This is day two of a week of experimenting with social networking projects, and I'm cheating a bit. But for a good cause.
Library 2.0 was started by Bill Drew in early 2007, a few weeks before I fired up Classroom 2.0. We kept in touch, and every so often we would correspond about our experiences running educationally-oriented social network. Some weeks ago I read that Bill was struggling with a spam problem on his network and had decided to shut it down. I emailed him and mentioned that I'd developed something of a system for dealing with spam on my networks, and asked if he would like me to help him or take the network over. It seemed a shame to think the network would be shutting down--first, because there were over 4,500 members, and second, because of my belief that librarians are a great model for the expanded role teachers will have in a Web 2.0 world.
Bill opted to have me take over the network, so I purchased the domain name and set about to find a sponsor to remove the advertisements. Thanks to Elisabeth Abarbanel and Buffy Hamilton and the other librarians at Brentwood School, who generously stepped forward to sponsor the monthly fees from Ning, was seamlessly reborn last week as Wahoo!
So, in truth, Library 2.0 is not really an experiment and it didn't really happen today, but in a larger sense it really is part of this week of expanding projects--so we'll claim it anyway. And it is worth highlighting, so I hope you'll come visit or join the site if you are a librarian interested in the use of Web 2.0 and Social Media.
More to come! Tomorrow - Students 2.0. Thursday - Aula 2.0. And Friday - EduBloggerCon, OpenSourceCon, and GlobalEdCon. :)
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