The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series!
I also hope you'll consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (
Wednesday, March 17th
- AUSTRALIA SERIES: 1:00am Pacific Time (US) / 8:00Am GMT/UTC (intl times):
"eT@lking: Developing Learning Resources." Presented by Rowan Peter, Elias Madi and special guests. Rowan and Elias are part of the resource development team in the Learning Innovation and Development Unit at Holmesglen. In this presentation they will discuss: the production cycle of a ‘typical’ online learning resource; development tools and techniques; roles and responsibilities of project team members; and examples of work.
LearnCentral Link:
- 4:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 11:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Twitter for Beginners." Join Lorna Costantini and Kim Caise to learn how to use the microblogging tool, Twitter. Please feel free to refer colleagues who have never used Twitter or a microblogging tool before.
LearnCentral Link:
- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:00am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
"21st Century Skills." Join me for a live and interactive interview with Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel. In 21st Century Skills, Trilling and Fadel tell why and how the global landscape for learning is reshaping itself, and what this global transformation, often called the “21st century skills movement,” may bring to a school near you.
LearnCentral Link:
- AUSTRALIA SERIES: 12:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 7:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
"Business Breakfast - Open for Business in a Virtual Office." The first of a series of Breakfast Seminars for managers and business owners. eLearn Australia uses Elluminate as a Virtual Office, offering clients and employees flexible working environments, true collaboration and effective communication. Presented by the CEO of eLearn Australia. Managers and Supervisors, Principals of Colleges and Schools and small business proprietors looking to reach a wider market place will find this seminar of value. LearnCentral Link:
- AUSTRALIA SERIES: 4:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 11:00pm GMT/UTC (int times):
"Edublogs Serendipity - Unconference Session." Join Jo Hart in the fortnightly unconference session. Bring along the burning issues and hot topics YOU would like to discuss. Topic is chosen by poll at the start of the session
LearnCentral Link:
- 5:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 1:00am GMT/UTC (intl times):
I interview Michael Moe and Deborah Quazzo on "Ed Tech: A View from the Commercial Side." Join me live and interactive as we explore with these education-sector investors the relationship of commercial companies to education and educational change. Where is education going and why or how do commercial companies need to be involved?
LearnCentral Link:
- 9:00am Pacific Time (US) / 5:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
Kim Caise, Peggy George, and Lorna Costantini host the weekly Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show. This week: "Innovations for Mobile Learning for Young Children" with special guest, Carly Shuler from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center.
- 11:00am Pacific Time (US) / 6:00pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
Maria Droujkova hosts "Math 2.0 Weekly." This week, Ethnomathematics! with Dr. Lawrence Shirley, the organizer of the Fourth International Conference of Ethnomathematics, will give an overview of the field and the International Study Group.
LearnCentral Link:
- 7:00pm Pacific Time (US) / 2:00am GMT/UTC (intl times):
LeRoy Hill hosts the regular CEN (Caribbean Educators Network) meeting.
LearnCentral Link:
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