We have an absolutely terrific lineup of keynote speakers. They are listed below, and after the reminder plea for moderator volunteers, you'll also find the current list of all conference sessions. To get times for the keynotes or sessions, go to the conference "attending and schedule" page, which will also have the schedule in customized time zones starting early next week.
Volunteering: as with our other conference 2.0 events, the real party takes place in the volunteer moderator lounge, where a devoted, energetic, and highly beloved group of volunteer moderators keeps the conference running and humming. If you haven't been a volunteer moderator before, there's nothing quite like the camaraderie and the excitement that develops jumping in and out of session rooms and helping presenters and participants have a great experience. Please consider becoming part of this elite team by signing up at http://stemxcon.com/group/volunteers-2013 and using the booking calendar to schedule volunteer time. Huge thanks!
Recordings: all conference sessions are recorded and are available almost immediately after being given. Be sure to come sign up on the conference website to be notified of recording availability. MP3 and MP4 versions will be available as well as the full Blackboard Collaborate recordings, although they take some days to process.
Spreading the word: this a free event, so be sure to tell others! Our Twitter hashtag is #stemx13, and we have some resources for publicizing at http://stemxcon.com/page/publicity.
See you online!
- Jim Vanides - Global Education Program Manager, HP - Sustainability and Social Innovation; Larry Johnson - CEO, The New Media Consortium; Yolanda Ramos - Director of Professional Development Services, International Society for Technology in Education; Mano Talaiver - Director, Longwood Institute for Teaching through Technology and Innovative practices (ITTIP) - "HP Catalyst Academy: A new approach to professional learning, designed especially for STEMx teachers."
- Shari Metcalf - Project Director, EcoMOBILE, Harvard University; and Amy Kamarainen - Visiting Scholar, New York Hall of Science - "EcoMobile: Blended real and virtual immersive experiences for learning complex causality and ecosystems science"
- Cristin Frodella - Head of Global Education Marketing, Google, Inc. - "Google Science Fair"
- Ramsey Musallam - Teacher, Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep - "Explore-Flip-Apply: A Pedagogy First Approach to Reverse Instruction"
- Chua Chor Huat - Principal, School of Science and Technology, Singapore - "Make Learning Relevant Through Fostering Investigative Skills in Science"
- Ramji Raghavan - Chairman, Agasty International Foundation - "Sparking curiosity and nurturing creativity at a mass level through hands-on science!"
- Iris Lapinski - CEO, CDI Apps for Good - "Apps for Good - Growing a new generation of problem solvers and makers"
- Dale Dougherty - Founder, President, and CEO, Maker Media, Inc.; Paloma Garcia-Lopez - Executive Director, Maker Education Initiative - "Maker Movement: Making More Makers"
- Jeanne Century - Director of Research and Evaluation and Science Education, Outlier Research and Evaluation, CEMSE, University of Chicago - "Is it STEM or Just Good Practice?"
- Don Buckley - Co-Founder, Tools at Schools - "Is it Possible to Innovate in Education?"
- Cecilia Martins - Unit Chief, Educational Portal of the Americas, Organization of American States - "OAS work in supporting STEMx education in Latin America and the Caribbean"
- Tim Bell - Professor, University of Canterbury - "Introducing Computer Science in NZ High Schools"
- Elaine Manton - Loreto Grammar School - "The Real Importance of STEM in the Classroom and Beyond"
- Avis Yates Rivers - Director, National Center for Women and Information Technology - "Inspiring The Next Generation in IT"
- Julia Stiglitz - Director, Business Development and Strategic Partnerships, Coursera - "MOOCs"
- Al Byers - Associate Executive Director, Services, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) - "Developing Large Scale Effective STEM Teacher Learning Communities at the National Science Teachers Association"
- Application of Learning Content in Engineering Disciplines - Dr. Revathi Viswanathan
- STEM Standards for K-12 - Yvonne Thayer, Project Lead
- Transform STEMx Teaching and Learning with Infographics - Valery Siegel, Literacy Coach- EdTech
- Unizor - Creative Mind through the Art of Mathematics - Zor Shekhtman, Founder
- Achieving accessibility in STEM contents - Carles Aguiló Collado
- Communication in the classroom - make sure your students are getting the message! - Lori Trent, STEM Coordinator - Innovator of Inspiration and Magic
- RADIO SOLIDARIA AMIGA, ONLINE, UNA HERRAMIENTA INNOVADORA - Mª Magdalena Galiana Lloret. Docente infantil y primaria
- Stories from the Earth: teaching about changing landscapes using 28 years of satellite observations - Peder Nelson, MS
- Creating equitable STEM learning opportunities for K-12 girls - Brenda Britsch, Co-Principal Investigator
- Maps, Math, and Media: Innovative Transdisciplinary Projects in Teacher Education - Melda N. Yildiz, Global Scholar
- STEM is Elementary - Sara Hunter, STEM Coach
- Using MathPickle Puzzles to Give the Gifts of Failure and Success - Dr. Gordon Hamilton
- Articulating the Essential Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools - Melanie LaForce, Lead Researcher
- Finding OERs to Support Adult Education Instruction - Penny Pearson
- Global Teaching with Technology - Katharine Robinson
- Ignite the T in STEM - Sara Hunter, STEM Coach
- e-Mentoring For Student Success - Online Mentoring for new STEM teachers - Alyson Mike, Sr. Director, Online Professional Development
- Finding the Fun of It - Bernard De Koven
- From the CyberWorld to the RealWorld (Classroom) - Dahlia Shaewitz, Principal Research Analyst
- STEM Education and Social Activism: Creating a New South Bronx - Jessica Chung, Digital Learning Programs Associate
- 24/7 Math Support: Crowdsourcing Solutions and Crowdfunding Resources - Torrey Trust, Ph.D. Candidate
- Advanced math for the young, the very young, and the young at heart - Dr. Maria Droujkova
- Affinity Spaces as Learning Tools - Lindsey Tropf, M.Ed. / School Psychology Doctoral Candidate and Intern, CEO
- STEMx: Stemulating Teaching with Emerging Technology Methodologies - Simulation vs. Virtual Learning Environments - Dr. Nicole Simon, Assistant Professor Engineering/Physics/Technology Dept.
- Content Curation as a Context for Learning - Eric Walters, Director of Technology
- Innovation and Education: Why and how they belong together - William J. Ashby, Ph.D.
- NC*****WIT Aspirations in Computing: Increasing Female Participation in Tech - Malia Fredrickson, Aspirations in Computing Program Manager
- Programming in Math Class - David Wees, Formative Assessment Specialist for Math
- The Chameleon Factor - Beate Nguyen, M.A.Ed, Principal
- Building skills for innovative enterprise in secondary school STEM - Jayne Heath, teacher
- Globally Empathetic, Standards-Based Lessons - Nicole Moore, Education Fellow
- Seeing Myself in Science: Engaging girls in STEM - Joanna Baker
- Seeing myself in science: Engaging girls in STEM - Joanna Baker
- Does it Add Up? Integrating STEM with English Language Learners - Shelly Sanchez Terrell
- Intervention Methodology - Tania Nethercote
- Using Hands-on and Digital Resources to Promote STEM Process Skills - Patti Duncan, Retired Teacher
- Innovative STEM Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Classrooms - Jayne Heath, Director Professional Learning
- Designing curriculum for cross-curriculum courses in STEM - Jayne Heath, Director Professional Learning
- Come see the Magic of Google Drive! - Sueann Galt, STEM Coordinator
- Does the use of ‘Learning Menus’ increase students’ intrinsic motivation? - Karla Pobke Coordinator Personalised Learning
- Born Accessible STEM: Making Sure Accessibility is Not Just an Afterthought - Anh Bui Director of Product Strategy for Global Literacy
- Project-Based Learning: You're almost doing it already! - Sueann Galt
- Animating Science Education - Dr Jocelyn Wishart
- Crusoe College's online Mathematics course - rich, personalised, technology-rich Mathematics - Robert Sbaglia
- Cultivating Collaboration in Transdisciplinary Problem Based Learning - Kat Deaner, STEM Coordinator
- Introducing Glogster EDU: the Online Multimedia Poster - Valery Siegel, Literacy Coach- EdTech
- Top Ten Classroom Tools from the Maker Movement - Sylvia Martinez, M. EdTech
- Exploring STEMx Competencies Through ePortfolios - Betty Hurley-Dasgupta, Professor and HP Fellow
- Hey Teachers Let's Tweet - Joshua Sneideman -Einstein Distinguished Science Educator Fellow
- Redefining the Rural Schoolhouse: Customizing Learning using STEM TPRL - Mari Biehl The Learning Concierge
- Transforming learners into global citizens through Wikipedia - Natalie Rector, Emerging Technologies Librarian and Wikipedia Ambassador
- Call it METS, STEM, STEMx, STEAM, Or Just Call it Learning - Helen L. Headrick Coordinator of Educational Opportunities
- Building an Operating System for Computer Science Education - Sarah Rand, Associate Project Director
- Closing the STEM Achievement Gap - Dave Saba, Chief Operating Officer
- Redefining the Rural Schoolhouse: Aligning Education to Problem-Based Learning and Community - President and CEO
- Contemplate, Create, Innovate - Karen McGarry
- Energy Literacy Initiative - Joshua Sneideman - Albert Einstein Distinguished Science Educator
- Essential Strategies and Delivery Systems of Every School - Sheli O. Smith, Director of Programs
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for STEM - Revolutionary or Evolutionary? Issues with MOOCs That Prevent Them From Truly Disrupting the Status Quo - Stan Bogdanov - Instructional Multimedia Specialist
- www.STEMcollection.com : STEM technology + resources - Carles Aguiló Collado
- Informal Library Youth Programs - Jennifer Hopwood, Training Coordinator at the Southern Maryland Regional Library Association
- InkSurvey: A Free Graphical Polling Tool for Formative Assessment - Frank Kowalski, Physics Prof.
- Playful Learning: Games and the Future of STEM - Danny Fain, Teacher in Residence
- Redefining STEM Rubrics for the 21’st Century: It’s all about mastery! - Steve Lewis, Math STEM Fellow
- Disrupting society and education with 3D printing - Elliot Mork, Logician of Learning
- Energy 101 Undergraduate Course Framework: Teaching the Fundamentals of Energy - Matthew Garcia - AAAS FELLOW
- Engaging Students in a Synchronous Online Learning Environment with Group Work - Greg Mayer, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- STEMming with Your Libraries: Strategic Collaborations On Campus and Beyond - Laureen P. Cantwell, Instructional Services Librarian (Asst. Prof.)
- Build a Bridge: Transitioning to STEM TPBL - Beth Witte, Program Coordinator
- Creating Citizen Scientists in the Classroom - Matthew Rudisi – Science Faculty (Biology)
- Re-awakening Students’ Curiosity - Frank Kowalski, Physics Prof.
- Water for L*ife - Ethan Allen, Director STEM
- Facing the 21st Century Grand Challenges: Curriculum Design | Design Curriculum - Christina White, Director
- Online Science Fair: A new way to encourage science learning - Jonathan S. Bell, Development Director
- Open Educational Resources - the secret to integrating the components of STEMx - Sri Chief Learner @ EdK12
- The Chameleon Factor - Beate Nguyen, M.A.Ed, Principal
- The Kids of Kayele: Zambian Youth Teach Water and Sanitation Issues through Online Computer Game - Natasha Sarkar, CAWST Youth Wavemakers Program Manager
- Deeper Learning through Game Design and Production - Danny Fain, STEM/Design teacher
- Murder on Detroit Avenue: An interdisciplinary STEM Unit - Dr Rogan Tinsley, Teacher
- Strategies that Work for Global Advocacy in the Classroom - Jose A. Carmona, Lead Contract English Instructor
- Student-Generated Apps for Mobile Devices – can they enhance higher levels of understanding? - Derek Barkalow, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology
- A Case Study in Science and Engineering Job Shadowing in High School - Ann Gaudino, Ed.D.
- Social Media, Social Justice and STEM - Eric A Walters, Director of Technology
- Tikho's Story: A Quest for Clean Water in Zambia - Natasha Sarkar, CAWST Youth Wavemakers Using VoiceThread to Connect Students with Science Content Specialists - Dr. Laura S Lowder Assistant Professor of Education
- Challenge-based Learning on Climate Change and the HP Catalyst Academy - Michael Furdyk, Co-founder
- Project Outbreak: Creating an Epistemic Game for Microbiology - Kae Novak, Instructional Designer for Student Engagement and Assessment
- STEAM: The A is for more than Art - Drew R Leventhal
- Why the Common Core isn’t the Start or the End of STEM Educational Standards - Brian Coffey
- Creativity in K12 Education - Laura Feeney, Education Advocate
- STEMx is all about Creativity! - Dr. Anjuli Ahooja, Faculty (AP Physics)
- Mag-Net a 21st century online community for Australian STEMx educators. - Gary Bass
- Meaningful STEM-Based Learning in a University/Elementary School Partnership - Maria D. Shaheen, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education)
- Using Scratch and Picoboards to teach "x", Maths and Science - Martin Levins, Director IT
- What's The Connection? How to Integrate Mathematics, Common Core Standards, Real Life Experiences, and the Content Areas - Kristen Beck, Curriculum Coordinator
- 10 Awesome STEM Lessons - Patti Duncan, Retired Teacher
- A STEAM Powered Golf Course - Jill Bergeron, Middle School Technology Integration Specialist
- Essential Strategies and Delivery Systems of Every School - Sheli Smith, Director of Programs
- Re-Imagining Education: Hacker Scouts and STEAM - Samantha Cook, Executive Director and Founder
- Igniting the Spark! Build, Play, Learn - Fun STEM Activities for School Year and Summer Camp Programs - Laura Briggs, STEM Camp Director, Technology Resource Teacher
- Get Your Students Outside with Technology! - Patty McGinnis, Gifted Support Specialist
- Where Are the Girls? - Kim Wilkens, technology activist
- Inquiry and Design using LilyPad Arduino - Paula Klonowski Leach
- Inquiry Approaches to Integrating Environmental Literacy and 21st Century Skills - Miguel Fuentes, Curriculum and Evaluation Director
- Upgraded Methods for Instructional Design w/ Project Based Learning and STEM in the Global Learning Framework - Richard C cLose
- Computer Science for All! - Kim Wilkens, technology activist
- Language: The State of the Nation - Dr. William P. Rivers, Executive Director
- Online Communities of Practice - Are They Worth it? - Torrey Trust, Ph.D. Candidate
- VoiceThread for Digital Education - Kelli Stair- teacher/ writer
- An Example STEAM and Maker-Education Curriculum: From Puppets to Robots - Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D.
- Science Literacy Standards with Discussion-Enhancing Technology Tools - Kelli Stair- teacher, writer
- Visual Numbers in Math - Rebecca Reiniger, Educational Coordinator
- myScience: USGS Citizen Science Project Discovery and Public Engagement Application - Sally Holl, Release the Geniuses! Promoting Innovation and Creativity During the School Day - Philip McIntosh, Math and Science Teacher
- STEM Can Lead the Way: Rethinking Teacher Preparation and Policy - Marcella Klein Williams Ed.D., Chief Education Officer
- Factors that Affect the Success Rate of Under Represented Minority Students (URMs) in STEM Education - Berta Hayes Capo Program Professor of Science Education
- MIT BLOSSOMS for Interactive STEM Education - Richard C. Larson, Professor
- STEM Expo - Innovative Alternative to Typical Science Fairs - Eric Bull, Chief Instigator
- Explaining Everything: Authentic formative assessment through screencasting - Reshan Richards, Director of Educational Technology
- Knocking Down Classroom Walls - Kyle Webb, Math and STEM Teacher
- Changing the Climate of STEM Education in Our Digital World - Kim Spangenberg, STEM Program Manager
- We Get Girls: Encouraging High School Girls to Choose Engineering - Katie Phillips, Physics Teacher
- Best Practices Around Implementing Educational Games - Lindsey Tropf, M.Ed. / School Psychology Doctoral Candidate and Intern, CEO
- Making the Switch to Teaching Foreign Language Online; Adapting Your Teaching for a New Context - Kara Mac Donald, Assistant Professor
- Reframing Leadership in the STEM/TPBL Schoolhouse - Monica S. Hunter, Ph.D., Director of Research
- Reinforcing the "literacy" in STEM literacy - Wayne Christensen Associate Professor of English
- Science Alliance Clubs - An Innovative and High ROI Model for Teaching Science Research and Leadership - Christina Ren, Co-Founder, Science Alliance Network; Senior High School Student at Monte Vista High
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