Imitation--especially with permission--is the sincerest form of flattery. Last year I stayed up until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning building a blog post that listed all of the NECC speakers, their sessions, blog tags for each of them, and links to search feeds on those blog tags. The post went over so well that my blog hits went through the roof. This year the conference added this as a feature on their main site, and their new page, pretty much a duplicate of mine from last year (should be, since I helped them!) is now live at http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2008/program/blog_tag_index.php
It's not only a good resource for blogging and following up afterwards, but it's also a super-easy page for finding speakers and when they are speaking. Do check out!
Part II:
I've created a wiki at http://www.necclive.com (forwards to http://necclive.wikispaces.com) for the listing of live-streamed sessions at NECC, as well as live chat sessions. This should allow those who are not able to attend NECC in person to be able to remotely follow some of the what takes place. (I'll know this was needed if NECC absorbs it as well next year!)
I'm looking for a volunteer (volunteers?) who would be willing to receive emails with session information and populate the wiki. Because it's hard to have multiple people editing a wiki page at the same time, and because I expect much of the streaming information to occur just before sessions start, I think we'll lock the pages just before NECC starts and only have our volunteer(s) doing updating. (If you know in advance you are going to try to stream or have create a chat session, you can add that now.) Please let me know if you'd like to help in this way.
It is very important that those who are considering streaming 1) read the NECC Code of Conduct for Video and Audio Recording, and 2) plan on low-bandwidth or independent broadband methods for streaming. I also think it's important that we express appreciation to NECC for bravely experimenting in this and other areas.
There is also a page on the http://www.necclive.com wiki for adding links to recordings or chat logs afterwards. This is an alphabetical table list of all speakers and their sessions.
There will hopefully also be live content at EduBloggerCon and NECC Unplugged, and you should refer to those specific web pages for links.
Great idea! I was feeling very left out with so many colleagues going to NECC. I am happy to volunteer my services and hope that I will feel a bit more a part of it all.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Heidi. OK, now we'll need to coordinate any volunteers. Are you going to be at your computer Monday June 30 through Wednesday July 2? :) Likely not, so it might be good to consider dividing up the time of who will update? We could have a little chart on the wiki. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteI would like to second Heidi's comments! If you need more volunteers you can count on me!
ReplyDeleteOK, Heidi and Lori! Way to go! Do you each want to pick a day to be responsible for? Meaning, that day you'd get emails and update the site?
ReplyDeleteI'm available any of those days. To make this easier, feel free to just assign me when needed and let me know. I am facilitating a course so I will be by my computer.
ReplyDeleteI can help too.
ReplyDeleteMonday or Tuesday would be best for me.
Just let me know.
OK, I've put in a short list of you three so far and assigned you days. Be sure to let me know if you *don't* want to do this so we can replace you. (Anyone interested in being a backup, just let us know here.)
ReplyDeletehttp://www.necclive.com/. Please put in your email addresses and your preferred IM/Skype account.
Count me in as a volunteer for the 30th and 1st if you need more hands.
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanting to help be an editor Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday will need to join the wiki so I can give you editing permissions when we lock it down.
ReplyDeleteHeidi--were you going to put up contact information so people could contact you?
If not, maybe someone else would put their information on the page.
If you need a backup, I can help out on Tuesday and/or Wednesday. (I will be away from the computer over the weekend, but I'll be back Monday morning.)