Time: 5:00pm Pacific (US) / 8:00pm Eastern (US) / 1:00am (Next Day) GMT
Duration: 1 hour
Event Page: http://www.learncentral.org/node/49718
Direct Elluminate Session URL: http://tr.im/futureofed
The Elluminate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Elluminate, please visit http://www.elluminate.com/support. The session will be recorded and the recording links will be posted here within a day of the event.
This Wednesday, Mike Lawrence and I interview Dave L. Edyburn, Ph.D., on Universal Design for Learning. This is the first of a series of Webinars organized by Computer-Using Educators (CUE) in advance of their 2010 Conference, March 4 - 6 in Palm Springs, California. (More information at CUE.org.) Dr. Edyburn will be a "Spotlight Speaker" at the conference.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is viewed as a promising service delivery model for helping students with disabilities achieve high academic standards in inclusive classrooms. Dr. Edyburn will introduce practical approaches to planning for diverse learners and will discuss specific strategies and resources, including:
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning
National Center on Universal Design for Learning
Free Technology Toolkit for UDL in All Classrooms

He began his educational career teaching high school English, often writing his own English elective courses to engage students typically disinterested in the core subject (Science Fiction Literature, anyone?). As a Technology Coordinator, he led delivery of all hands-on technology professional development, including Principal Training Programs for Southern California administrators, as well as the Student Technology Showcase and Technology Proficiency programs.
Mike’s humor and background as a teacher inform all of his presentations, making them accessible to educators of all levels and curricular areas. He lives with his wife Julie, son Jay, and daughter Kellen in Southern California.
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