Monday, October 06, 2008

Becta Report on Benefits of Web 2.0 in the Classroom

From the article:
  • Web 2.0 helps to encourage student engagement and increase participation – particularly among quieter pupils, who can use it to work collaboratively online, without the anxiety of having to raise questions in front of peers in class – or by enabling expression through less traditional media such as video.
  • Teachers have reported that the use of social networking technology can encourage online discussion amongst students outside school. 
  • Web 2.0 can be available anytime, anywhere, which encourages some individuals to extend their learning through further investigation into topics that interest them.
  • Pupils feel a sense of ownership and engagement when they publish their work online and this can encourage attention to detail and an overall improved quality of work. Some teachers reported using publication of work to encourage peer assessment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Great news this! - oh and did you see the Childnet Social Networking report which came out in the UK this summer - it specifically mentioned ning too!


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