Monday, April 20, 2009

Creating the Future of Learning - KnowledgeWorks Foundation's 2020 Forecast & Interview

Tomorrow we have a special event in the Future of Education interview series:  an interview with Chad Wick and Andrea Saveri on "KnowledgeWorks Foundation's 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning."

KnowledgeWorks Foundation is the primary sponsor of the Future of Education interview series, and they deserve a huge round of applause.  We've had a terrific lineup so far, and have some great interviews coming up (Michael Horn, Chris Dede, Michael Wesch, John Seely Brown, David Thornburg, and more!).  The interviews are live through Elluminate, but are also are recorded and available to listen or watch at any time.  

Tomorrow, April 21st, KnowledgeWorks Foundation President and CEO Chad Wick and futurist Andrea Saveri will join us to explore key forces of change that will shape the landscape of learning over the next decade, and how we are moving toward a culture of creation and innovation. We'll dive into the 2020 Forecast and accompanying website experience for an hour, including a Q&A period.

Date: Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Time: 12:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm GMT (international times here)

Location: In Elluminate. Log in at   The Elluminate room will be open up 15 minutes before the event if you want to come in early.

To make sure that your computer is configured for Elluminate, please visit

Chad Wick is driven by a desire to create equity of educational opportunity in  order to effectively prepare all students for college, work, and citizenship in the 21st century. Recognized by former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley as "one of the outstanding education leaders in the country," Chad leads KnowledgeWorks Foundation in its mission to increase the number and diversity of people who value and access public education. As the founding president and CEO, he has led the Foundation to achieve this mission by providing not only seed grants and operating funds, extensive technical assistance and training, but policy and advocacy projects that promote and support sustainable, system-wide changes.

Prior to starting her own independent practice, Andrea Saveri worked for Institute for the Future, a non-profit think tank in Palo Alto. As a research director, her career at IFTF included leading large-scale domestic and international research studies in technology adoption, social innovation, and networked organizational structures. At IFTF she launched FutureCommons, an open networked thinking community, and initiated IFTF's transition to a networked organizational model, applying her research to IFTF's strategic plan. She pioneered IFTF's work with teens, developing curriculum to teach youth about forecasting and long-term thinking. Over the years she has presented research and facilitated numerous client meetings from the managerial and operational levels to the executive and board levels.

Created with the Institute for the Future, the 2020 Forecast highlights key forces of change that will shape learning over the next decade. In particular, it shows how creation and innovation are becoming more essential for success than ever before.
To be successful in tomorrow's new economy, today's students will have to be able to learn and adapt quickly and frequently.
In highlighting such trends, the 2020 Forecast aims to help anyone with a stake in learning anticipate and prepare for change.

Having been engaged in a disciplined study of future forces affecting education since 2006, KnowledgeWorks is working to transform education in the US from a world of schooling to a world of learning.
This world calls not for better schools, but for entirely new kinds of learning environments.
To be successful in it, tomorrow's learners will not just need better teachers; they will need guides who take on fundamentally different roles.
KnowledgeWorks invites educators and others interested in the future of learning to use the 2020 Forecast to support visioning and strategic planning. Anyone can start exploring by visiting

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