I will take credit for the "Ideas" section, which I'm hoping others will flesh out. I'm convinced that the current technologies that we call Web 2.0, Free and Open Source Software, open content, distance-learning, video-conferencing, and virtual reality are significant not because they are "technology," but because they bring new, compelling methods and ideas for learning that are transformative. I hope you will expand on these--describe them, add to them, modify them, argue with them... They are:
Self Learning
I'm also tentatively announcing a School 2.0 one-day conference on Saturday, June 23, 2007, in Atlanta, Georgia, just prior to NECC. I anticipate it will be a blitz of teacher and student demos, panel discussions, video-feeds that will be blogged and flickred and podcast real-time--and that will take a day or two to recover from. We have some big-name folks who are promising to come, but the real key will be to network, mingle, and hear from those in the trenches using the tools of School 2.0. This means that our more relaxed EduBloggerCon "unconference" could be the day before (Friday, June 22), giving a two-day combination that would be an real treat. Or, we combine the two events into one... Let me know your feelings.
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