The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series!
I also hope you'll consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (
- Monday, February 8th, 10am Pacific Time (US) / 6pm GMT/UTC (international times): Marian Heddesheimer hosts "Web 2.0 Tools - Introduction to the Social Web." The Internet is using a lot of free social web services that you can use comfortably and free. He will show WebMail (GMail), Bookmark Sharing (delicious, diigo), Planning (Google Calendar), Publishing (Wordpress, Blogger), and Twitter. LearnCentral Link:
- Tuesday, February 9th, 2pm Pacific Time (US) / 10pm GMT/UTC (international times): Rochelle Rodrigo discusses "Alternate Search Engines & Media Repositories: Can You Digg It? Web Applications for Research." Do your students start any research project with a Google Search? Admit it, sometimes even you do... In this webinar, participants will explore a variety of different search engines and other media repositories they might use to find materials for their classes and or assign for students to use. LearnCentral Link:
- Tuesday, February 9th, 5pm Pacific Time (US) / 1am (next day) GMT/UTC (international times): Join me for a live and interactive interview of Lisa Gillis, co-author of Virtual Schooling: A Guide to Optimizing Your Child's Education. LearnCentral Link:
- Wednesday, February 10th, 1am Pacific Time (US) / 9am GMT/UTC (international times): Anne Mirtschin hosts "eT@lking - Wonderful World of Wikis" as part of The Australia Series. Chrissy Hellier will be guest presenter talking about the Wonderful World of Wikis and their use in education. LearnCentral Link:
- Wednesday, February 10th, 4:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 12:30am (next day) GMT/UTC (international times): "Olympics Science: Online Resources for the Classroom from NBC Learn." On February 12th, the torch will light over Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Join the Learning Games Network's Alex Chisholm and special guest Norman Cohen, producer at NBC Learn, to bring the science of the Winter Olympics home to your classroom. LearnCentral Link:
Wednesday, February 10th, 5pm Pacific Time (US) / 1am (next day) GMT/UTC (international times): Join me for a live and interactive interview with Larry Johnson, the Horizon Project’s founder and visionary leader. After nearly a decade of tracking the evolution of emerging technology as part of the New Media Consortium’s Horizon Project, Larry has uncovered seven clear patterns in the evolution of technology that can only be seen over time. From his research, it is clear that these seven powerful channels are at the heart of how learning, work, and play are evolving everywhere in the world and in every sector of education. LearnCentral Link: - Wednesday, February 10th, 6:30pm Pacific Time (US) / 1am (next day) GMT/UTC (international times): Maria Droujkova hosts Math 2.0 Weekly. This week, CEET and teacher stories with Sue Hellman. LearnCentral Link:
- Thursday, February 11th, 3pm Pacific Time (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (international times): Jo Hart hosts Edublogs "Talk Time: Teach to the Test?" Part of The Australia Series. Phil Hart will facilitate the discussion on the current hot topic of "Teaching to the Test vs Teaching to the Learner's Needs." LearnCentral Link:
- (UPDATED TIME) Thursday, February 18th, 3pm Pacific Time (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (international times): Join me for a live and interactive interview with Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody. LearnCentral Link:
- Thursday, February 11th, 4pm Pacific Time (US) / 12am (next day) GMT/UTC (international times): Terry Lindenmuth hosts HS19530 1to1. Students from a 1 to 1 laptop high school will present technology infused projects and activities related to their classes. The students and their teacher will be available for questions after the presentation. LearnCentral Link:
- Friday, February 12th, 11:30am Pacific Time (US) / 7:30pm GMT/UTC (international times): Barbara Lindsey discusses "Finding and Filtering Online Resources." How can educators filter and manage the abundant resources and information now available through the internet? In the spirit of collaboration and community building, many educators are turning to these mediated environments to learn with and from each other. In this session we'll explore some tools that can help us manage content of interest to us and that can provide our students and us the option of learning with and from those outside the traditional course environment. LearnCentral Link:
- Saturday, February 13th, 7am Pacific Time (US) / 3pm GMT/UTC (international times): Terry Lindenmuth hosts "Tech in Math Ed - GeoGebra: Question and Answer Session." You, the participants, will determine what aspects of GeoGebra he demonstrates. This is mainly for beginners to GeoGebra and high school math teachers. Everyone is welcome. LearnCentral Link:
- Saturday, February 13th, 9am Pacific Time (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (international times): Classroom 2.0 LIVE's weekly show. This week: Jeff O'Hara showcases Edmodo: Microblogging in the Classroom.
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