Join me today, Wednesday, September 11th, for a live and interactive FutureofEducation.com conversation with Michelle Cordy on what it means to "hack your classroom."
Michelle teaches grade 3 and 4 with one to one iPad in London, Ontario with the Thames Valley District School Board. She has been teaching since 2001 and holds a Master of Education. Michelle describes herself as "curious and engaged in learning about making thinking visible, assessment, electronic portfolios, maker spaces, innovative learning, collaboration and creativity." I would additionally describe Michelle as pure energy, with an openness and honesty about exploring learning in a way that can't help but make you smile.
You're going to love Michelle. Find out more about her at http://about.me/michellecordy.
Now, about "hacking." We're going to ask Michelle what she means when she talks about hacking your classroom, and I know she will have a lot to say! From where I sit, the word "hack" has for good reason become increasingly popular and compelling in education (see Audrey Watters' Hack Education blog, my Hack Your Education tour, Dale Stephens' Hacking Your Education book, etc.). This is because hacking carries two connotations that make it a relevant part of our vocabulary about teaching and learning.
First, a hack can be a simple, no-frills, often jerry-rigged solution to a compelling problem (think MacGyver). Solving problems by cutting through bureaucracy--getting the job done--is something pretty familiar to those responsible for making a difference in the learning lives of others. It's also reminds us of the value to an individual of learning to solve their own problems, no matter how un-glamorous the method might be at the start.
The second connotation, and perhaps the one we most often associate with the word, carries a sense of subversion: as in "computer hacking." While I'm guessing that a computer "hack" likely originally meant the same simple or temporary solution to a compelling programming problem, computer "hacking" became increasingly associated with illegal or disruptive activities, and the "hackers" seen as counter-culture troublemakers. This meaning, too, has relevance to education: attempts by teachers to subvert a testing-driven school culture or narrative might appropriately be labeled "hacking;" and students that "hacks" past other people's check-boxes and expectations to drive their own learning.
It's guaranteed to be an interesting hour.
Date: Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern (international times here)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). Log in at http://www.futureofed.info. The Blackboard Collaborate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Blackboard Collaborate, please visit the support and configuration page. Apple Mac users: If you are using a Mac running Mountain Lion v10.8.4, Blackboard has released a special app called the "Collaborate Launcher for Mac" which is now required for Mountain Lion v10.8.4 and later. More information HERE. Mobile users: You can join live sessions from iPhone, iPad, or Android device (including Kindle Fire HD). Links to download the mobile apps can be found at http://www.blackboard.com/Platforms/Collaborate/Products/Blackboard-Collaborate/Mobile-Collaboration.aspx.
Recording: A full Blackboard Collaborate recording and an audio mp3 recording will be available after the show here and at http://www.stevehargadon and http://www.futureofeducation.com.
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