Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 Edublog Award for Best Educational Use of a Social Network

Classroom 2.0 has won the 2008 Edublog Award for "best educational use of a social network." I love the honor and feel it speaks highly for the great community that has gathered around Classroom 2.0.

And I want to point out that there are a great number of educational social networks, both for classroom and professional development, that are doing really good work. Check out the other nominees for the award here.  

If you're not a member of Classroom 2.0, I encourage you to join.  

More good links:


  1. Congratulations Steve! Classroom 2.0 continues to be an excellent resource !

  2. Steve, congratulations! This honor is well deserved!

  3. Congratulations, Steve. Your award is well deserved. It is quite a feat to get over 15,000 people to sign up for anything.


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