While I wished there had been a section on education, I tweeted out (rare for me!) that I wasn't sure why the film wasn't getting more attention. Ivo @-replied to me asking how they might get the film "out there more" and since then we've been brainstorming that by email and now on a live call. He's especially interested in extending the project to the education arena--what can or will education and learning be like in the new information world? Since this is what my Future of Education interview series is all about, it's a match made in heaven.
Here's our plan: Ivo is going to come in live by video to EduBloggerCon and ask us to help build a version of the film that is geared toward education. Maybe we'll screen the film during lunch for those who haven't watched it (embedded below so you can watch now if you want). Then we'll hold an unconference session with those who want to be a part of that organizing, and see what we can come up with. He and I had some fun ideas, but we want to see what ideas the community will have. It would be most fun if this were a real community undertaking!
So, if you're going to be at EduBloggerCon in DC on the 27th, hopefully you'll consider taking part in this activity. In the meantime, check it out!
Here's a new Open Source Film thats looking for volunteers.