third dimension of learning, where formal and informal learning intersects with intention. Some experts have called this 'formalizing informal learning' while others term it 'non-formal' learning. Regardless of what it's called, this third dimension extends, enables and enhances learning in ways never possible before. In this webinar we will go into case studies from these four organizations: Genentech, Google, Toshiba America and Qualcomm. And, we will analyze these case studies to learn how they effectively formalized informal learning to produce tangible and measurable results in their organization.
    LearnCentral Link: (pre-registration required)

  • 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    “Edublogs - Serendipity (PD out of a blue sky).”
    Join Jo Hart in our fortnightly unconference sessions. Bring along the burning issues and hot topics YOU would like to discuss. Topic is chosen by poll at the start of the session LearnCentral Link:
Saturday, June 12th
  • 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times): CLASSROOM 2.0 LIVE SERIES
    Technology Integration in Grade One Classroom with Aviva Dunsiger. Join Kim Caise, Lorna Costantini and Peggy George for another Classroom 2.0 LIVE session with Aviva Dunsiger. Aviva will share the innovative ways she uses technology with her first graders.
    LearnCentral Link


  1. Dear Steve,
    Will Aviva's Elluminate event on June 12th be archived? I missed it.

    Susan Rardin

  2. Susan: I don't see the recording link up yet in LearnCentral (just click though on the event--the recordings are posted there when the presenters remember), but I'm guessing it's already up at



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